" I'm must go in a shoping"

Aigoo, we have the problem

Not willingly, but Hana had to agree with Taemin. if it had not gone to his birthday party and her father would find out about it, would have the serious problems that the rest of the Hana preferred to avoid. Her father was a very stubborn and when something came up did not let anyone convince of anything can be resolved otherwise. This time he insisted on the Hana has to be with Taemin and only be happy with it. No other option was not an option in his view. Hana She looked again at the invitation of Taemin sighing heavily and began to dress. and if it is forced must I prepare, not for Taemin will, of course, but since there is after all his friends can not look bad. at the end of the first meeting of his friends, despite being together since he had never meet their friends together. Hana was not even sure if Taemin friends will know who she is for Taemin. the rest was not really anyone important to him. to be with her parents forced him as Han was forced by his father. Taemin and certainly with this choice is not as happy as she. in the end no one likes to be forced into something especially when it comes to being with someone. but for the sake of peace, they decided to meets the expectations of parents far far because we both are hoping that this idea of ​​them from matchmaking finally get tired of their parents and once in the end will be able to break free from each other.
Once Hana dressed went downstairs where her mother was preparing breakfast for her, but after meeting Taemin already so early in the morning Hana lost his appetite in the Appendix kept thinking what to buy her "boyfriend" it can not be anything that really wanted to give him in the present situation, because Hana thinking of something in the style of the great hammer teeth Taemin try it struck in the head (maybe it would help him be a little wiser?), or a big bag of teeth Taemin hid there head, to stainless Hana had to watch his triumphant smile never more. However, since there will be other people has to be something nice and appropriate. and although she did not have any appetite for buying him something like that, she had no choice, I simply could not make fun of themselves from strangers. Hana soon appeared lost in thought next to the kitchen, her mother called out:
- Han Ah come on eat
the girl looked at her and replied in a gloomy voice:
- I do not want
- Why?
- I do not have time to do it
- Ah sure I understand a hurry to buy a gift for Taemin? - Her mother replied, smiling ambiguously. Hana looked at her and smiled back although with difficulty because in her mind thoughts which whirled like:
"This creature already told my mom what I came here, did it on purpose that the parents knew that to him I go, aishhh now i can not break free, probably has osmieszy me before your friends, one day, I swear it so general that all the stars watch upside down. not, the ladies do not make fun of him as a garment that even his mouth open in surprise only see. get ready Taemin "
Hana smiled evilly to herself looked at his mother and full of energy called:
- Mom! I can take your credit card?
- What?
- You know I have to look nice when I go you know ...
Her mother smiled and gave Daughter happy your credit card and saying:
- I mean, you want to make a deity for your boyfriend?
- Something like that, Mom
Hana smiled and took the cards from we quickly left the house.

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