
Fiery feelings

"Eunhyuk wake up."

"Ugh, Can´t i sleep little longer hyung?"

"It´s already past noon. Where were you, you came back home so late?"

"Dancing." Eunhyuk said rising from his comfy bed and giving his hyung, who was siting at the edge of the bed, a good look at his face.

"Again, oh Hyukkie I´m so sorry. Come here." Leaning to give a hug to his little brother, he continued, " Besides I didn´t even like the guy, so you can take this as a of luck."

"Hyung you didn´t even get to meet him. We had only been together six days." Eunhyuk murmured against his hyungs chest.

"Still, I think I would have not liked him. So what was the reason this time?"  

"I think the last straw was when his shirt caught fire. And he had heard the rumors."

"His lost. Now go take a shower and I will make you some pancakes for breakfeast." Giving a kiss to his cheek, Sungmin left the room.

Eunhyuk loved his Sungmin hyung, he always knew how to cheer him up, be his side to help and understand. But he never would really understand how Eunhyuk felt. Sungmin was and still is in a loving relationship of nearly 12 years. Best of it was that he had fallen in love with their cousin, so he had no need to hide what he was or think how to tell. Sungmin reminded most like their father, being calm, great cook and excellent in martial arts. He also loved doing aegyo. You wouldn´t guess he was fire witch.

Fire witches were known for their short-temper, stormy emotions, passion and reckless behavior. They were like their element fire, strong, wild, hazardous and shining. But Sungmin wasn´t much like that, actually most of their family didn´t remind much by their nature a fire witch, they were peaceful and caring. But If someone ever got one of them angry or even little upset, then you could see.

Usually you could see a witches element by their nature. Just as they had their own characteristics, so had the others.

Water witches were really playful and naive by nature. They loved pranks, tricking people, having fun and giving their feelings control. You could say they were a childish bunch who put all their emotions on board.

Earth witches were known for their stuborness, when they diceded something it wasn´t easy to turn it. They were peaceful people, but  protected fiercely things that were dear to them. They didn´t like strangers so it was hard to make friend, get to know them, but when you finally did succeed you had a friend for life.

Wind witches were the loners. They were fickle, living in their own world and never seemed to be able to stay in one place. Frankly speaking they were the weirdest of witches.

Eunhyuk got up and went to bathroom to take his morning shower. Hopefully it would wake him up completely and cheer up a little. He would have a hard time telling his family about the decision he hade made. Just imagining how his mother would react, made him shiver. His brothers would be sad, but his father would be understanding, mayde little sad, and help him calm mother.

As he entered kitchen fresh from shower, drops of water falling from his wet hair, a strong aroma greeted him. Sungmin had the pancakes already on table with strawberries and whipped cream. And of course a big carton of strawberry milk.  

"Thank you." Eunhyuk said to Sungmin giving him a kiss on cheek before he sat down.

"You´re welcome and hold still a while." Taking the towel that was resting on Eunhyk´s shoulders, Sungmin began to dry his hair. "You´re going to catch a cold one of these days, if you don´t learn to dry your hair."

Of course both of them could have used their power to dry Eunhyuk´s hair, but Eunhyuk didn´t trust his powers whereas Sungmin did not use them, if not necesary.

"Where is everybody?" Eunhyuk asked Sungmin mouth full, when he sat down across him. 

"Mom went shopping with uncle, dragging Dad with them to carry their bags" Both to have avoided their fathers fate where silently thankful. "I think Ryeowook is in his room, probably chatting with his weird boyfriend again."

"He´s not my boyfriend. How many times must I tell you!" Said the youngest of the siblings as he entered kitchen, walking in front of his brothers. "And he´s not weird!"

Ryeowook was the youngest of the brothers, a few months ago turned 21-years. Like Sungmin, he was calm and a great cook, but instead of martial arts he loved writing and singing. When he was in a good mood, he let others read his stories and hear him sing with a beautiful voice. Last year when the whole family had gone to the Farlian festival, a big event where witches of all kind gatered, Ryeowook had met a wind witch. They had become good friends quickly, so good you would think they were going out. But both denied it strongly, even if you could see a slight blush on their cheeks.  

"Suuure, it´s perfectly normal to talk to a turtle and ask advice from it."

"You just don´t like Ddangkoma, because he bit you."

