i'm here

Aigoo, we have the problem

Hana evening was ready to go to a birthday party for Taemin. soon took leave of Key designated by the buying a gift for Taemin, quickly ran to the store with clothing and befriended a stylist chose the most appropriate attire for the occasion. she had to admit that she looked surprisingly beautiful.looking at myself in the mirror, smiled to himself thinking:
"Now we'll see Taemin whether you manage to make fun of me. When I can talk to his friends i can get to know his weak point and then will come the day of vengeance. See me too i can make fun of you"
with such conviction Hana took standing on a table wrapped gift, and left the house. got into the car and substituted the moment he found himself in front of the house Taemin. standing at his door felt the light started to flow I fear, but soon took a deep breath and straightened up she called to the door, which opened after a short while mom Taemin. Hana seeing who opened her door she smiled and quickly as possible warmer in his voice she asked, making a mine which sweetest able to:
- Good evening, is Taemin?
Taemin mother smiled and quickly grabbed the hand of Hana pulling it inside the house and then said:
- Of course it is definitely waiting for you. You look beautifully as you Hana. you are really beautiful
- Thank you but I think that little tiny bit, I am not exaggerating ....
- Mom is right looks stunning - she heard Taemin Han and quickly turned away in his direction. as always, Taemin was world champion in acting. smiling naturally came up to Hana took her waist with his arm gently and said a sweet voice:
- True mom with colleagues will envy me?
Mama quickly Taemin nodded happily and later his son went to the room. soon disappeared behind the door Taemin quickly moved away from the Han and looked at it carefully, but said nothing.
Taemin Pov:
"But come, but why is she dressed? This dress and everything is now different, her facial expression. When it stands accused as an innocent child who is not certain whether the next move looks sweet. Just what I am talking about? That sweet? Who is supposed This sweet be venomous viper? probably too long already partying to speak such things
I looked at her once more, in fact, that I could not move his eyes from her. This dress is she really aishhh wogole for me sometimes not understood. Why so dressed?
My meditation was interrupted suddenly the voice of Hana:
- Long are we going to stand here? hold this gift and either you punish me go or I go home. I really do not want to stand here and look at you
Now, however, went back to a realistic world. I was right it is usually a snake. I took the parcel from her and grabbed her arm and dragging her I said:
- I sent you now would have trouble with his father when it came so Come on then, but sit down somewhere in your account to tell anyone not hamper
Hana just shrugged and replied nothing to me, but strangely I felt that maybe something is planning some treacherous plan. in her eyes because it was written "died, be gone forever," sometimes it seemed fun and even though I do not like the present, at least I know how I come across it am not bored "
Taemin looked at Hana again, and stood in the doorway holding fast by the hand and Hana when the eyes of the guests looked in their direction Taemin said loud and clear, especially seeing the other room looking into his mother:
- Dear Friends, I have to share my greatest treasure, that's my girl Hana
Hana smiled most beautifully as she could and then we both went into the room with the guests

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