
Aigoo, we have the problem

Hana Pov:
"As usual in the morning he heard a loud knock at the door.
aishhh to my mom, then certainly it. started to vacation so I will definitely be forced to meet with Taemin. Taemin my boyfriend. Yeah, right. how can someone call her boyfriend, even if not good friends with each other. One word, not like a, well that although the feeling is mutual. if not for this stupid decision of my father in my life I was not with him. I was waiting for ......
aishhhh or she will never cease to strike at the door!
These beats are just too strong for my mother's hand, so it must be someone else, but who would it be so early?
got out of bed and headed for the door of his room.
immediately after opening the eyes appeared to be my worst nightmare - is, my biggest "happiness" Well, yes I was awakened by a subtle way of my "beloved" boy. We cast in his direction of research and irritated eyes, but with the hall I became my blissful Taemin smiled and gentle voice said:
- I thought you loved that I will be forced to come to you through the window
His last words were like saing for the teeth, but his face did not disappear smile. he must admit that is a good actor. Generally the case is so. we do not like to Taemin but for the sake of peace, we go against our parents and their friends how lucky we met each other we are together. in a word play for parents to give us peace.
I looked at Taemin and automatically smiled, though in my head whirled a thousand ways how could I kill him now. I hate to get up early, but taking a deep breath, said:
- But "darling" What brings you here, at this early hour?
We exchanged glances with Taemin, if we have lasers in their eyes we would have probably killed them now. Taemin smiled again and was about to say something but my mom came to us and shoved Taemin into my room  said happy:
- Do not stand in the hallway of children, talk quietly in the room
and quickly shut the door and then she was telling to myself moving away from the door:
- How lucky that my daughter has such a lovely boyfriend
she talking to himself but they both heard it. I looked at Taemin with disgust and went back to bed. Taemin he stood still at the door and when he heard that  my mom came down turned in my direction. I were lying comfortably in bed, paying no attention to him. Taemin apparently got upset and said:
- Yahhh, unless you tease me now!
I said nothing. Suddenly I felt a blow, and when I opened my eyes I sawin my face  the pillow, when I saw laughing faces Taemin  who even did me a picture of own phone. I was furious, my face was red from hitting a hair in complete disarray. one word looked like seconds before lightning struck me. quickly dismissed the pillow ... but missed a Taemin with a triumphant smile said:
- Not found your way
- All the same, go away!
I screamed, I could not stand his triumphant faces. amendment I could not stand his presence. Taemin sat on a chair by the window and said playing the game on the phone:
- I would like, but my parents had me sent here
- L guess he did not come here voluntarily
- Really? Did you run it like?
I thought from the moment it'll choke when I heard:
- Brought to you an invitation to my birthday
- Huh? what?
- Was to be a party for me and my friends but my mom made up her mind that since I have a girlfriend that I have to invite me, so keep
Taemin got up from his seat approached my bed and threw me on the duvet invitation, later moved toward the door, before he left he said:
- Does not want to but I have to say, better you to come
later he went out. I looked at this invitation and opened it. so I'd love to tear it up and throw into the trash but I know my father was not spared. as soon as I saw with this invitation is for tonight, I thought that would kill him. I did not have a gift, or even what to wear. quickly jumped out of bed and sunburned. normally do not worry about what to give him right away I would buy a heavy hammer to go and punched in the head might have been wiser but since May there be his friends can not buy him anything stupid because I will laugh. Now I understand why he came so early. "

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