
Fiery feelings

Character list

Gonna put more when they appear



Lee Eunhyuk

25-years-old single with fiery red hair.

Comes from a family of fire withes, but can´t control his powers which are linked to his emotions.

Loves dancing, ´cause he can forget his problems when dancing.

Looking someone to love and to be loved. Someone strong who can accept him and keep his familys secret.





Cho Kyuhyun

21-year-old young man with brown hair.

A mysterious person who comes suddenly to Eunhyuk´s life and seems to want him, but Eunhyuk doesn´t want to date someone younger than him.

Has a psp always with him, wich is why Eunhyuk thinks his childish.




 Lee Sungmin

Eunhyuk´s big brother, 26-years-old

Calm, great cook and knows martial arts

Been in a relationship nearly 12 years

Always rememders to lock up his door after a incident with Eunhyuk

Loves doing aegyo




Lee Ryeowook

Eunhyuk´s younger brother, 21-years-old

Loves writing and singing

Has a best friend who´s a wind witch




I´m not sure who I want to be in Eunhyuks family so  I`m taking suggestions who could belong to the fire witch family.

So it would help if you could propose who you would like to be in it and what kind of family member you want him to be mother, father, bother, cousin etc.

It would really help^^ thanks

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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 8: Waaahhhh what was that??? interesting...
please update some more :)
257471 #2
Chapter 8: ehhh, who's that???
please update soon...this is great...
maedeh #3
Chapter 8: hi
its cute
Chapter 8: one of his family...
heyitstheduff #5
Chapter 8: Cho Kyuhyun!!!! Kkkkk
Chapter 7: Just post it....i would love to read it
Chapter 7: its up to you... i dont know korean kids artist... or some from fx or exo...
you should make hyuk burn that alarm clock without touching it. that must be cool. XD
heyitstheduff #8
Chapter 7: Get well soon!!^^ take your time, readers will wait ;;)
Akuropanda #9
Chapter 6: is there really a pink torchlight?
emma13 #10
Chapter 6: Just found your''s cute by the way.. ^.^

Oh and please,don't take it to long for next chapts kkkkkk just can't wait >.~