Come Back Again (다시돌아와)

Come Back Again (다시돌아와)


Finally, after a long preparation for what could be the biggest idol and celebrity gathering the night had came in. They walked down the red carpet were everyone with their dates for the party, with their groups or had chosen to walk alone like me.


The girls look amazing and so are the boys. I couldn't help but stare at everybody a how good they look, their attires matching them real well wearing colors that matches well with them. I decided to go last out of everybody else so I can watch them walk their front on the red carpet.


More like I'm watching how they are with their partners. After waiting for a while Yoona and Taec finally came out of the limosine, walking with her hand hooked in his arm and a smile that's lovely. I'm clapping and spazzing like every other fan girl. They seem much closer now, probably have talked things out and maybe dating already. Aigoo my imagination.


Anyways, the girls and the boys came out from one limo with their dates. As expected, leaders be with each other, then followed by Bom and Tabi. Unexpectedly, Taemin was Mingkki's date I seriously did not hear anythimg about this. Then they were followed by Suji and maknae. Taeyang came with Gummy unnie since he really had no one in mind to ask.


I was about to walk to the car that's going to take me to the opening when the next person that walked out was Jaejoong. He'd dyed his hair blonde and it really suits him perfectlt, he was wearing a tux that's same with others but looked differently on him. I smiled before going out.


The car has stopped and the driver came to the door to open it for me, the lights and flashes blinded me as I came out. Quickly my eyes adjusted and I smiled in front of everybody. I didn't bother making myself look elegant and what not with a long dress and so I just wore what Hyunjoong offered me and lastly I had my hair normal this time, straight down.


I heard murmurs from the watchers at how pretty I look and why I'm dateless for the night. It doesn't mean I'm lonely coz I'm alone. I waved at them and headed inside.


First thing, the place is huge and it could really fit everyone in. I just walked to the side not bothering to look for them coz I know that's going to take me forever. Wondering around without getting noticed wasn't hard since all attentions were up front and I'm walking at the back.


The party had started and I'm not sure how this really works since they just said the party had started and everyone just did what they want. A couple of people with dates walked at the middle and started dancing, one of them are Yoona and Taec and Tabi and Bom. Seems like I'm forgotten.


"NUNA" a familiar voice called me and I turned around to see my baby brother walking towards me. He gave me a hug and a thumbs up on my dress and I did the same. "Dance with me" he suddenly asked. Holding out his hand like a gentleman and waiting for my answer. I chuckled and placing mine on his.


"It's been long since we danced together, you better not step on my foot" I teased and he groaned cutely.


Almost instantly the spot light turned to to us when we got on the dance floor and he turned me into a swirl. Placing his hands on me he smiled and i remebered the times when he'd practice with me just to impress a girl and now look he's even leading the dance. Soom after siblings started to come out amd dance with a friend's sibling.


"Jae hyung is a good guy nuna, give him a chance" he whispered when he walked me back to the crowd, smiling at me with his approval of him. "I know" I answered back. He gave me a kiss on the cheeks before dashing to Yoochun and taking his girlfriend, Krystal, for a dance then it turned to a real couple dance.


I finally found the others and so I sat down beside them, eating and watching the others. They all looked like they're having fun and a bit of me is jealous and thinking how it could have been if I'm with Jaejoong right now.


"Thinking about me?" like hearing my thoughs he came out of nowhere and sat beside me. I onky chuckled at him and looked away. "You're not? Well you should know I'm thinking about you" he continued his cheesiness and I looked at him, thinking where he's getting all these from.


"Want to dance?" he offered and I just nodded, getting up and letting him take me to the center but he pulled me to the back, where there was a little terrace.


I stared at him wonderimg what he's thinking about taking us both here he seems to see that and smiled at me. "I want your attention only to me" he answered childishly.


He pulled me against his body and so we started dancing slowly, swaying side to side and turning to circles.


"I'm going to miss you" he sighed a whisper.


"It's not going to be forever you know"


"It feels and seems that way" he answered back, looking at me directly.


 It feels like I'm about to melt away from his gaze but I couldn't come tl the thought of looking away.


"You're not my boyfriend yet and already you're acting like one" i chuckled.


"Then .. I'll be your boyfriend. I'm only waiting for your answer anyway" he said.


Something in me made me move and rested my head on the crook of his neck. His smell was really sweet and the kind that just wants you to stay still and not move.


"When I come back I'll tell you"


I answered him and he just sighed, not saying anything at all and danced like that for the whole night. It was quiet for both of us and we didn't want it any other way.


The next night was our flight to Japan and we have everything set already and only needed to go to the airport. I thought he'd forgotten about that but when we got out of the dorm there he was waiting for us. Without saying anything he led me to his car and drove me to the airport.


