First day

Fiery feelings

A hand reached lazily under the blanket towards the alarm clock which was screaming horribly to the sleeping man ears. Slowly fingers reached their destination, but being unable to find its switch, it swung the clock with an unexpected force against the wall. Sure it stopped the ringing, but so did whole alarm. But the sleeping man didn´t care, he only turned under the blanket seeking more comfortable position and continued to dream of his strawberry land.

Ten minutes later the ringing started again, but this time it was his mobiles ringtone, which he had forgotten in his jeans pocket, but that was probably lucky, because if it had been next to alarm it had might experience the same fate as the alarm.

Irritated and sleepy Eunhyuk used his feet to kick his blanket off and rose to dig his phone out of the pocket.

“What?!” He never was a morning person.

“You do remember that today is your first day at work, don´t you? And good morning to you too, ” came a cheerful voice from the other side of the phone.

“Donghae! What are y… ah…”

“See, I knew you would forget. No wonder we are best friends, I know you so well. And I can even guess that you threw your alarm against the wall.” Eunhyuk looked over his shoulder to the floor where the new now broken alarm laid and felt little embarrassed. But even if the proof was before him, he still denied.

“No I did not.”

“Ou, yes you did. Don´t lie to me, I know you too well. I know all the bad habits that you have. If you don´t believe me, I can list them all to you now.”

“No! Don´t.” Eunhyuk answered pouting as Donghae began to laugh.

 “Why are you so energetic this early?” Eunhyuk asked half whining to Donghae as began to walk to the bathroom, letting out a big yawn.

“I don´t know. I´m always like this, beside I couldn´t sleep much, because I´m so excited.”

“Shouldn´t I be the one, who´s excited.”

“Of course, but I can´t help it. We are going to be together again.” Eunhyuk couldn´t help but smile at Donghae´s words when he heard them.

Three years ago, Donghae had moved away and during those three years they had barely seen each other. Instead they had called almost every day and talked hours but it didn´t really compensate meeting face to face. And Eunhyuk was thankful he could finally use his money on other things than spending all his money on phone bills.

“Yeah, we are.”

Eunhyuk ended the call after Donghae had promised to come and pick him up 30 minutes later, so they could go eat together breakfast in a café before going to the dance school. Little irritated that Donghae had given him so little time to get ready, Eunhyuk took a quick shower before he started choosing clothes. He wanted to give a good first impression and he was `little` peculiar choosing clothes, thanks to his mother. So he was still middle of choosing the right clothes to wear when Donghae rang his doorbell. Ten minutes later they finally left to eat breakfast, after they had tried to hug the life out of each other.

They went to a small and cute little café that Donghae had found by accident a year ago. He had fallen in love with its food and the atmosphere it gave to customers, but Eunhyuk suspected something else when he noticed his friend glance few times towards the kitchen. He would have to question Donghae about it later, because he didn´t have enough time to eat his breakfast and try to get Donghae to confess. Eunhyuk did not want to be late on his first day at work. Luckily the Dance school was only 15 minutes away from the café so they made it in time.

The school was located in a building that was three stories high with a rooftop where a small garden had been built, so that one could go and relax there. The first floor consisted of a big hall, two large dance rooms which were both connected to the two changing rooms with bathrooms (one for girl, one for boys) and a small office.

The second floor held four dance rooms, changing rooms for girls and boys with bathrooms and teachers office (with a kitchen).

The third and the last floor had a sewing room where the stage outfits were made, storage for the costumes, bathroom, dancing room and a small room for the trophies (biggest ones were shown in the hall).

All this was shown to him by the owner of the dance school named Shindong, while Donghae had rushed to teach one of his classes. Shindong, real name Shin Dong-hee was 35-years-old man who had set up the school with his wife ten years ago. At first it had been a small studio, but six years ago they had gambled everything they had by buying this place and won.

From what Eunhyuk could see Shindong was a gentleman with a great sense of humor in him. Even if he wasn´t the skinniest guy, Eunhyuk could see without him dancing that he had the rhythm and moves. But he still hoped to see soon what kind of spirit he would show with his dance, now wasn´t the time yet. Maybe later, when they had get to know each other, and hopefully be friends.

