Come Back Again (다시돌아와)


I was too tired to even get up so I stayed on the ground lying down and looking up, watching all the birds fly around. Who said to run that far just to get away from him anyway. It feels like my lungs are about to explode.


"You okay nuna?" Jaejoong asked, sitting beside me and poking my face. I slapped his hand away and groaned making him laugh.


He stood up and held out his hand, waiting for me to take them so he can help me up. I took them and clumsily stood, loosing my balance a little bit. Seeing the rest of them walking inside already we followed after and didn't I just realize his hands were linked with mine once I heard some of the staff whispering about it.


"I'll just go the washroom" I excused myself and my hand away from him.


And since when was I ever that comfortable with a stranger that we casually just hold hands after a tiring chase at the beach? I'm not saying that it's a new thing but if people might not know I don't do good with new people and with what I've been saying in public doesn't this make me look like a liar?


"In my opinion you 2 look cute together unnie" Yoona came out of nowhere scaring the hell out of me. She giggled seeing my reaction and quickly Suji and Jihyo unnie followed inside.


"I think so too unnie" the youngest agreed, I ruffled her hair and looked at unnie who was grinning as if she too thinks that way.


"Should I say the same for you and Taec too?" I turned to Yoona and teased. She started making weird faces.


After that girl talk inside the washroom we were called out to get changed for a new concept. This time is also inside and it would be the couple resting on a swing under a shady tree and again we were both up first, I'm getting the feeling he's doing it on purpose.


"Okay for our lovely couple" he started and I wanted to glare at him for saying that but since I have to behave I fought the urge to.


"Just keep doing bad and he'll get annoyed" Jaejoong whispered and I couldn't help smile slyly.


"That's not a bad idea" I said but I can't possibly do that, I don't want to get scolded.


"Too bad we can't really do that" he said and we both sighed.


That was really a good idea but I don’t want sajangnim talking to me about good manners and professionalism and may threaten me to not give any more schedules. I was pretty much day dreaming about that and did not notice everyone getting started and leaving me alone standing.


“Shall we get started?” he cocked his head and getting his camera ready for the shoot.


Jaejoong was already lying on the swing with his eyes close and snoring lowly. His face sleeping is really cute and charming. I bent down and watch him sleep a little, moving the little fringe on his face. He groaned and twitched a little but then got back to sleeping, I chuckled at that.


“Nice” a flash came from the front, surprising me like earlier in the beach.


I rolled my eyes at him and woke Jaejoong so we can get set up. He rubbed his eyes a couple of times before opening them and apologizing for falling asleep like that. I smiled and said it’s okay.


Since he was tired I thought of something to help him out for now, I told him to just lie down like he did before and put his arm to the side. I got on the swing as well positioning myself like I’m lying right beside him and the arm served as a pillow. Instead of lying down on my back I laid on my stomach facing him.


“I want to sleep” he yawned and smiled my way.


He moved his other hand and touched my cheek, I blushed hard at that since pretty much no one yet has done that move to me. I turned my head to the side and bit his hand making him pout cutely. I chuckled and pinched his nose playfully.


Wouldn’t it be nice if this was real life, I mean him being my boyfriend and me being free to date already. But with a hard-headed president who’s all nice and warm only in front of the camera that’s not going to be happening. Besides it’s not like he likes me or I’m close to his ideal girl. There are other prettier and better girls for him out there.


I frowned at that thought filling my head up and didn’t notice Daesung coughing on the side worried. I looked up to him and smiled but it didn’t really made him believe that I was okay.


It feels like I’m taking this single life problem to heart and too deep that it’s affecting my daily life drastically.


“Is there any problem noona?” Jaejoong asked snapping me back to reality, the reality that I might be going to live the rest of my life alone.


“Even if I tell you it’s not going to help anyway … so never mind that” I chuckled sadly


We got back on the shoot and did whatever they told us to do and they were satisfied but the whole time the thought of being single and wanting a boyfriend stayed on my head so I had a hard time smiling when they wanted me to. Finally we finished with our shoot and the others turn came up, I sat beside Daesung and let my head fall on his shoulder.


“Aigoo nuna! Want me to tell Ji hyung and Bom nuna you’re acting this way again” he threatened and I just laughed it off. “Like you’ll dare anyway” I chuckled and sighed.


“Tell me … do you like him?” he whispered to my ear closely as to not let anyone hear anything.


“Like him or not does it really matter?” I asked, pulling my head back and stared at him.


“Well if he likes you too then it does matter” he answered back raising an eyebrow and smiling stupidly like he usually does when he’s with Seungri.


“Who would be stupid enough to like me?” I asked but that came too loud and Jaejoong, who just happens to be passing by heard that.


“So am I stupid for liking you?” he said, I thought he was just joking at that but the look on his eyes didn’t seem like it.


“I think he likes you” Dae teased and I nudged his side harder than I would usually do. He groaned in pain but I didn’t pay attention to him and turned to smile awkwardly at Jaejoong.


“There is a right time for jokes Jaejoong-ssi” I sighed and left them all to themselves and headed to my car to get something I don’t even know.


“Why can’t love stories be like fairytales” I sighed getting in the car. “If this was a movie I’d probably be doing a musical part” I laughed at myself.


I closed the door and played some music. I’ve been feeling alone lately and even my members and the others couldn’t cheer me up. Sometimes there are things that can’t be given to you by just any one.


Just when I was about to doze off a knock on the window woke me up. I groaned with the intrusion of my sleep and turned to glare at whoever woke me up but then I was just surprised to see it was Jaejoong with a puppy face asking to be let in the car. I chuckled and rolled the window down.


I rolled down the window and stared at him without talking, playing a little joke. For a couple of second I kept staring at him creeping him out more and more until he was making weird faces to get me to stop. I ended up laughing.


