Day With Junhyung

My Happy Ending


Your heart skipped a beat every few steps you took with Junhyung . You trembled a little .


You just felt so shy in front of Junhyung , you liked everything about him , and here he was holding your hand walking down the school hallway .


You were happy but you were shaking . You kept on playing with your hair and looked to the ground . You didn't dare to look at him .




Gahhh ... Why does she have to be so cute ? It wasn't like me to be like this , this was the first time I felt this way to a girl .


I didn't even feel this way to Hyuna . Why was this girl just so damn special ? There's just something about her .


This God damn feeling , I was not a guy to be like all sweet and cute and do aegyo .


No no , I would rather jump off a building than to do any of those stuff .


But then I looked at Haemi again , she was different from all my past girlfriends .


Maybe I won't mind much if I did aegyo or be sweet to her . Wait , what the hell Junhyung . You're a man , not like Yoseob . Men don't do this kind of things .


Gahh , but those cheeks , they were just irresistible . I used my free hand and gently brushed my fingers against it .


I saw Haemi flinch and she pulled her hand away from mine . Oh crap , see what I did now ?


" Uh .. Uh .. There was something on your cheek . " I told her .


" Oh ... Okay ... Thanks . " She replied me .


We continued walking , but right now she didn't even want to look at me .  Pabo Jun , look what you did .




You felt something tickle your cheek , you spun your head towards Junhyung's direction and saw his hand falling from your cheek .


You jerked away from him and removed your hand . You looked at him with lost eyes .


You felt your heart beating as fast as a bullet train . You couldn't control yourself . Your cheeks flushed bright red , you couldn't afford Junhyung to see you like this .


You looked away and asked him why he did that . Not that you didn't like it , you actually liked the feeling . His warm hands against your cheek .


" Uh ... uh there was something on your cheek . " You heard him say .


You thanked him and continued walking towards your next class . You could feel Junhyung's gaze on you , but you were just too shy to look at him and just stared at the floor .

You and Junhyung reached the classroom and he rested his head on the table while you took down notes as usual.


The bell rang and it was time for lunch . You and Junhyung headed to the cafeteria and you looked out for your brother . You just wanted to run away from Junhyung now and look for Hyunseung .


But he was no where to be found , even Gikwang , Yoseob and the others weren't there .


" Hyunseung and the rest ha to stay back for something , so they won't be coming . " You heard Junhyung tell you .


You frowned a little , you didn't exactly like the fact the Hyunseung made you go with Junhyung , you would gladly go with Gikwang instead like before .


Junhyung got his food but you had no appetite at all and just sat across him .


" Yah .. Haemi .. You're not eating ? " Junhyung raised an eyebrow at you as he twirled his spaghetti with his fork.


You looked up and shook your head .


" You have to eat something ..... " You heard Junhyung mumble .


He used his fork and twirled his spaghetti and put it in front of your mouth . You jerked backwards .


" Come on . Eat it . " Junhyung said .


You opened your mouth slowly and he placed his fork in your mouth .


You had a bit of cream sauce at the side of your lip . He laughed and used his thumb to wipe it off .


You blushed like crazy as you looked to the ground trying to cover your face as your long hair draped over .


The day passed mainly like that , and school was over . You glanced at the clock on the wall and realized it was already 7pm .


You found Hyunseung outside your classroom and ran towards him . You couldn't take anymore of Junhyung otherwise your heart would probably explode .


You dragged Hyunseung out of the school and walked home .


Hyunseung kept smiling at you on the way home nudged you at your side .


" So Haemi .... How was your day with Junhyung ?? " He sang out , teasing you.


Your cheeks flashed a bright pink and you turned to your brother who was smiling like a goof . " What do you mean ?! " You asked him .


" Aigoo my little Angel ... Gah You're so cute . You think I didn't know that you like Junhyung ?! " He Told you but he ended off with a laugh .


" WHAT ?! YAH OPPA ! SO YOU PLANNED IT ALL OUT ?!? " You yelled at him and you felt anger boiling within you .


All your brother did was just laugh Hysterically along the pavement .


You could feel the tears stinging your eyes as they threatened to fall . You didn't know why your brother was like this , why was he so immature to do this ?!


