Chapter 3

The Heartbeat That Never Stop

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15th November

Tomorrow will be the day I’m going to be admitted to the hospital, be monitored and then send to the operation room when it’s time. It’s either I will be back here in this house after 1 month, or never.

And I still hadn’t made any plan for Cole, how could I bear to leave in peace like this?


Let’s talk about something happier!

Cole and I were at the park strolling yesterday when I accidentally kick a small glass bottle as we were strolling halfway, you know the type which people put their letter in it and let it float in the sea, hoping that someone out there would receive it? Yes I found it in a mini size, lucky me =D (I wonder who will put it in the middle of the path anyway?)

Not long after it started to rain and she was so worried for me she immediately wanted to drag me to the shelter but I stop her because I told her it’s romantic. Apparently, the worry-wart opposed but I win after I peck her lips as she started giving me reasons as to why we should go to the shelter.

She knows I’ve always love rainy days, but she have no idea why because I wouldn’t tell her so.

I’m going to write it out here, and risk chances of me being labeled as a stalker keke.

Truth is, 3 and a half years ago when I first see her, it was in a heavy rain. I saw her helping an old man to the shelter before she ran back in the rain to pack his cardboards for him. To the others, it was probably pathetic. But to me, that was the prettiest sight. I saw the mart uniform on her and I knew that’s it, I need to get the job at the same place and get to know this girl, and I did! Now, this girl is even my girlfriend =)

But she never knows, and I’m too shy to tell her that so let’s continue hiding it from her!

Okay back to the park, we decided to be childish and play scissors-paper-stone to decide who to piggyback who! Apparently Nicole loses most of the times and I get to be the King on her back. I don’t know if I’m too light or my angel’s too strong, it seems so easy to her!

Actually this girl is really lousy in the game, she actually have a fixed sequence of what she’s going to put, she will always put paper first, then stone then scissors and the cycle repeats =p So it’s really easy to win her but she just never noticed it. And when her handsome boyfriend decided to be nice and lose to her on purpose, she was so happy she jumped on my back like a child. I took out the mini bottle and passed it to her, deciding to be romantic and say, “Cole, collect the raindrops, it’s a memory of our first time in the rain like this!”

‘…and probably the last time.’ I thought to myself inside, of course I wouldn’t say that in front of her.

She nodded and followed what I said. I swear it felt real good to be drench in the rain sometimes, especially when the most important person to you in the whole wide world is beside you, oh in this case, behind on my back keke.

But  I felt something tickle down my face, and it wasn’t the raindrop.

It was a tear from Cole.

Though her hand was still holding onto the bottle and reaching out for the raindrop, her head was lowered because she was trying to hide her tears. I could feel her shivering and it wasn’t because of the rain.

“Dongwoon, please don’t go without me.”

Dongwoon the weakest man now


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21th November

It’s my fifth day here in the hospital.

As usual, Nicole came every single day, sometimes she doesn’t even leave and I have to pretend to be angry before she is willingly to go. Of course I would want her to be here 24/7 with me, just seeing her face makes me happy already, but I do not want her to fall sick. She have quitted her job for me and insisted on finding a new job with me when I get well, that is, if I manage to of course.

P/s: I saw Nicole hang the mini bottle of the raindrops on a necklace and wear it!

Patient Dongwoon =(


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27th November

I’ve finalize my decision. It’s the best for all of us.

Dongwoon who made his decision

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hanimadu98 #1
pls update
Miinii #2
Oh my god... this is so sad... :'(
Please update sson!! Can't wait to read what happen next!
dongcole_ Hwaiting!!!

P/S I love your story <3
pbcccc #3
dongcole =]]]]]]]
omo im tearing..please dont make dongwoon die..
i want dongcole together..T^T
and keep update..your story is daebak..i like it..n_n
NOOO :((( Dongwoon you better live!!Don't leave Nicole! T^T DongCole <33
Keep updating. There isn't a lot of DongCole fanfics so I'm excited X)