Reverse Psychology Is A Wonderful Thing

Do The Creep


Chapter II - Reverse Pscyhology is a Wonderful Thing

Soon after the day Wufan unknowingly sold his soul (and eyebrows) to a big-eyed demon named Chanyeol, he tried to befriend the odd rapper. Maybe the poor boy just wanted someone to have a marvelous and dazzling staring contest with, that’s all.

Sadly, his careful scrutiny on the boy proved to no avail, and the other members quickly become aware of Wufan’s utterly ordinary habit of Chanyeol-watching.

First, he tried plastering a friendly smile on his face whenever Chanyeol was nearby. Apparently, he’d overdone it, as D.O. shrieked like a banshee when he saw Wufan’s lovely eye-smile and sprinted out of the room. Chanyeol didn’t react.

Luckily, Wufan wasn’t the type of person who gave up after his first try.

So, he decided to recycle one of his best tactics and try a different approach – whip out a credit card and wave it in the air. It was a fail-safe when it came to capturing Zitao’s attention. However, every time he attempted to use his new method, Zitao appeared out of thin air and swiftly maneuvered Wufan to the nearest mall with an aegyo.

As a last ditch effort, Wufan tried pinning his eyes on the boy until he looked up. That didn’t work either. No matter what he tried, Chanyeol refused to meet his eyes. Maybe he just wasn’t cut out for staring contests.

Moments after Wufan gave up on his epic quest for Chanyeol’s freakishly large eyes, the uncanny feeling of being watched and holes drilling into his skull returned. Ah, phooey.

It wasn’t until one awkward dinner with the other eleven boys that he grew tired of the incessant staring.

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Chapter 6: Please please update soon
Chapter 6: Awwwhhhh! Muh feeeellllssss
Chapter 4: Panted like a hot dog...
Chapter 3: WhaaaA! XD xD chanyeollie pounce pounce pouncw! Yea Krisus plz shut up lol
Chapter 2: Awwwwwhhh being stared at chanyeol shouldn't be that bad should it? Lol, credit card wave and a wild tao appears
Chapter 1: Lolololol chanyeollie , rude! XD
Chapter 6: pls update soon! hehe can't wait for the next chapter ><
Hilarious bathroom scene.
Loving #9
Wow I love this so much!!! Hope you can update soon!!
Me likie me likie...kekekeke so good!