Chapter 2

The Heartbeat That Never Stop

[Page Four]

4th November

It’s 5am now and I’m in the living room.

I had a nightmare, about my angel. No, she’s still an angel in my dream, but the whole thing was scary. We were standing by the pier, she turned and smile to me then stuck out her tongue and started to run away, of course I ran after her and just when my hands reach out for her, she disappear. Then I was not at the pier anymore, I was in a dark place, alone. But I heard sobbing and I saw a restless body in a corner, then I heard voices of myself.

“Nicole, be strong…”
“Cole, you can’t be like this forever…”

It didn’t take me long to figure out that it’s the scene of what’s probably going to happen after I died; Nicole being alone and afraid.

And I can’t allow this to happen.

Dongwoon who woke up from  nightmare


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7th November

I woke up in the embrace of a crying Nicole. I didn’t know what happen but apparently I was unconscious when she tried to wake me up because it’s time to take my medicine. She said she’s been calling me, hitting me, shouting but I just couldn’t budge and for a minute, she thought she lost me until my eyes started to twitch and the next thing I knew, she was already hugging me this tight while thanking God.

She’s not the only one afraid. I’m too.

What if I just leave her behind like this suddenly, what if this happen again and the next time I’m not so lucky to be able to open my eyes anymore?

I have to do something, fast.

Dongwoon who is slightly afraid too


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11th November

I feel pretty okay these past few days =D

We went to the arcade and I caught a Pikachu soft-toy for her after secretly banging the glass when the owner isn’t looking, oh it’s a trick that I figured out after times of failure. You must get the right timing and the right angle to bang on the glass, it isn’t that easy okay. You have to be like me, persevere and persevere, like how I finally win her trust and heart keke.

Son Nam Shin for the win!!

For the slightly bad news, the Doctor decided that it was bad for him to act it out with me and lie to Nicole, so when Nicole probe him further, the honest man decided to let the truth out and tell her “Sorry Miss, your boyfriend is on the last stage. If he undergoes the operation, he still has a chance of prolonging his life but it is highly risky because it’s only a 30% chance, but if he doesn’t, he has 0%...”

And therefore, after persuading me with her tears and anger, I gave in to her and decided to promise her to go for the operation.

Dongwoon who loses to his angel’s tears

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hanimadu98 #1
pls update
Miinii #2
Oh my god... this is so sad... :'(
Please update sson!! Can't wait to read what happen next!
dongcole_ Hwaiting!!!

P/S I love your story <3
pbcccc #3
dongcole =]]]]]]]
omo im tearing..please dont make dongwoon die..
i want dongcole together..T^T
and keep update..your story is daebak..i like it..n_n
NOOO :((( Dongwoon you better live!!Don't leave Nicole! T^T DongCole <33
Keep updating. There isn't a lot of DongCole fanfics so I'm excited X)