La Vida Sin Amor




He was born in February 9th. He was 25 in 2012. The oldest of Cho siblings. He was orphaned. Conservative and strict.


(a/n[nekoikoi]: Hello fellas, Sowwie. I’ve been ecstatic and stressed lately. Oh yeah, the story is going to be more complicated from now on! ENJOY!)

(a/n[vivian]:Hello guys! Ayaye, it’ll be more tangled than previous chaps! Enjoooy!!)



“Driver-sshi! Hurry up! We are late!” Kyuhyun cried as both teens reached the backseat of Minho’s silver Ford Mustang. Oh yeah, they were underage, so the existence of driver was extremely needed. You can surely imagine how would it turn out if they didn't have a driver, especially when they were late, considering their attitude and demeanor, can you not? It was Hankyung and Mr Shim’s decree. And nobody would dare to go against Hankyung’s order, because Cho Hankyung could be more evil than the two devils. He had both Kyuhyun and Changmin under his palm. Literally.

Panting for breath, Minho closed the door. He just let his favorite noona knocked the air out of his lungs early in the morning, he even dared to bet that the youngest Shim had already faced worse today—yep, since the two practically were living together. At least, she only dragged him running for his life into basement parking, and to his luck, a lift was included in the apartment’s accommodations. Well, it was his fault in the first place to come late… a little.

As the door was closed, the driver hit the gas rather harsh. Surprised, his heart made a little leap as he tightened his grips, one on his noona’s arm and the other on the leathered seat. Beside him, Kyuhyun flinched a little with her face calm as she dug her fingers into armrest.

The younger boy massages his clavicle and neck, trying to stabilize his heart’s rate. After he had regained his composure, Minho relaxed his body and was thinking about observing the passenger next to him. He hadn’t put too much attention on the hyper girl’s appearance before. Oh c’mon, he had to witness the two being lovey-dovey in early morning! Ah, maybe he should better have found a girlfriend. As he scanned the brown eyed female for the first time his jaw dropped. Not in amazement but in shock.

Even though his caramel haired best friend was a cute innocent girl, she could be dashing on visual division. She definitely wasn’t on the same boat with Jae-noona. First, Jae-noona’s visual was alluringly y, and to her disadvantage, it made the majority of male population couldn’t get rid their eyes and hands off her. In other hand, Kyuhyun-noona was attractively charming. She was the girl most men dreamed of. Even though the fact, the two weren’t that different in personality. Well, only Kyuhyun’s was a little bit more twisted than Jae's.

Minho might be young, but Changmin’s stash and romance novels had given him enough knowledge of women. Oh yes, his hyung practically read and watched everything he could get his hands on. They were growing boys with hormones, okay ? So, it was normal. Mostly, Changmin accused the ‘Damn hormones’ for this matter. Lucky for them, Jae-noona and Kyu-noona hadn’t found any of those things. They kept it carefully, for their life's safety. Oh, forget it. The charming noona he had been had for the past eleven years just turned into this herpty derpty nerd! He almost convinced himself that a witch who was jealous of his noona’s beauty actually had cursed her into ugly duckling or something near that.

Her usually loose caramel hair was put into tight braid and her petite face was hidden behind those thick black framed glasses. She also wore those over-sized uniform. Typical model student slash nerd. While, he himself had wore the uniform tidily yet sophisticated, not close to the term of nerdy.

But whatever his beloved sister-like-best friend had turned into—even if she had turned into greenish bulky Hulk—she would always be his favorite. It’s simply because Changmin-hyung only bullied him till no end, Hankyung-hyung was the biggest devil and a scary father figure, while Donghae-hyung acted like a bratty kid with playboy attitude. Well, in Jaejoong-noona’s case, she was a gentle mother figure person to him.

Without actually thinking, he snatched the spectacles from the elder’s tiny face. It was pretty heavy for a pair of glasses.


Kyuhyun had blinked several times to adjust his vision before she punched the younger male on shoulder and took her glasses back, by force.  Minho slightly wondered how and where could his noona get this much power with that quite skinny arms, and instantly the only thing and person popped up to the surface. Changmin-hyung and those games.

Awwww! That hurts Kyu-noonaaaa!” Minho flinched and put on his kicked puppy’s eyes mode. It was a good fact that she was spoiling him.

She snorted as she looked away from the adorable face in front of her. She still couldn’t win against his puppy’s eyes.

Minho eyed his childhood friend. If the glasses were taken from its respective place, actually she looked pretty. If there’s a way to persuade her to remove those glasses... If there was a way, Changmin-hyung would have done that already. He sighed dejectedly as his mind was stuck.

“Are you really my Kyuhyun-noona?” Minho asked stupidly. And stared stupidly at her.

