
Aigoo, we have the problem

After a short while Hana was already in the city. despite the fact that Hana was with Taemin already a year, in fact, they both do not know. yes something is not what they knew about themselves during the conversation with the parents heard a lot about myself, but they never displayed a greater interest in their people. that is why Han did not know just what to buy Taemin. walked from shop to shop and watched everything that could be useful boyfriend at the age of Taemin. when she got to walk among the electronic store shelves and completely did not know what can give Taemin. erected in the place and began to sigh loudly, holding a phone and one of the best mp3 and ipod, and did not know what to choose. guessed from the fact Taemin, probably has something like this already in the house. suddenly she heard a voice coming from the right:
- Gift?
Hana looked surprised page from which came the voice. saw standing next to her boyfriend. The boy was of average height, was well maintained, good looking and had a charming smile. look like a diva. Hana smiled shyly and uncertain voice asked:
- I'm sorry you said anything to me?
the boy smiled, and turning to her said:
- Yes, you are observed for several minutes, and I see that you have a slight problem with the choice of what to buy
Hana bowed her head slightly ashamed, and seeing her boyfriend Confused said:
- Do not worry I also have still problems with the choice of gifts for friends
Hana looked at him. the boy always smiling and keeping a watchful its seriousness. Hana ashamed embarrassed and asked:
- I have something on your face?
- Not
- Then why you looking at me so?
- Sorry, but it seems to me that I know you from somewhere
- Really?
- Yes, but maybe it just me
Hana thought about moments, but unlike their teeth once met this boy, but she asked:
- As your name, maybe I will know your name as I recall it
- Mmmm, I'm a Key is friends call me that and it really is Kim Kibum
- Mmm, I'm sorry but I do not recall that we learned earlier
- Araso, maybe just seemed to me to know you from somewhere
- You know you have the same nickname as a friend .... my boyfriend is a friend - the last part of the sentence Hana said with a slight distaste
Key smiled seeing the face of what the word says Hana boy and asked:
- What is the name your boyfriend, maybe the know
- Taemin, Lee Taemin
Key looked at Hana with eyes wide open and then after a while, burst out laughing saying:
- You already know how I know
- Huh?
- You're a girl Taemin? I am the Key whose reminding myself, I mean I am a friend of your boyfriend
- Really! - Hana felt a little awkward, Key smiled and said:
- Although the picture which is Taemin on the phone you look much different
- Photo! otherwise? what picture?
- I do not know exactly, but I recognized you by the eyes only You had it a bit more open and bigger hair in a mess with someone like you ball and then become frightened something?
She looked surprised at Hana Key, and after a while she began to remember all the times that were quite embarrassing for her, and suddenly remembered how one day she struggled with her dog who did not want to be bathed and then I terribly battered, then came on top of Taemin and its scare and later angry because her horrible appearance just when photographed with the intensely Taemin was quarreling. swore erased it from this photo, but did not.
Hana Pov:
"Is a monster! How dare he keep this humiliating picture in your phone! And in addition shows it to his friend! Kill him! Not kill him later, he awakened and again kill you, there is too little before his death I will torture him, and later only kill him! "
He stopped thinking Hana Key saying:
- If you are looking for a gift for Taemin is glad to help. I know what he wants, are the two things so I'll buy one and you two, so what?
Hana She looked a little angry and embarrassed by the Key. really had no desire at this point, nothing to buy Taemin after he hears from the Key, but I could not show before Taemin friend how much he hates it, so I clenched my teeth and smiled slightly nodded her head by the power of confirming that accepts the help key on the purchase gifts. Key smiled and kept happy by Hana put into the hands of things, and led her from the store of electrical and went to a music store and later a clothing shop.

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