
Come Back Again (다시돌아와)


I'm actually getting used to the whole 'wooing' thing, that's what I think he's doing but if its not then my bad. Anyways, it would be really weird then when we're in Japan already and speaking of that I'm not sure if I should tell him about that or not. Bommie said he has the right to which doesn't make sense to me but i guess it does since the other 2 agrees with it. Then I have this thought that maybe he doesn't want to hear it because what am I to him?


I don't know.


"Nuna, can you come with me today" Daesung asked, coming out of nowhere. Usually I would just nod if i want to then say something when i don't, so I started to open my mouth slightly then he cut me off. "Don't even try to get away, I asked Chaerin already if you have anything today and she said no" he said sternly,pushing down the need for me to go with and having no excuse I don't have a choice.


"If this has to do with Jaejoong you can kiss your birthday and your christmas gift goodbye" I joked but then he sat stiffly, looking away which meant what i said was right. "Kang Daesung" i gasped, staring at him in horror. "Yah! Didn't you understand anything when I explained to you 5 thAt i don't wany any of you setting me up out of nowhere" i hit his shoulder ever so hardly and continued freaking out.


The reason for that is I at least want to look presentable in front of future dating test aspirant. Sajangnim actually kept us in for an hour just to talk about that and I can't put to words how serious he was about it.


"It's better this way don't you think nuna? Like you said in strong heart you'd want the person to love you for who you are and not with what they see in the screen. You can't get any realer than this" he pointed out at my attire which is only baggy pants, a tank top, a thin sweater and with my hair messily put in a bun.


He does have a point and its not helping me with my argument right now. I didn't say anything and just kept quiet while he told manager oppa where we're going. I'm seriously having the urge to strangle him right here, right now.


"Maybe then you 2 can be dates for the party on Saturday" he said, mentioning the event.


Bom had already up every bit of excitement and anticipation I have for that from getting me to stay all night so she can have someone to talk with about that.


I snorted on that and looked outside the window. "I don't even want to come" i told him and he gasped louder than i did and manager oppa laughed at his reaction. "Why? Do you know how much everyone is anticipating on your group's outfit on that. I swear everytime I meet up with a friend the first thing they ask is what you girls are going to wear. Tsk. They don t even say hi to me first" he pouted and it seems real but not real enough to get me to change my mind about it.



"Like you said they can't wait to see the GROUP'S look so that means I'm not really needed to be with them" I  said and he glared at me.


"Nuna don't be a kill joy" he said and right after the van stopped. Seems like we're here, wherever we are.


We got off and it looks like its not far away from our place. There weren't much people around and that was good, at least I could get a little silence. We went in one of the cafes and headed to the most secluded area. Not getting there still I could already hear Jaejoong's airy laugh and unconciously I smiled because of that.


"We have arrived" he just have to make a big entrance like that, I couldn't help but roll my eyes while I followed him inside the room. Pretty much everybody was in there and they all said Hi to us, i went to sit beside Yoona who's actually having one of her 'friendly' bickerings with Taec. Doesn't this just prove how cute a couple they would make?


"Ha! Nuna will decide who's right" he suddenly said jumping over to my other side and putting his arm around me, giving a signal to make him right and on the other hand Yoona is flashing me looks asking for the same thing. "Lay it on me" i said.


"How do you spell 'we' with 2 letters without using 'W' and 'E'?" he asked me and I got the answer rigth away but before makint a verdict I asked what their answers were


"Mine is U and I" Taec answered. I turned to Yoona and she said "and mine is US"


I smiled at their answers and stared at them, letting them feel the anticipation on who was right. "Technically you're both right" i said and instantly they started arguing on who had the better answer, I seriously sealed and smacked their mouths at the same time. "Both your answers are both good at the same time because you gave the letter that matters the most in 'WE'" i explained but they looked confused and so did everyone. At the corner of my eye I saw Jaejoong smiling as if he knows what it is.