Kyuhyun glared at him. “What do you mean by that, Choi Minho?”

Minho tried to snatch the specs from Kyuhyun’s hand. “You look like dork.”

“That’s the point, Dummy!” Kyuhyun had kicked Minho’s leg before she put her to the other side of the backseat a bit futher from Minho.

The youngest of the group cringed in pain, and was complaining the massive number of abuse he had got. “Yah! Changmin-hyung has taken my cute Kyu-noona away!”

“He is not! Stop whining like a kid.”

“I am a kid! I’m still freaking 13 and younger than you!”

“It’s not my fault that you are younger than me!”

There was a single gap of silence until Minho spoke up.

“You are more emotional than usual, Kyu-noona. Is it because Changmin-hyung’s decision?” Minho asked carefully. He was curious, yes. But he wasn’t that ready to be skin peeled alive by his scary childhood friends.

Kyuhyun’s body suddenly became stiff. She threw her gaze away to the crowded avenue beyond the dark glass window. Her eyes were darkened. “Don’t talk about that, Minho-ah.” She coldly answered.

Her usually cheerful and light voice had gone and replaced with emotionless and cold one. “Let me sleep for a while. I haven’t had enough sleep lately. Wake me up later okay?”

Hearing the sudden change in the tall girl’s voice, the youngest Choi frowned. ‘As I thought, she really is disturbed with Changmin-hyung’s decision.’

The auburn haired man knew one thing for sure; he had the rest of the ride in deafening silence. Since the driver also kept in silence.

Minho shifted uncomfortably on his seat. The last picture of his hyung's eyes had been haunting him. Actually, what is wrong with him? This train of thought had disturbed him for the past three weeks.

There was something strange about a certain sarcastic hyung, charming noona, and their complicated relationship. He couldn’t point anything. Almost all of his life was spent with the two, they were his first friends and he loved them like siblings. But he knew; both Changmin and Kyuhyun had something more into their interraction. At first, his child-like brain only recognized it as a deep bond of friendship, but lately he had seen that spark in the taller man’s eyes, the twitch of his lips, and the sudden intimacy to his favorite noona. And that very second, he dared himself to think that his hyung was in love with his noona. Also the last private conversation he had with his hyung also convinced him more.

Yet, suddenly Changmin-hyung decided to attend a school for boy. The school Hankyung-hyung went to. Well, they could practically eenie meenie miny moe their school with their remarkable grades. Especially Changmin, he got robot’s ability of counting and being logical. Minho might be not a genius like Changmin and Kyuhyun, but he wasn’t a fool either. With some tutoring (It’s not tutoring! Changmin-hyung was torturing me!) from Changmin, he managed to skip grade with the two.

Kyuhyun-noona was surprised with Changmin’s sudden and unexpected decision. She wanted to apply to the school too, even if she had to disguise herself as a boy. But, Changmin was strictly against the idea. She cried and locked herself in her room. He didn’t really know the detail, but Changmin had talked to her privately. And he dared himself again to take a conclusion that his noona had the same feeling with his hyung. The difference was… his noona didn’t realize her feeling yet, while his hyung was fully conscious of his feeling but, he tried to deny it.

He had cornered his hyung too, demanding for an answer. The answer he got from his hyung wasn’t satisfying enough. But, at least he confirmed things and he would always remember the handsome man’s desperate eyes as he forced him to promise something.


Flashback, 2 weeks ago

“Please don’t ask, Minho. I can’t provide you with the answer you want to hear right now.” Changmin sighed as his jaw hardened. “But please, you have to promise me, swear to me, that you will protect Kyuhyun on my behalf there. Always be there for her and don’t let anyone hurt her… including me.”

The bubbly boy was shell-shocked. “I-I can’t, Changmin-hyung! I—”

The older man put his hand on the younger’s shoulder. “I’m not asking you to be a replacement of me. I’m asking you to take care of her while I can’t. Please, I only trust you, Minho.” The older man’s piercing gaze met him followed by his pressing tone in each of his words. The iron grip on his shoulder tightened. Minho nodded his head. He didn’t really understand what was going on here and why, but he couldn’t just shrug off his hyung’s pleads. Changmin was a prideful man. It was rare to actually see him begging. “Yes Changmin-hyung. I promise you I’ll protect her for you. I swear I won’t let you down with your choice.”

He couldn’t say no. This act of his hyung just proved him right. His hyung had fallen for his noona. And he had fallen…so hard. So, if it meant he had to annihilate the men who tried to approach Kyu-noona, he’d do it for Changmin-hyung’s sake. He’d do anything to make the two love birds admitted their feeling. And out of nowhere, he suddenly felt like something had happened to his hyung which leaded him to this decision. It must be a very huge fish.