You walked away from him as the first few drops of tears began to fall . You could hear him calling your name from the back but you just ignored it and kept walking .


You felt his hand grip on your wrist . " Haemi - ah .. "


You jerked away your hand from his grip . You were just so mad at him , he wasn't the kind of brother that teased you like this . And you hated it.


" Haemi stop walking away from me  . I'm sorry ! " He grabbed you again on your wrist but this time it was tighter .


He cupped your cheeks and turned your face to look at him . Your lip quivered at his touch and it sent more tears falling .


" Ohh baby dont cry ... " He said softly as he used his thumb to wipe away those beads of water .


You pushed his hand away from your cheek and turned away and walked forward . But not long later , he caught up with you again .


" Come on Haemi ... I'm sorry . " He pulled you close and you fought back like an animal.


Your brother being way much stronger than you , it was pretty obvious all your efforts would Be wasted .


You used your fist and continued to punch his chest but he didn't care and didn't let you get away .  


" Haemi ... Shhh " He cooed in your ear as he gently your back trying to calm you down .


You kicked his leg with all your might thinking that he would finally let go but he didn't . You could hear him wince in pain but he beared it and didn't let go .


" Come on let's go home okay baby ? " He smiled and grabbed your hand .


You felt pretty bad for what you had done now . I mean , your brother was just playing around I guess . You blamed yourself a little , looking back , you thought that there wasn't a need to kick him or anything . Or even actually cry about it . You were just so sensitive to these kind of things . But for some reason you weren't exactly in the mood to apologise now .


You reached home and you kicked off your shoes . You looked over your shoulder and you realised that Hyunseung had problems taking out his shoes .


You felt your heart hurt a little but you just walked over to the couch and sat back . You saw your brother walk over to you and he put his hands on your shoulders .


" Haemi-ah , what do you want to eat for dinner ? Oppa will cook for you okay ? " He gave you one of his signature smiles .


You kept quiet . " Kimchi fried rice ? " He said .


Your heart fluttered on hearing that . It's been a long time ever since you tasted his cooking , since at your old house living with your parents , they didn't feed you or cook for you . They didn't allow Hyunseung to cook for you either , so from time to time he'll sneak some leftovers for you .


You nodded your head and he went over to the kitchen and started rustling with the pots and pans .


You got off the couch and headed to the shower . When you got out you could smell the beautiful aroma wafting around the house .


You walked over to the kitchen to see your brother wearing your pink apron and you couldn't help letting out a little giggle .


You stood next to him and he slung his arm over your shoulder and you grinned back at him . All the anger that was within you just melted away .


He was about to scoop it into the bowl but you stopped him . " Oppa it tastes better this way ... " You grabbed a spoon and scooped up a spoonful of rice and fed him .


You ended up sitting on the couch next to your brother with the warm pot of rice sitting on your lap as both of you fed each other .


" Oppa .. Does your leg hurt a lot ? " You peered over to take a look of his leg but then you realised his long pants covered it .


" Ani , it's Okay I'm fine .. " He replied back , not seeming angry at all .


You pulled up his pants slightly revealing a giant red bruise on it and you gasped . " Oppa ! It's all red how can you still say it's okay ?! " You yelled a little .


You ran towards the bathroom to get your first-aid kit and you gently wrapped his leg with some medical cloth .


" I'm sorry I kicked your leg .. And for hitting you ... " You mumbled under your breath .


" Hey it doesn't matter , at least we're even now right ? "


WOW GUYS FINALLY UPDATED . My aff account was like down for some reason and I couldn't post anything ! I'm sorry ! So I guess uh .. A rather long chapter ? :) Comment and suscribe :)

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D-LITEfullKiwi #1
update soon @_@ it's so nice!!!!!!!! are you on hiatus?
@iamab2uty heeh thanks ! ^~^ thanks for reading my story <(^O^)>
@MokpoStar : kekek thanks for subscribing ! ^~^
Subbing! hyunseung is such sweet brother ;______________;
Lol. Why is Seobie such a cutie?? Gahhhhh!!
Heheh Thankyou everyone for commenting ^^
Awwww.... Sho cute!!!! I love love love love loveeee one part in chap 4 when yoseobie screamed and.Hyunseung called him a girl, kekeke... Good job