Chapter 39

Kiss For Sale

Sehun started leaning again but just when he was about to touch her lip, she turned away last minute. ‘Im sorry’ Sunmi said.

Sehun gave Sunmi an assuring smile before he leaned himself against the wall. ‘Its okay, I took your money anyway.’

Sunmi sighed as she leaned against the wall beside Sehun. Both of them looked out at the scenery in front of them. They were at the rooftop during break time.



‘Wow, you’re finally able to leave your girlfriend alone and come out with us for once?’ Kai smirked as he walked into the samgyupsal restaurant with Sehun beside him.

Sehun rolled his eyes at Kai’s sarcasm. ‘Don’t make me sound like Im always sticking to Reina.’

Kai raised his brow, D.O chortled. ‘You aren’t? Are you kidding me?’ Chanyeol and Baekhyun laughed.

Sehun glared at them and looked at Suho for help but to his disappointment the only person that could help him refused to. ‘Im sorry, I think they’re right’ Suho made a small chuckle as he went towards a table. Exo-K followed behind.

‘I cant believe you’ll do that to me hyung’ Sehun said disapprovingly.

Suho laughed, ‘Well Im an honest leader, I don’t lie. Its not good’ Exo-k laughed louder while Sehun glared at them.

They laughed awhile more before Suho stopped them ‘Alright enough guys.’ Suho stopped them and ordered food from the ahjumma. Sehun took out his phone, just when he was about to text Reina, D.O bend over, ‘Gonna text your girlfriend? Wow, totally not the clinging type of boyfriend’ D.O chortled while Sehun glared at his hyung.

‘I bet he’s gonna ask her what she’s doing and where she’s at’ Kai added in with a smirk. Sehun glared at the both of them and he placed his phone down. ‘Whatever’ he rolled his eyes.

‘Beep’ Sehun’s phone vibrated and he unlocked his phone to see what Reina had wrote.

From Reina:

Im at the library, doing work. Don’t worry and have fun.

Sehun smiled as he read the message. He looked up s and proudly showed them the message, ‘I didn’t text her. She texted me instead, and guess what? She knew exactly what Im thinking. Its so nice to have a sweet girlfriend. When are the hyungs getting one?’ Sehun smirked at the singles. Exo-K growled and scowled at Sehun. Sehun looked down on his phone and quickly replied Reina before locking his phone up again.

The ahjumma came awhile later and placed all the food they ordered on the table. Chanyeol picked up the plate of meat and placed them on the bbq stove. While they were busy eating, a rustle was suddenly heard in the store.

Exo-K turned around and saw a girl on the floor. She was holding onto her right side of her cheek while crying. The guy in front of her walked away but she immediately went forward and clinged on his legs. ‘Don’t go’ the girl begged. The guy whirled around and glared at the girl ‘Let go. I told you we’re over.’ He hissed.

The girl shook her head ‘No, don’t leave me. You said you love me.’ the girl continued to beg despite the attention she was getting. The guy shook his leg to get the girl’s grip away from him but despite being kicked by the guy, the girl grabbed the guy’s leg again to stop him from leaving.

‘Aissh! You’re really annoying. I told you we’re already over Sunmi’ The guy raised his hand up in the air preparing to hit the girl on his face. Sehun stood up from his seat and rushed over when he saw that the guy was about to hit the girl again. He would have usually ignored such scene, not caring what might happened to the girl but somehow Sehun thought of Reina and he didn’t like the way the guy treated his girlfriend.

Sehun grabbed the guy’s arm before it could land on the girl’s face. ‘Its not right to treat a girl like that, moreover your girlfriend’ Sehun hissed as he glared at that guy. He couldn’t believe how the guy would bare to hit his girlfriend. He loved Reina more than anything and if it was anything he wants to do, it is to protect her from harm. He couldn’t even bare to see Reina getting a small cut, moreover to harm her.

‘Scram’ Sehun hissed and the guy left without a word. Sehun looked at the girl and helped her up. Instead of thanking Sehun, Sunmi ran towards the door where her boyfriend had left. ‘Jongryok!’ Sunmi called as she ran towards the exit.

Sehun wanted to stop her from chasing after the guy but she was already out of the restaurant. Sehun shook his head and sit back down on the chair. *Forget it, its none of my business anyway* Sehun sat back down.

‘What?’ he looked up to see all s curiously staring at him. Kai placed the back of his hand on Sehun’s forehead to check his temperature. ‘Are you okay?’

Sehun slapped it away ‘You’re the one that is not okay.’

‘Wow miracle! Looks like Reina did him great. He’s a total changed person!’ D.O pointed at his left where Sehun was and looked over to Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Suho, totally surprise and amazed at the person beside him.

‘Thanks, you just made me sound like a cold heartless person before.’ Sehun said.

Chanyeol chuckled ‘You were. You wouldn’t even look at such things in the past not to mention help out.’

Suho smiled happy and glad at the same time, ‘Love is really incredible’

Sehun rolled his eyes and picked up the lettuce by the side and started putting grilled meat and other ingredients inside his own wrapped.

------------End Of Flashback-----------

Sehun stood up from his seat, ‘Well I guess I’ll see you tomorrow?’ Sehun asked and the girl nodded.

‘Bye Sunn-‘ Sehun stopped, forgetting what the girl’s name was.

‘Sunmi’ Sunmi finished Sehun’s sentence for him.

Sehun nodded ‘Right, erm bye Sunmi’ Sehun said before he walked down the stairs. He received a text from Reina and quickly opened it up with a smile.

From Reina:

Are you eating well? You’re not skipping lunch just because Im not in school are you?

Sehun chuckled as he read her message. He could already imagine how her face looked like right now.

From Sehun:

No, Im not. Im on my way to cafeteria now. I got caught up with something just now.

Sehun pressed the send button on his phone before he walked down the stairs towards the cafeteria.

Sunmi waited for awhile before she left the rooftop too.

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Babbie #1
Chapter 51: Still worth an up vote for it was well written enjoyable for the most of it. Until the sunmi incident which doesn't make sense..nevertheless thank you for the effort.
Babbie #2
Chapter 48: Um...the difference is she wasn't in her right mind and knew she did wrong...he was perfectly sane and emotionally stable and made a conscious decision that went on for a week...and still didnt think he did wrong...I don't know why she forgive him this in the future as long as it's to help ppl it's ok? Don't get it but meh I guess.
Babbie #3
Chapter 42: Now this kiss is more justifiable than sehuns which I feel is a bit plot forced and contradicts his earlier character description with the yoona incident
Babbie #4
Chapter 39: WHAT!!? Poobbuwaio?kukpoiwoaso?OK that was just my shocked nonsense talk..but what is sehun thinking !?
Babbie #5
Chapter 36: God this is the sweetest fluffiest I've ever read hahahah
Babbie #6
Chapter 35: Arnt Kai ever the observer lol
Babbie #7
Chapter 9: Oh sehun must be a pro at mentally counting 3minutes by accurate as a clock!lol.
Babbie #8
Chapter 4: I can only imagine all the germs oh sehun is eating...and the girls shared it all nevertheless interesting start so far!
mon_etoile #9
This story needs attention seriously. It's simply amazing! I finished reading it in a day.