“You are still yawning, Kyu-noona. It’s nine already. You are painfully a lazy !” Minho looked at the girl walking next to him in concern. The opening ceremony had just ended and the two childhood friends were searching their new classroom. Thanks God, they were attending the same class.

The girl whose hair was braided just ignored her younger friend. She had enough of the younger boy’s nagging. She massaged her sore neck.

Minho shrugged off. It seemed his noona was angry at him and decided to be stubborn. Well no need to be worried, she would forgive him fast. After all, it’s impossible for her to be mad at her good little brother like him.

“KYAAA! It’s the boy I told you before!”

“Omooo~ He’s handsome!”

“Who’s that girl next to him?”

“No way! A nerd like that couldn’t be his girlfriend right?”

Minho furrowed.What the hell was going on with these girls? They treated him like a walking eye-candy when he was not and his noona was drop-dead-beauty not like them.Then he guided his noona. “C’mon, Noona. It’s our classroom.”

Feeling that Kyuhyun-noona was still ignoring him, Minho started to panic. “Noona, please don’t be mad at me. I’m sorry okay? I’m not going to ask you that thing anymore.”

Kyuhyun eyed Minho from the corner of her eyes. Her long lashes swept over the lenses. “Fine. I forgive you.”

“Thanks Noona! Now let’s—”

The air was knocked out of his lungs once again as he opened the door. His girl classmates had literally cornered him and bombarded him with never ending questions. He tried to reason with the girl and run for his life. And he really hoped that his noona would help him and drag him from this chaos.

Unfortunately, he could catch a glimpse of the braided girl tried to free herself from the crowd and swag her way off to the seat at the back of the class. She ignored him being tormented. He sighed in defeat.

She really hasn’t forgiven me. Oh, God!


The six feet tall male dropped his head as the lunch break bell had rung. He could feel his forehead kissed the wooden surface of his desk. It wasn’t like he couldn’t get what the teacher was saying before, their learning material was piece of cake for him. He could even voluntarily teach here. Let he blamed himself for being too smart.

His day was too normal and it was weird. The time he entered the school ground, every single eye was literally on him. Who could deny Shim Changmin? The man himself might not notice it but he was a real charmer indeed.

 First, he was extremely tall, even for male he was out of average. He was freaking 1.88 and usually the school’s tallest boy only reached 1.85 meters in height. Second, he had good body build. Even though he had tried his best to hide it with wearing loose clothes, but if people were observant enough, they would notice his broad shoulder and muscles behind his lanky figure. He was young so he hadn’t had six-pack abs yet. Third, he had this radiating and handsome face, a special gift from his parents’ good genes. Fourth, he acted all unapproachable and cold. It made people feel curious. Fifth, he was freaking badass with his grades. In the first three classes, the teacher had given mock tests for them, and Changmin excelled them with perfect scores.

Sixth but not the last, he was all bottoms’ ideal seme. Every uke in this all boy school practically was throwing themselves at him. Yes, gays are normal in society nowadays. Too bad he isn’t gay here.

His new friends were treating him like a prize. They acted like he was some unreachable king or something. To hell with that, maybe he should stick to the idea of attending the same school with Minho and his Kyuhyun. But no, he couldn’t. He had promised his nee-chan and he was a man of his words. In order to reach his goal, he had to attend this school. Ah, he remembered that Hankyung-hyung once attended this school too. Since their goals were similar, it was reasonable.

He was kind of missing his banter with the dummy boy and a soft yet witty smile of a certain wavy haired female. He hoped she could cope well with her new attire. How much he wished he could sit next to her right now and prote—no, he had Minho. He would do fine, he promised him.

His stomach growled loudly, begging for foods and shocking the class’s residents to no end.

Changmin decided to buy himself lunch. It wasn’t like he was going to make a new friend out of his solitary.

He his neck and groaned. Unconsciously, he made some pretty looking boys in his class (which turned out to be ukes) blushed with lust in their eyes and other male eyeing him with admiration and envy.

He wondered what kind of food his Kyu-baby was getting right now, with that he left his classroom.


Life had been constantly boring for Cho Kyuhyun for the past three weeks. The past three weeks had been so distressful for her too. She barely had the chance to meet Changmin. It didn’t seem like the boy was avoiding her. It was because their schedule couldn’t seem to match up. She hadn’t had her sleepover at Changmin’s and it started to take its tolls. She was inseparable to the tall lanky boy in the first place.

She sighed. The only time she had the chance to meet him and spend time with him, was the time he had to tutor Minho and it was only three to four times per week. The tutoring time really had became her favorite.