"Do you know what it is?" i turned to him and he smiled sweetly.


"It's the letter 'U'" he answered and I nodded. "How?" the 2 aksed at the same time.


"Because there can never be a 'WE' without 'U'!" he explained looking at me directly and I blushed at that but the others cringed in the cheesyness of it.


"Where did you get that question anyway?" i turned to the boy beside me to divert my burning cheeks. "You know, you asking Yoona that question means something since mostly couples ask that to each other" i chuckled at how they reacted and instantly  opposing to the idea of them being a couple.


"Why don't you be each other's date on Saturday?" i suggested but then they started saying things about how they don't want the other and it would just cause another scandal. "Come on, it's the last thing I'm going to ask the 2 of you to do before i leave" that just flowed out of my mouth without me knowing and everyone stopped what they were doing and turned to me. I forgot I haven't told anyone in the room yet about that. Yikes!


"You're leaving?" Sungjong asked, he pouted sadly like the others and I know its the right time to tell them about it, it also seems like Daesung doesn't have an idea too.


"Well with our U.S debut this year and also our Japan promotions sajangnim decided it'd be best for us to stay in Japan instead here then move to the U.S! They didn't mention anything about Korean schedules so I guess we'll be out of the country for a long period of time" explaining something isn't really hard, it's just that every time a situation like this comes i always get the feeling of something ending and i hate those.


It turned quiet for awhile and I don't know why, it's not like somebody died or something. Their faces were gloomy and i get that but it's not like i'll never be coming back. Fine, maybe not soon but I'll still come back.


"So ... What do you guys think?" I nudged the 2 and they nodded to it, a force nod if i may add but its cool at least they agreed to it. "Yay!"i clapped my hands but no reaction still.


"If that's the case then nuna you need to be at the party" Dae cut me off guard. Crap.


"Psshtt! You don't need me there, you're all old enough so you don't need a chaperone"i tried to get away but including Yoona and Taec they all raised an eyebrow and crossed their arms, not like what i said at all.


It's kind of strange how after the whole question thing Jaejoong just kep quiet and stayed on his little corner. He has a tint of sadness in his eyes and I'm thinking it's because of me but i don't want to assume things.


"I'll come if Jaejoong's going to be my date"


The hell did I say? That did not just come out of my mouth! did it? I could swear I was only thinking that.


His eye suddenly turned to me and all i could give was an awkward smile while Daesung is grinning like a clown. For the first time I think I just asked a guy out. I, Sandara Park, the most awkward person just ask Kim Jaejoong out. Should I be celebrating or something?


"Seems like he doesn't want to, so that means I'm not going" with the first bold move comes with the first rejection. Oh well, there's a first on everything.


My phone vibrated, a message came. I took it out and saw Seungri's name on the screen. I opened it and couldn't help but giggle a little bit. When in times of panic you have got to give it to him to start acting cute just to get something. Yoona saw the message too and giggled as well.


"Oh does that mean you're coming unnie?" she asked and I let out a sigh. "I don't have a choice. We both know when he starts using emoticons then he really needs help"


Both Daesung and Taec kept poking me, wanting to know what's going on. "Normal issue with maknae" I said and they understood.


I was going to look at Jaejoong but then my eye caught the clock, i gasped a little seeing what time it is. "Daesungie, I need to go. I have to help Tabi with something" he knows clearly that if I make his hyung wait and its because of him he'll be dead. That would explain him swalllowing his spit. "You can stay, I'm just telling you. I'll take a cab to your dorm ... So see you guys Saturday then"


I stood up hugging everyone good bye and smiling at them for telling me to be safe take care. As for Jaejoong I just smiled at him since he looked like he doesn't want me to be near him.


The night was coming and its started to get dark so I just decided to wait in front of the cafe for the cab. Sneakily someone came up behind me but it was sort of obvious who it was. "You going home too Jaejoong?"i asked and he stopped from covering my eyes.