"Come back to me" he said before we walked on. I smiled at him and followed the girls, getting near the door I turned back for the last time and still he was there standing and waiting for us to be out of sight. I waved goodbye and then we left.


THE END.....



So how did you guys like the story? Pretty sweet huh? No? Okay that's your opinion but for me it's something I'd be telling to my future children, well if Jaejoong doesn't end up as their dad then I'll just change the names. Problem solved.


"Yay it ended"


Yah! Lee Chaerin are you really that happy that the story ended?


"I was talking about what I was watching unnie"


Oopps! Sorry. Anyways, how long is it till we land? I hope it's not that long, i seriously need to stretch my legs and my his numb.


"An hour more unnie. Do you think we'll get in trouble for not telling anyone we're coming back?"


I don't know, its not our fault though we're just following orders from sajangnim. Besides I don't think we'll get scolded for coming back home.


*Flashes and screen slowly fades away*


Yan author-nim where do you think you're going?


-I'll just fly ahead of you guys-




-Well unnie there's really nothing for you to tell is there? Besides I'd like my readers to know what's going on down there while you unnies are close to arriving. So bye bye!


*Super Saiyan 4, flies down* Whoooo.....




All idol friends gathered for their weekly hangout and just well, hang out. They talked and played games and all the usual. The restsurant isn't just any restaurant, it's a business they've all started and built up. At times when they're not too tired they'll help out and would attract a lot of costumers but at the usual Saturday service is stopped so they can play freely.


Obviously they all don't have any idea on what's about to hit Seoul City and wouldn't have any until it will hit them right in the face, not literally of course. After 3 years, almost of not much contact with the girls they really don't know what's going on, aside from the news there's really no way they know.


Jaejoong stayed quiet as usual, reading a book or would look at his phone. It's not that he didn't want to socialize but at times he just want to be alone and think of someone, someone that hasn't left his mind and his heart since he left.


The Big Bang boys came in with swag, earning a turn of heads from the girls and an eye roll from the boys. As if by reflex Jaejoong looked at both Daesung and Seungri asking for the same question everytime. ‘Are they coming back?' but like always they shook their head not knowing.


"Why do I get the feeling something's going to happen tonight?" Yoona hummed out of nowhere, gaining the attention of his boyfriend, Taecyeon, back from the card game they were playing.


"What do you mean nuna?" Sungjong asked, beating the beast idol. He pouted at the latter  and he just giggled.


"I don't know but there's just something" she answered looking outside the window.


They shrugged at what the girl said and continued what they were doing without a care in the world and just went on with their fun. An hour more or so passed and a news shook the whole restaurant.


"Oh my god! Can someone come here and tell me I'm not imagining things" Daesung was freaking out, flailing his hand over his head calling someone, anyone to come to his side and just check what he's freaking out about.


They just chuckled at his reaction, thinking it's just some stuff he found and wants so bad to get. But when Hyunah came to his side and check in with his oppa she started freaking out the same way.


"The hell is going on with you 2?" Taecyeon yelled over, getting a bit irritated by their screams.




"Don't tell me that's D unnie. She looks so pretty with blonde hair" she gasped flashing around the picture of a girl with blonde hair in the same physic and features as her but it still isn't clear if its her.


Jaejoong had a smile on his face but it sort of disappeared when he heard it was still unsure about it. Maybe the fans just miss the girls as bad as he does and mistakes anyone as them.


"I called hyung to check about the girls coming back but it doesn't look like they did" Tabi said sadly.


"Well, we're still on at Noise Basement right?" Jiyong asked, reassuring that tonight's party is still on as to not a waste of time and pay for the club, not the he worries about the income but more like waste a good party with everyone already present.


"Yeah don't worry GD" Yoochun said and he smile, getting back to the call to tell it was still on.


While they all let the day fall to the night 2ne1 had finally arrived in their dorm, running around like crazy people feeling everything that they've missed so much. Not too soon they all fell asleep, taking a rest to gain energy for a party crash later on.


Of course their managers were all freaking out, spazzing and even crying their eyes out seeing the 4 ladies finally back home and sleeping soundly like they never even left. With barely muffled cries and tear stained faces they let them be and continued their silent but crazy celebration outside.


"They're finally back" their managers who they like to call 687 and Heedong were crying while making food for them, it's not sure if it's because they really miss them or it's just the strong onion they're cutting up. "Hyung, i think we have enough onion for the stew" Heedong sniffled, turning to the side to wipe his runny nose.


"But *sniffs* they like *snuffles* onions" he said continuing to cut the onions.