Eunhyuk would start by teaching a small class of six children aged 7-9 years who had never danced before. He would be having a two weeks trial and during this time he should show Shindong his abilities. When the trial would be over and if he had proved himself worthy to Shindong, Eunhyuk would get to have more classes to teach.

Eunhyuk was left in one of the second floors dance rooms, where he would be teaching his first class in 30 minutes. The room was rectangular in shape, and one of the longer sides was a mirrow-wall so that the dancers could watch themselves when dancing.

He walked around the room, before going to one of the corners where the stereo laid. Eunhyuk put his bag on the floor and took of his jacket which he put inside his bag the same time he took few of his CD´s out. He decided to dance a little because he had time before the children would come. As the music started to flow from the speakers around the room, Eunhyuk stretched, warming up his muscles.

First song changed to another one, making Eunhyuk stop his warm up, and gracefully move his body to dancing. His body moved with the rhythm, shoving with each move the emotions of the song. Strong and sharp moves with fast-paced parts, and flowing and big moves in the slow. It was like he was making the music with his body, like he was flying inside the music with his body being the instrument that made it.

Half way the third song Eunhyuk stopped when he felt like someone was watching him. The door was slightly open and from it he could see two curious eyes peeking at him. Slowly so that he wouldn´t scare him or her Eunhyuk moved closer to the door, because he had a feeling if he would make any quick movement the child would run away. Few meters away from the door Eunhyuk squatted down in order to be at the same eye level and smiling waved little at the child. The eyes had followed him all the time keeping eye at his every move and suspicion showing clearly from them.

“Hey, what´s your name? My names Eunhyuk and I´m a new teacher here.” Waiting to see how the child would react, Eunhyuk´s heart started to beat faster as he hold his breath. Quietly the door opened more, letting a small girl inside who couldn´t be older than five years, so she couldn´t be one of his soon to be students, besides Shindong was supposed to bring them there after he had talked with their parents.

But before the girl could say anything back to him, a loud sound next door, where couple-dance lessons were taking place, scarred her away. She quickly disappeared behind the door and when Eunhyuk looked to the corridor she was nowhere to be seen. Eunhyuk decided to ask about her from Shindong after his first class, but now he had to get ready, the children would be there in five minutes. Shindong had given him papers which had all the important information needed of his students. He decided to memorize all that he could before they would arrive.

Soon he heard a knock from the door, telling him that they had arrived. Putting the paper down, Eunhyuk took a deep breath before going to welcome them and fully start the next chapter of his life.


Finally it done ^^ I was gonna post this on saturday, but I had to go help my family the whole weekend (and I accidentally burned my fingers. It hurts like hell when I move my hand T_T) Hopefully I have now time to write and update at least every two weeks or faster.

Eunhyuk is going to have six students to teach, but I haven´t yet decided who they are so I´m open to suggestion, how many of them are girls or boys, or if he should have one more coming?

I found my first kyuhyuk that I had written 2? years ago. It´s a oneshot about kyuhyuk when they were childs and Hyukjae decided to be a magician after watching a cartoon. Now I´m off to decided if I should post it or not.  It´s awful, what as I thinking.

Bye ^^




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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 8: Waaahhhh what was that??? interesting...
please update some more :)
257471 #2
Chapter 8: ehhh, who's that???
please update soon...this is great...
maedeh #3
Chapter 8: hi
its cute
Chapter 8: one of his family...
heyitstheduff #5
Chapter 8: Cho Kyuhyun!!!! Kkkkk
Chapter 7: Just post it....i would love to read it
Chapter 7: its up to you... i dont know korean kids artist... or some from fx or exo...
you should make hyuk burn that alarm clock without touching it. that must be cool. XD
heyitstheduff #8
Chapter 7: Get well soon!!^^ take your time, readers will wait ;;)
Akuropanda #9
Chapter 6: is there really a pink torchlight?
emma13 #10
Chapter 6: Just found your''s cute by the way.. ^.^

Oh and please,don't take it to long for next chapts kkkkkk just can't wait >.~