The start

My Happy Ending



" It's all your fault ! You disgusting piece of ! Clean it up ! You're useless ! " Your Father's words echoed through the house which sent shivers down your spine .


" A.. Appa ... I.. I'm So- "


" Appa ?!? How dare you call me that !!! You're Not my daughter ! No way will you be my daughter . You're good for nothing ! " His loud words continued to pierce through you .


You hated loud noises , it made you terrified and scared . You were about to cry but you knew that if you cried again , he would scold you again .


You held back the tears as you bent down to pick up the shattered pieces of glass on the floor , from the plate that slipped out of your hand .


You cautiously picked up the little pieces of glass , until you stubbed your finger on one of The sharp ends .


You gasped in pain as the pain shot through your arm , along with blood running uncontrollably from your fingers .


You started to cry but you immediately wiped the years away , not wanting to be scolded by your dad . But the unrestrained tears fell too quickly , and your father could notice them .


" Stop crying . You cry baby . It's your own fault for being so stupid and careless . Clean it up now . " He continued to scream at you .


You trembled at every word he said , you just hated loud noises so much ever since you were a child .


You quickly gathered up the pieces of glass when you accidentally flicked one towards your Father's feet .


You gasped in horror . " Appa .. Apa .. I'm .. I'm sorry .. I'm sorry I'm ... "


You were interrupted with pain shooting through your head as your father pulled you up with your long hair forcing you to stand followed by a slap to your cheek .


You fell back to the floor and curled up in a ball . You father came closer to you and you inched further away from him .


" A... Appa ... No ... No please ... Pl..please don't ... Im .. I'm sorry .. I'm sorry .. " You pleaded .


You were interrupted once again a your father slapped your cheek again which made you scream and cry Hard .


" You useless thing . " You father taunted you as he took off his belt .


You shrieked at the sight of him taking off his belt . You knew what he was going to do . Your eyes widened .


You crawled away from him to the corner of the kitchen as you trembled . " No .. No please please .. I'm sorry I'm sorry !! " You cried out .


He came closer to you with his belt in his hands . He raised his hand with his belt an you squeezed your eyes shut .


" YAH ! APPA LEAVE HER ALONE !! " You heard his voice echoing through the house .


It was your brother , Hyunseung who ha just come home from school .  He spun your father around and shoved him away and scrambled towards you and cradled you in his arms .


" Oppa ... " You cried out .


" Shhhhh ... Haemi ... Don't worry .. Oppa is here ... " He brought you closer to his warm Chest and picked you up bridal style and ran towards his room leaving your father in the kitchen .


" YAH JANG HYUNSEUNG ! GET THAT THING BACK HERE !! " Your father shouted as he saw Hyunseung running with you in his arms to his room .


Hyunseung shut and locked the door behind him and carried you to his bed and sat you down .


You heard you father pounding on The door . " YAH ! JANG HAEMI COME OUT NOW ! "


Hyunseung turned your head to his warm chest and cupped your ears blocking out all the noise . He knew you hated loud noises and tried his best to calm your trembling body .


" Oppa .. I'm scared .... " You said as your tears soaked his shirt .


He rubbed your back . " Shhhh ..... Haemi my little baby girl .... Oppa is here .... I'll protect you .. "


He sang a lullaby to you as he rocked you in his arms . Your Father's pounding soon began to subside , and Hyunseung figured out he had gone to bed already .


He pulled you away from his chest I take a good look at you . Your cheeks were red with your father's handprint and your finger was bleeding . He took out his first aid kit and placed a pink plaster with smiley faces on it around your finger .


He smiled at you as he wiped the remaining tears with his thumb .


" Haemi - ah .. My little baby girl ...  Don't cry , Oppa is here . We're running away tonight , okay ? " He gave you one of his sweetest smiles .


You nodded slowly in consent as he began packing all of yours and his clothes and things into one haversack bag .




Hyunseung walked around the streets of Seoul with you secured on his back carrying the haversack of clothes .


You rested your head on his shoulde as you sniffled , drying up the last few drops of tears .


He turned left to a dark alley which was dimly lit with a few street lamps . He cautiosuly placed you on the ground and put his hands on your shoulder . " Haemi - ah , this will have to do for tonight okay ? We'll move into a new apartment tomorrow . It'll be a better day tomorrow okay ? Get some sleep my little angel , it'll be a better day tomorrow , I promise you . "


He brought you to his arms as you burried your face into his jacket . He noticed you shivering from the cold wind of Seoul . He took off his jacket and placed it on you .


" No ... Oppa .. It's okay , you need the jacket ... " He placed a finger to your lips .


" You need it more .. " He said as he helped you put on the jacket .


He brought you back to his chest with his arm secured around your shoulders .


" Thankyou Oppa ... " You whispered , grateful for everything that he has done .


" Haemi ah , go to sleep , it'll be a long day tomorrow .. It'll be a happy and beautiful day tomorrow .. Goodnight my little angel . " he kissed your temple .


" Goodnight Oppa ... I.. I love you .. " You softy said .


 " I love you too ~ sleep now ... "


Chapter 1 (: Hehe brand new story ! I hope you guys like it ! Comment and subscribe ! How was the first chapter ? (:

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D-LITEfullKiwi #1
update soon @_@ it's so nice!!!!!!!! are you on hiatus?
@iamab2uty heeh thanks ! ^~^ thanks for reading my story <(^O^)>
@MokpoStar : kekek thanks for subscribing ! ^~^
Subbing! hyunseung is such sweet brother ;______________;
Lol. Why is Seobie such a cutie?? Gahhhhh!!
Heheh Thankyou everyone for commenting ^^
Awwww.... Sho cute!!!! I love love love love loveeee one part in chap 4 when yoseobie screamed and.Hyunseung called him a girl, kekeke... Good job