Smelling the homecook stew the girls happily came out from their rooms, surprising the busy and focused staffs. "Waaaahhhh" Chaerin jumped happily getting their attention, all of a sudden they all came to her, glomping the poor girl to the floor.


The other 3 came out after, laughing at the scene in front of them but without noticing it they were pulled down into the group hug or more like wrestling.


After the family dinner the girls got ready for the party they're going to crash, informations courtesy of Papa YG of course. Good thing their managers didn't say anything to anyone yet about them so as not to spoil the surprise.


Jjangmae drove them to the backstage of the club where everyone is, Noise Basement. The plan was for the DJ to play one of their songs and out of nowhere they'll be singing along and gradually walking to the center of the dance floor, revealing themselves.


"This is going to be fun since our hair are dyed differently"Minji jumped in excitement and can't wait for them to go out and for her to party since she's old enough to do so.


Mentioning the hair color the main vocal suggested for them to dye their hair something else so they wouldn't be recognized easily. CL turned into a brunette when she was a blonde, Bom turned her hair to black from red, Minji turned to a red head from the black and Dara turned to a blonde when she was a brunette.


Walking in like they own the floor the idols broke off the party getting the music to stop and with a snap of the finger it came back. The girls snorted at the way they acted and can't wait to see their reactions when they see them.


Dara kept her eyes on a certain someone who hasn't change at all since the last time she saw her, maybe just the hair colour but everything stayed the same. Still the same person she actually fell in love with.


"Aigoo, unnie can't stop looking at Jaejoong-ssi" Minji snickered and the older couldn't help but blush guilt.


The DJ wasn't in on it and so he stepped back to let one of the staffs to handle it since they came to talk to him about the sequence of the plan. They started it off acting normal, like the usual so there's no suspicions on anything. They were all grooving to each other's song, dancing the dance and singing the lyrics. When they all looked exhausted and was about to die from tiredness Bom signaled for it to start.


"Now ya'll calm down and lets enjoy a song requested by 'The ladies'. 2ne1 REMIX" the idols were stunned a little hearing songs of the girls being played.




It wasn’t just the normal remix of their songs, like it turned into a concert version or any other else but it’s actually all their songs mixed together to form one hell of a long song. Still everybody got excited since they haven’t really heard a lot from the girls and so started dancing crazily on the dance floor, of course the idols aren’t going to be left out form the fun so one by one they started to come down from their private room, throwing all the care in the world and had started dancing out.



The girls all smiled at the sight of their friends going crazy with just hearing their songs being played what more when they see them. Since the remix was kind of all around and such they have to really cue in when they’ll sing and when they’ll come out, but if they get frustrated like they said they’ll just do whatever they want.


"My girls" someone shouted behind them and right after came the tight hug. They tried to figure out who was squeezing the life out of them but because of the darkness and only flashes of lights so it was a bit difficult. Although the smell of the person gave his indentity away.


"Teddy oppa we need to breathe" Minji choked and he backed away apologizing to them but when he did it was their turn to hug him tight. "Oppa!" they all said happily.


"So you're going to surprise everyone?" he asked and they nodded, looking back at the party just a few feet away. "Let me help then ... When I give the signal you'll all come out ..." he suggested already walking out and heading to the dj. "What signal oppa?' Bom asked. "You'll know" he winked at them and left.


The DJ saw him come to him and greeted the older, since it was loud he  got close and whispered what he wanted. He agreed to it of course, wanting a break to so PD Teddy took over the music.


The song ended and he took the mike, introducing himself first so they wouldn't be talking about how he got there so suddenly. "Wassup... Teddy's in the house and I'll be taking over the music ..." he said and everybody clapped and cheered at him. "Anyways, a couple of days ago I've met up with some of my friends and I suggested for them to perform at the house tonight since they love music so then I'll introduce you to them and I hope you like them ..." then he started playing music, different from the intro of the song but it wqs familiar enough for the girls to recognize and so they smiled taking their positions.


"This is the sequence, Minji goes first then Bom unnie, me thenDara unnie.. But delay your entrance D unnie to make it more thrilling for the audience and also for Jaejoong oppa. I'll tell oppa to prolong the intro. When I say 'Yo D!' then come out okay" the leader instructed and the girls listened and nodded.


Of course before any performances they can't forget to do their cheer. With huge smiles and excitment on them they held their hand out,on top of each other and silently saying. "2NE1 NOLZA"


The club was square shaped and so they all stealthily walked to each of the corners, some of the staff helping them with their way to the middle. Teddy clapped his hands twice in the air and that was the signal, everybody was still wondering who the performers were and when they're going to come out.


Pretty Boy started playing the normal way but didn't take that as anything else but just the though that they'll be singing it. Then ...


