why are you like that?!

Aigoo, we have the problem

Hana, after the official presentation, the relief she could go away to the side and to pray to her time here as fast as possible, not entertained at all that dwell at a birthday party where she knew no one, in addition, in an environment that she hates the person,

she stand close  to the  window, not even try to look at the guest in room, but somehow she saw in the glass of the window someone face, and that person very intensive look at her, Hana felt strange,,

Hana Pov:

" why this boy look at me? he is one of the friends Taemin, maybe he talk them something strange about me and that is why he look at me that way...aishhh that bastard Taemin one day you will pay me on this your stupid jokes on me"

Hana sight  hard and then she felt someone pat softy her arm, she trun around and saw Key, he smile to her bright and said:

- well I must say that you're women with hudred faces

Hana smile and ask:

- why?

Key start to laught and said:

- everytime when  I see you, you look different... first you know that picture - when he said this Hana eyes start to burn angrily and instinctively she look at Taemin, but her face was red from embarrassment then ey smile to yourself and said:

- and we see each other in shop

Hana little calmly smile to him, then Key take her hand smile to her and said:

- and everytime when we meet, you look more Beautiful, is incredibly - then she kiss her hand and ask:

- will you dnace with me?

shocked Hana even not could move and said anything but Key not wait to long and when she back to the reality she dance with Key



Jonghyun pat Taeminarm when they stand and talk other side room, and said:

- yahhh isn't Key dance with your girlfriend?

Taemin turn around and saw how Key dnace with Hana, they talk and smile to each other, but he trun to Jonghyun back and said:

- so what hyong?

- you're not jelous?

- about whom?

- stop joking... I talk about your girlfriend, you know key can flirt with girls, I self teach him this

- I know, but I don't care

- why?? you're not love your girlfriend?

- well we love each other in a different way then people think hyong - said this Taemin smile to Jonghgyun, but he trun around once again and look at dancing Key and Hana, she never look so innocent when she was with him(Taemin), she never smile that shy, and not blush this way,

Taemin pov:

" why she is like that? she is so strange.... key flirt with her as with every girls around him and she start to think propably he is interested her, I didin't know she is that stupid as every girl, I'm a little disappointed her.... but other way why Key hyong dance with her? around is so many girls and they every look better then her, then why he must dance with her???"

Taemin bite his lips, Jonghyun look at him and smile a little to self, then Taemin go and catch hand stand next to him girl, who was a little shocked but she was happy becouse Taemin was really popular around girls, and Taemin take this girl on parquet and he start to dance with this girl near Hana and Key, he want to hear abut what they talk, they talk with each other all the time they even don't see that Taemin is near them


Key make a next step in dance and ask :

- you want to know whence all I know that much?

- well a little

Key smile and said:

- my friend is in the same class as you, and she is even a little your friend to

- really?? which one?

- Nicole

- really?/? Nicola- unni is your friend oppa??

Key smile:

- heheh yeah, she is, she talk me about you that is why the truth is  I want to meet you, and I have hope that one I will be can meet you

- oppa shouldn't said that, this make me shy - Hana start to blush, and Key start to smile and said:

- as Nicole said you're so honest

then Hana make a little sad face and she stop in place Key look at her and ask:

- what is wrong? will I said something wrong?

- anyo...I just not always I'm honest...I just can't by....I want to but.... - Key want to ask about something more but then Taeminstand next to them and with a little fake smile he said:

- well hyong take this girl a borroow me girlfriend for awhile

before Key said something Taemin take Hana hand and push her to other room, when he close the door he look at Hana and ask:

- why are you like that?!! you want to tell hyong that we just play?

Hana nothing said, even not look at Taemin, he was a little angry but he try to not tell anything wrong that is why he just sight hard and come closer to her, sit next to her and said:

- we promise each other that we will by play to the day when are parents not give us peace, it's only a few months more and we will be can said that we don't want to by together right?

Hana nodded, then Taeminsaid:

- the look out what you said and whom, we can't make a mistake we must take each other so long even when we don't like each other, you want to stay with me forever???

Hana heard this words stand in a straight legs and said:

- of course not!!

Taemin smile and said:

- and this is the one things that we agreed with each other

then Taemin stand up to and said:

- we go back, and don't make anything and don't said anything stupid araso?

Hana look at Taemin and sight hard said:

- araso, but stop command me! I will by not listen someone that stupid like you

Hana make a few steps when she heard:

- yahhh pig head, who call you stupid!

Hana look back and ask:

- who call you pig head?!!! you monkey face!!! - she tookj her tongue and she run away from room

Taemin look at the close door and he smile to self

Taemin pov:

" sometimes she is even funny, but more I don't understood her, maybe that is why I don't like her, becouse I don't understood her"

When he go back to the room when was party he saw as almost all his frien ds are around Hana, talk with her, smile to her

Taemin pov"

why they are like this, around them are so many girls but they all the time only look at hana??? she isn'ty that special???? I look around only Minho sit in other place I go to him, smile to him and ask:

- why you sit here alone hyong?

he look at me and smile to me but his smile was strange, like a forced, before I ask about what happend him he said:

- you should more take care about your girlfriend taemin, she deserves on that

- huh???

before I ask he just go away to other place, why he sadi she deserves on that, he dosn't know her, and he is the onbe who told that not want have a girlfriend, then why he give me the advice about my girlfriend

the truth is I was think that we will by play as always, and have fun as always together all our 5 but when Hana come their all attention is around her! why??? it's my birthday but they not even talk with me even when they start to talk only ask about hana, and this makes me so mad"

Taemin have enought, he want to spend time with friends as always, but Hana take them all attention, they want to know her better, Taemin go to her and said:

- go back home

shocked hana look at him and ask:

- why?

- becouse I said that! I'm your boyfriend the you should listen me!

Hana look at taemin and stand up said:

- I'm not your property! but I will go becouse I have enought your strange behavior today!

before someone start to said something Hana run towards door, Onew look at Taemin and said:

- It was rude Taemin

Taemin was silent, he even dosn't know why he is like that today, Jonghyun said:

- yahhh you should take her home if you don't want Hana stay here

Taemin said:

- she can take care about self

Key look at him and said:

- but you're her boyfriend and you're responsible on her

Taemin pretend he dons't heard anything, his friends was a little shocked, but when they look at the windows and see that outsidew start to rains they start to reprimand Taemin, he finally start to go over the doorway, but he saw that near door when always stand umbrella today wasn't there, then he ask some butler:

- where is umbrella?

- some high boy take her and run after lady Hana, lord

Taemin pov:

" high boy??? it could be possible it was Minho hyong? but why? he wasn't interested her?? I take my phone and call to him, he answer fast:

- hyong are you take home Hana?

Minho: - yes, you want to take my place?

- anyo, but back fast

Minho: - mmmm

he hang out well if he take here home then I can go back to the rest, at last it's my birthday"

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