Chapter 4

The Heartbeat That Never Stop

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30th November

Let me be alive for one more month, just one more month, am I asking for too much? =(

Dongwoon who want to spend his third anniversary with his angel


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3rd December

I finally get to see the man that the Doctor’s been telling me about, I’m glad I’m able to save a life =D Nicole will be so proud of me!

28 more days!!

Dongwoon counting down


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5th December

The operation date is on the 30th, the date of our third anniversary. The Doctor said it’s the latest date he could give and we can’t drag it any longer. At least I manage to persuade him to put it in the noon, so I’m still able to spend it with the angel.

What should I buy for her, hmm…



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12th December

Cole lost weight again, I thought I’m only the one who’s supposed to get skinnier but she’s like trying to compete with me!

She still come every day and I’m no longer stopping her like I used to in the past few weeks, because I’m now very frighten to lose the sight of her too. I even nodded my head firmly when she want to stay over and accompany me, I know there’s not much chances to anymore…


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15th December

I asked her what present she’s going to get for me on our anniversary; she said she’s going to wait till I go home before she reveals it! I know there’s no chance of it but I couldn’t let her know, I just told her I’m looking forward to it and she better keep the house clean so I feel comfortable when I get home.

I nearly choke because I’m this close to crying in front of her, Dongwoon please don’t do that again. You ought to be stronger one.



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18th December

The Doctor advises me to let Nicole know about my decision; he said it’s only fair to her. But no, love is not about being fair, or maybe I’m just too selfish but I need to do this, without her knowing.

Nicole is currently in the washroom, I heard her cry again yesterday night.


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hanimadu98 #1
pls update
Miinii #2
Oh my god... this is so sad... :'(
Please update sson!! Can't wait to read what happen next!
dongcole_ Hwaiting!!!

P/S I love your story <3
pbcccc #3
dongcole =]]]]]]]
omo im tearing..please dont make dongwoon die..
i want dongcole together..T^T
and keep update..your story is daebak..i like it..n_n
NOOO :((( Dongwoon you better live!!Don't leave Nicole! T^T DongCole <33
Keep updating. There isn't a lot of DongCole fanfics so I'm excited X)