“You need anything?” I asked, opening the door to face him. He leaned his back on the side of the car and looked a little to model-y and perfect for someone who’s only wearing a tank top and slippers.


“Your heart and your love” he answered cheesily and got me to punch his side lightly, rolling my eyes as he snorted to that. “I’m serious” he said sternly leaning to the car door and pushing his face in.


With my finger I pushed his head out and pursed my lips to the joke he keeps making. I’m not stupid to fall for that even with all the seriousness he has in his voice.


We talked for awhile until Daesung came running back and told us the shoot was over since they only have much pages on the magazine and they took pretty much all the pictures they need. I kicked Jaejoong out of the car and he grimaced, mumbling or pretty much cursing at Daesung for ruining something.


“Tsk. I interrupted something didn’t I hyung” Daesung smiled at him but he only got a smack in the head.


“Wait” he told him before getting in, I quite didn’t get what he asked or talking about with him I didn’t bother asking anything since it’s none of my business anyway.


The drive back to Seoul was quiet since I fell asleep and Daesung drove. The next thing I know was me on my bed, sleeping soundly and nicely. It was about 3 hours later when i woke up and on my phone was 15 messages, i checked the time and it's about 10 pm so i'm wondering which people would send me this much messages.


I was more surprised than irritated when I read the messages, so it turns out Jaejoong got my number from Dae. Is that what they were talking about earlier? Anyway I decided to reply to his message since the most recent one was sent only 30 minutes ago.


A smile unknowingly formed on my lips while i messaged him back telling him I just woke up and read his messages. Also, I have this tingling feeling in the pit of my stomach and my fingers are just curlimg for no reason.


"Unnie" a knock came from the door and it was Minji.


"Yeah" I answered pressing send and looking at her with her head peeking in the room. I smiled at her cuteness and waved her to come in and she did. "What's up?" I asked.



She pursed her lips and looked away, turning to look at something else but not me, obviously she's hiding something. I poked her side and she yelped turning to me. Finally. But still she didn't say anything so i moved my hand to poke her again and it worked. She started to talk.


"There's like bouquets of flowers and chocolates delivered for you but the 2 unnies wants me to not let you out so they can find out who's it from" she said fast but i still manage to catch it and with that i threw the pillow on my lap and the blanket away, running to the door.


And like wild bears on food the two hovered over the entire delivery, messily trying to find a card that said who it came from. Before i could go yelling at them a message came and its from Jaejoong again, that didn't surprise me but what he sent did.


"Hol" i gasped reading it over and over again.


The two stared at me and quickly came to my side, reading what it said they botn reacted the same way I did.


"Care to explain how you know Kim Jaejoong and why he sent all this to you at 10 in the freaking night?" Bom asked her tone of voice matching her pose right now, hands on hips, like a boss - ahjumma style.


"Dae and I worked with him at the photoshoot. We had fun and got to know each other. And maybe he said something about liking me and all that but i didn't really think he meant it serioisly and up till now I still don't" i answered walking towards a rose that caught my attention.


It was different from the others since it was just that one and i was about to go into this kind of romantic fantasy where all my love problems are solved and it was because of him  but in the corner of my eyes i saw something glisten under the light. That distracted me so i picked it up and all my happiness just faded away.


"If this is the new way to be romantic I'd rather die single" i said turning to the girls and tossing them the piece of card.


"Hol! Eeeeeiiiii.I was about to say he's so romantic" Bom said and i nodded agreeing to it.


I sat down on the sofa with a long face and stared at the flower on my hand. "He could have at least made sure he got all the cards off the flowers. Then i'd thank him for it but i guess I'll be thanking his fans then" sighing at that my eyes turned to my phone and lazily and irritated to reply.


To: Jaejoong


Way to be romantic. I really like them, they're all so pretty.

A little advice though, next time you do this make sure you get every card off everything so the girl will actually think YOU bought all of it for her.


Anyways. Thank your fans for me will you.

Good night!


I hit send and dragged myself back to my room. I really thought he was serious with everything that he said earlier but what just happened proved that wrong. Aish! I have such a bad luck when it comes to love. I think i'm really going to grow old single.


"Aigoo... What a life you have Sandara Park" i fell back on my bed and stAred at the ceiling, not caring at all if i go blind coz of the lights.


"There are still a lot of fishes in the sea rabbit, you'll catch on soon enough" Bommie smiled.


"How long do i have to wait" i groaned, muffling my cry-not literally, with my pillow.


"Aigoo" she puffed and left me alone.


I know right. Aigoo.

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Fr0zenMus1c #1
Chapter 5: I just noticed, in your stories usually Dara initiates rather than the guys. I like it because she’s sure of her feelings. On the other hand, I’m disappointed at Jae because he doesn’t make that much sincere effort in winning her affections.
Chapter 5: Ive been searching for jaedara one shots. How the hell did i even miss this one. I swear you are soooo good. Please come back writing jaedara. This is lovely, Daras cynicism amd jaejoongs efforts. Ah loooove.
bb2ne1fanjj #3
Chapter 5: Waahh! You write so well authornim! I hope you start writing jaedara fics again.
bluefairy07 #4
Chapter 5: omgeeee i super duper love your story...kekekekekekekeke jaedara is LOVE <333 more more more jaedara fanfic please ;)
Chapter 5: kyaaaah~!!!! sweet!!!!!!! :3
Chapter 5: yyyeeeeessss.hay
msdeathstalker #7
Chapter 5: jaedara is LOVE :)
daramaegon #8
Chapter 5: soo sweet!at last jae rewarded with a yes! love is sweetest with a hugs and kisses kyahhhhh`~~ lol! thanks for the story,
bubble_eyes #9
Chapter 5: so sweet!!!
browneyesmouse04 #10
awww it's toooo cute<3