"THE FIRST ONE UP ... COOL WITH THE FLOW, EXPLOSIVE FOR SHOW. A-YO IT'S MINJI AND IMMA BE HITTING THE FLOOR" the maknae introduced herself and everybody was stunned and crazily moved their heads looking for her. The next one up didn't waste any time.


"NEXT UP ... Y AND FLY, SO FLY YOU CAN'T DENY! THIS IS BOM AND THE DIVA IS BACK" it got crazier, now everyone who was by the second floor and the private rooms started to search for the girls.




Everybody was up to their heads getting giddy and waiting for the last member to introduce herself especially Jaejoong, however, when only the 3 of them showed up it became quiet.


"Wassup everybody ... Now we know that you're all wondering about where Dara unnie is ... Well ..." she paused to see their reaction and she was dead on in her prediction.


Although they were really, really, really happy to see them it wasn't the same if not complete. Jaejoong was freaking out inside with the thought of her not there.


"We lost her somewhere in the club and so if you could help us find her then it'd be great"Bom continued giving the smiles back. "Say 'Yo D' with us" Minji continued getting them ready ... " 1... 2... 3..."


"YO D"


The girl chuckled and got ready for her entrance. "LAST BUT DEFINITELY NOT THE LEAST. DON'T BE FOOLED BY THE BABY FACE, I'M HOT BUT I'M A BAD GIRL. YO IT'S D AND LET'S GO PARTY"she screamed making her way to the dance floor while the song changed to 'Let's Go Party'


"LET'S GO PARTY NOW WORK THAT BODY 아름다운 이 밤이 너와 나를 부를 때... LET'S GO PARTY NOW WORK THAT BODY 네가 너무 그리운 오늘 같은 날엔"


They sang wholeheartedly and of course having as much fun as possible while everybosy jammed with them, dancing and singing along the groul they've missed so much. Now a certain someone had his eyes glued so hard on a certain someone who also keeps looking up him and either winking or smiling.


"Now let my body work it 가슴을 열어 너의 맘을 보여봐 지금 당장 show me a sign"


Finally they've finished the song and everybody gathered round them, hugging and welcoming them back. The girls were happy to see them as well and so did not mind getting squeezed in the crowd but the guards had to separate them to let them free.


Dara turned around to go somewhere not crowded to get some air but as she looked ahead, infront of her was Jaejoong. Gazing at her intently and his arms shaking a bit, wanting to wrap around her.


"Hey" she smiled, pushing away the hair sticking on her face.


"When you left I was blonde, now you come back and you're blonde" he chuckled, closing in the unbearable distance between the 2. "Hmm.. Does it suit me or do i have to go back to brunette" she asked not wanting to get any awkward atmosphere betweene them.


"You know what I'll just do what I've been wanting to do" he said suddenly.


"huh!" she responded, confused but soon that was changed to happiness.


Jaejoong took her hand, pulling him closer to him while he took a step forward. His other enclosing her body to his. Even with the dim lights he managed to get his lips right on hers, tilting his head to deepen it. Dara did not resist because she too wants this and so she raised her hands and locked them on his neck, now its her pulling him.


She smiled on the kiss and with a couple of pecks before pulling only her head away. "So is it a yes then?" he asked cheekily. "Its a yes all this time" she answered and another song played but this time the water sprinkler by the ceiling opened up, wetting everybody but they still kept going.


In the middle of the crazy party is 2 people reunited because of love. Hugging each other and sharing a sweet kiss as the night went on.

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Fr0zenMus1c #1
Chapter 5: I just noticed, in your stories usually Dara initiates rather than the guys. I like it because she’s sure of her feelings. On the other hand, I’m disappointed at Jae because he doesn’t make that much sincere effort in winning her affections.
Chapter 5: Ive been searching for jaedara one shots. How the hell did i even miss this one. I swear you are soooo good. Please come back writing jaedara. This is lovely, Daras cynicism amd jaejoongs efforts. Ah loooove.
bb2ne1fanjj #3
Chapter 5: Waahh! You write so well authornim! I hope you start writing jaedara fics again.
bluefairy07 #4
Chapter 5: omgeeee i super duper love your story...kekekekekekekeke jaedara is LOVE <333 more more more jaedara fanfic please ;)
Chapter 5: kyaaaah~!!!! sweet!!!!!!! :3
Chapter 5: yyyeeeeessss.hay
msdeathstalker #7
Chapter 5: jaedara is LOVE :)
daramaegon #8
Chapter 5: soo sweet!at last jae rewarded with a yes! love is sweetest with a hugs and kisses kyahhhhh`~~ lol! thanks for the story,
bubble_eyes #9
Chapter 5: so sweet!!!
browneyesmouse04 #10
awww it's toooo cute<3