She would be lazing around and sleeping on Changmin’s lap or just watch from the couch and sometimes she would finish her own reading. Both Minho and Changmin would be sprawled all over Changmin’s living room with books scattered like trashes. In some point, Minho would wear that clueless face while Changmin was so irritated. It wasn’t Minho’s fault for being a dummy, because he wasn’t one, he could skip classes was the undeclined proof. It was simply because Changmin was too smart for his own good and she had her own fast pace to keep up with his wit.

It was total fun seeing Changmin seemed to be angry at every little mistakes Minho made. He was a strict tutor with harsh comments. The least tutor you would want to have.

‘What is your brain made of, CHOI MINHO? A freaking Yuppi*!?’

The tall boy’s voice echoed in her ears. A soft giggle escaped her red lips. If she tried to remember, Changmin’s words were all insulting. Thanks God, Minho never took insults from both his older friends to heart. He knew the two too well. The younger boy would recheck his work and ask Changmin’s for guidance, fully ignoring the older boy’s rants.

She tried to walk shyly, since she was a nerd of the school. Talking about school, yes, it had been boring as hell. She practically mastered everything except sport. They managed to convince the principal to let them skipped their grade—it wasn’t a hard job since the principal knew who the two were. The two of them only had to take extra classes and tests after school at least once a week.

She tried to stay invisible which was impossible with Minho glued to her side. That boy, that stinky spoiled boy had turned into one of school’s kingkas in the first day he attended school, defeating some upperclassmen in the term of physical attractiveness. He was a natural beauty, handsome and masculine. He reeked of aphrodisiac. Girls were going nuts over him.

She could only imagine what would happen if Changmin also attended the school. He was like a hundred times ier than most men in Korea.

She was fully aware the distasteful glare the girls had given to her. She had tried to reason herself to Minho, telling him to have a safe distance from her before one of his fangirls kills her off. Minho shoved the idea away, fast. He said she was being too cautious and she would be okay.

The idea of Kingka and nerd to be friend was weird and rare itself. So, her worry wasn’t baseless, but still she couldn’t get rid of Minho no matter what she did. Even those scary glares from his fans club directed at them when they ate lunch together didn’t seem to faze him.

For heaven’s sake, the boy had taken too much of Changmin’s ignorant trait and it’s making her crazy.

“Hey, nerd!”

The cold and not-so-friendly voice cut off her train of thought. She stopped her feet from walking steadily. Her covered orbs widened in surprise. Well, she had a long day to face.




(a/n[nekoi and vivian]: can you guys find the base of this matter?)


*Yuppi : A cute chewy sweet candy in form of snakes, worms, gummy bear, heart, etc.

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Is there anyone reading this? Do you mind if I update this? But I might need some time to revised the plot and writings. How about it?


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Chapter 9: Is there anyone reading this? Do you mind if I update this? But I might need some time to revised the plot and writings. How about it?
EvaKim2804 #2
Chapter 10: hello author ... is just going to start the Yunjae and Heechul has not appeared ... will you continue with the story?
BunnyHunny1996 #3
Hello! I'm new to this website but I hope you will read my fanfic! It's more about YooSu but there are more rated R scenes of YunJae and ChangKi! (hinthint: chapter 3 is a YunJae scene winkwink) I hope you will enjoy!
Chapter 9: Did u stop updating or continuing rhis fic. I wish u cud update. It's unique and a awesum genderswitch fic u know its hard 2 find any. ;(;(
-dolce- #5
Chapter 6: Then it was clear that Kyuhyun was telling the story as it happened when they were teenagers with the detail of finding unconscious Changmin. I hope I didn't offend you with my unsolicited advice. I really like the story and on how detailed you are in building your character but readers might lose interest if they keep swinging back and forth each timeline.
-dolce- #6
Chapter 6: Why is there a lot of flashbacks inside flashbacks? The story is so good but sometimes I get really confused. Just a suggestion, you can put scenes in characters' POVs and make it like they're telling the story for you. Write it like they are the one speaking for you and instead of putting "flashback to 3 days ago", you can start it by "The thought of Changmin lying lifelessly on the floor of his apartment when I found him 3 days ago made me lose my appetite."
Chapter 9: Bigger problem for Hanchul???!!" WAAAAA....... :O Please don't make is too bad T.T I'm already ready a story about something bad happening which Hanchul... I don't think my poor heart will be able to handle it T.T Changkyu Hwaiting! Loving you updates!! Update soon ;3 -wink- Kyu is just too cute AUTHOR-NIM(S) HWAITING!!
mrsmlegver #8
Chapter 9: as in...there'll be more hardships in hanchul and yunjae relationships? uh-oh, not good...
VivianMuneca #9
@gengchul : we'll make them come out later! :D because the first part of this story is changkyu... Yunjae and hanchul will have bigger problem here