He chuckled and stood beside me, looking up at the sky where the light blue starts to fade into a darker shade and showing the gems of stars positioned the same way everynight. The breeze came by and it was a nice feeling, getting it to flutter my hair and sending chills across my body.


"Did you have any plans on telling me?" he asked low for us only to hear. I didn't expect to have this conversation with him so my mind is a little bit flustered at the moment.


"The girls told me to tell you but ... There was just something stopping me then I asked myself what am i to you that you'd want to know about it ..."   i was getting my acting on and i've like imagined how this scene would go but then he just have to cut me off.


"Was the flowers, chocolate and the gifts to subtle for you to understand my feelings?" i snorted at what he said remembering all those times i've received things from him, certainly he made my day better coz of those.


"I didn't think they were subtle ... I just thought they were insincere. I get the fact that you're an idol and you barely have time for yourself but I'd rather have a dandelion or any cheap flowers that you actually picked yourself than flowers given by your fans and then given to me. The huge teddy bear, if not for Minji I would have thought you actually bought it, turns out it was just the same" .... I sighed feeling like a total loser right now for letting go of something no girl would let go of.


"And besides Jaejoong, you've only met me a couple of times and that doesn't seem like enough time for us. It's just probably infatuation, you'll get over this soon. Don't waste your time on someone like me" i've only heard those from drama series and didn't expect them to come from me but it's the truth and i need to accept it.


He was about to say something but then my cab finally came and the driver doesn't look really patient. I don't want him to wait so I got in but before we could leave he said "There's a thin line between love and infatuation, I'm 100% sure on which side I am. I'll see you at the party nuna" right on cue with his last word the driver drove off.


Is it just me or is the 'i have something to say before you leave' style is becoming a trend nowadags and also what's with it being so confusing?


Ahjussi drove fast which i didn't mijd and we got to BB's dorm quicker than expected, saving Daesung for 10 minutes. Since i don't really have nowhere to go I decided to to up already and see what's all the fuss is about, though I'm getting the feeling that a certain main vocal is the reason and maybe a first date is coming. FINALLY!


I didn't have to ring the bell coz I know the password already. That I got out of them for the price of my helping service for free and anytime, I have rules still so they don't go over board.


"Seunghyun-ah" i called out at the seeming like an empty dorm. "I'm coming" he answered. So i sat on the couch, the T.V and waited for him.


And guess who i first see when the thing opened up. Kim Jaejoong. Is this a sign or something coz I'm not good at reading signs. Maybe not, so I turned to another chanel and sees his face again. "If i turn to another chanel and sees his face again I'm going to lose my mind" i mumbled, holding tightly on the remote and shakily pressing the next chanel. With eyes shut tight I presseed the button and listened to the voice. I sighed deeply hearing its his.


"Nuna are you okay?" Tabi asked, coming out with wet hair.


"I think your tv is defected" i told him and he just scrunched his face not knowing what I'm talking about then he turned to it and smiled fo a reason.


"Oh it's Jae hyung's CF. He told me the other day he wanted you to be in it too but the PD already had a contract with the other celebrity" he explained, smiling at me like he knows something. "You know nuna, hyung really likes you. It may seem like he's insincere about things but that's just how he does but if ever you really become his girlfriend it's for sure he'll make everything for you to be happy. Just like your ideal type" he said.


So with the thought and image of him in my head we headed on to the issue he called me for. Turns out my hunch was right and he's really going crazy on how he's going to do this. How the hell am i supposed to know, literally 30 minuites ago i was rejected.


"Just ask her" for the 10th time I suggested but he shook his head not wanting to just do that.


According to him and his head he pictured it as something romantic and full of love- that's really not something he can achieve when on the first step they aren't even dating yet, besides if he doesn't hurry up he might just lose his chance on this one.


"Ya Choi Seunghyun, it's either we do it this way or no way at all cause there is really no other way and did i forget to mention that she probably asked Youngbae to go with her already.So call" i tossed him the phone and headed to ransack their fridge.


 Leanint back on the counter I thought about what he said, what Tabi said and also what sajangnim said. Is it really stupid for me to deny this growing feelings inside of me for the sake of not getting hurt? I'm not saying that we'll probably end up breaking up because of the obvious fact that most celebrity couples don't last long but i just don't want to put my guard down.


'Opening to love just seem like inviting pain in' i thought.


"YES' a sceam came from the leaving room, making me jump in fright. Seems like it work, another point for Matchmaker Dara.


"Nuna" he came in, running like a child with a huge smile on his face that could brighten up any rainy day. He hugged me tight, cutting off my breathing and turning me blue. "I get it that you're happy and thankful but a girl needs to breathe" i choked out and he let me go, giggling after wards.


"Well 1 down, another 1 to go" i said, putting down the cup on the sink. He looked at me confusedly. "Your maknae wants me to be his date on Saturday since he and Suji had a little fight and he doesn't want to show up alone" i explained snd he did not care at all.


"Aish! I'll leave you here alone and let you be all happy-happy and I'll head to the building" walking towards the door i didn't hear anything and that just meant he rally doesn't care.


Taking a cab again it started to feel like it's a very long day. The street lights one by one started lighting up and brightening the side walk. We passed by a park and I smiled seeing the little kids play aroun, it's been long since I had time to have fun and with schedules it's going to be longer.


"We're here" ahjussi said with a light tone. "Thank you" i said and handed him the fare.


Seems like the girls are still here, I'll go to them later on I still have to look for that person. Why can't they ask somebody else to help them with their problem, it's not like I'm the only person here.


Finally, the maknae was with Teddy oppa in the recording studio, sulking and staring at the picture of his girlfriend in the screen.


"I changed my mind. I'm not going with you on Saturday, so you better call her now and apologize" was the first thing i said when i went in. He stare at me in disbelief, he was going to say something but my glare stopped him and got him on his phone dialing her number.


He went out for privacy and i didn't stop him, as long as everything's fixed between them I'm fine with everything. I lounged at the sofa, thinking a possible candidate for a date since i too don't want to go alone and I heard the girls all have a date already.


"Just go alone, it doesn't really matter. In the end you'll all be together anyway" reading my mind, maybe, oppa said with his back turned to me.


"Oppa would you stop doing that, it's creepy" i said and he just chuckled.


Hmm.. That's not a bad idea. Maybe I'll just go alone.


After a couple of minutes Seungri came back in happy. "Thanks nuna" he said and gave me a hug. "Next time don't drag me in your problems okay" i chuckled and left them, heading home to get some rest since the girls are planning to go buy a dress.


"I'm going alone" i sighed. 

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Fr0zenMus1c #1
Chapter 5: I just noticed, in your stories usually Dara initiates rather than the guys. I like it because she’s sure of her feelings. On the other hand, I’m disappointed at Jae because he doesn’t make that much sincere effort in winning her affections.
Chapter 5: Ive been searching for jaedara one shots. How the hell did i even miss this one. I swear you are soooo good. Please come back writing jaedara. This is lovely, Daras cynicism amd jaejoongs efforts. Ah loooove.
bb2ne1fanjj #3
Chapter 5: Waahh! You write so well authornim! I hope you start writing jaedara fics again.
bluefairy07 #4
Chapter 5: omgeeee i super duper love your story...kekekekekekekeke jaedara is LOVE <333 more more more jaedara fanfic please ;)
Chapter 5: kyaaaah~!!!! sweet!!!!!!! :3
Chapter 5: yyyeeeeessss.hay
msdeathstalker #7
Chapter 5: jaedara is LOVE :)
daramaegon #8
Chapter 5: soo sweet!at last jae rewarded with a yes! love is sweetest with a hugs and kisses kyahhhhh`~~ lol! thanks for the story,
bubble_eyes #9
Chapter 5: so sweet!!!
browneyesmouse04 #10
awww it's toooo cute<3