"Do you want some?" Eunhyuk quickly asked Ryeowook hoping to change the topic of his brothers, because he had heard it already thousand times and he really didn´t want to hear it again. "Sungmin hyung made too much."

"Yes, please." Ryeowook responded and Sungmin rose to get a plate for him, both leting the topic be.

As they were eating and happily talking together, Eunhyuk decide it was perfect time to tell his brothers about his decision. Their mother was out shopping so he could tell them in peace and have them understand without their mothers freak outs. Rising to take his plate to sink after he had eaten, Eunhyuk took a deep breath before facing his brothers.

"Wookie, Minnie hyung." Both stopped their discussion, because they knew when Eunhyuk used their pet names, he had something serious to tell them.

"You rememder my friend Donghae, we went to the same dance classes and later school." Getting a nod from both of his brothers, Eunhyuk continued. "Well the thing is that he is now working in his cousins dance studio and has asked me, if I want to come there too. And I have decided to accept his offer so I´m going to move to a place closer to the studio."

"You´re going to die!" Okay, that wasn´t what he was expecting to hear and from both of them.


"You can´t cook!" Sungmin explained. "You´ll die of hunger."

Unlike his brothers Eunhyuk couldn´t cook, rather he would likely burn of destroy the kitchen if he tried. Eunhyuk reminded the most a fire witch by nature of his brothers. He was very passionate person which showed in his dance. He cried, laughed and got hurt easily. And like his brothers he had a one thing he loved very much, dancing. Now when he had a change to do what he loved, no way would he refuse the offer.

"Hyung I can buy food or go to a restaurant so I wont die and if you are that worried you can come by and make me something."

"So you really are leaving."

"Yes Ryeowook. Don´t be sad." Going to hug his little brother, Eunhyuk answered, feeling tears also gatering in his eyes.

"I can´t believe you get to move out before me." Sungmin said as he too joined in. The brothers were, since childhood, been really close to each other and now when one of them was leaving, they were sad.

"Don´t worry hyung. He will have your house soon ready and then you will move in with him." Eunhyuk smiled at Sungmin.

"Yeah, but it has been already over a year that he has been on it. He´s so slow."

"But that´s because he wants you to have best hyung." Ryeowook joined in.

"See hyung, you are gonna be leaving soon yourself."

"Hopefully. So have are you going to tell mom, at least he knows I´m going to move as soon as the house is ready."

"Actually I was hoping you two would help me with it."


"No way!"

"Oh thanks a lot."

"It wont be so bad. Mom´s shopping, he´s always happy after it and dad will help you to get him understand." Sungmin said to Eunhyuk, who only nodded in response.

"When will you move?" Ryeowook asked.

"I´m going to start work after 2 weeks so I´m going to move before it. Donghae has found me a place near the studio so I´m going to go take a look of tomorrow. Do you wanna come with me?" Eunhyuk answered, at the same time taking a strawberry from a bowl on table. 

"So soon, but I guess I can come."

"Sorry hyung I can´t. Yesung is coming tomorrow and I want to see him before he leaves to Japan."

"That´s okay. Say hey to him from me."

"I will."

Rest of the day they went on quickly. They spent time speaking about the move and what there should be in the apartment. What Eunhyuk would need to take with him and what he should leave behind, as they were waiting their parents from the shopping trip. And then it would be time to Eunhyuk tell his parents. ,.




I´m so bad at staying on schedule.

I was supposed to post this yesterday, but it began to thunder suddenly so had to close my computer.

But I have free until Monday, so if everything goes well I can get the next chapter written for Monday^^

And I have chosen the family members, so thank you for your suggestion ^^

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MeinAltire #1
Chapter 8: Waaahhhh what was that??? interesting...
please update some more :)
257471 #2
Chapter 8: ehhh, who's that???
please update soon...this is great...
maedeh #3
Chapter 8: hi
its cute
Chapter 8: one of his family...
heyitstheduff #5
Chapter 8: Cho Kyuhyun!!!! Kkkkk
Chapter 7: Just post it....i would love to read it
Chapter 7: its up to you... i dont know korean kids artist... or some from fx or exo...
you should make hyuk burn that alarm clock without touching it. that must be cool. XD
heyitstheduff #8
Chapter 7: Get well soon!!^^ take your time, readers will wait ;;)
Akuropanda #9
Chapter 6: is there really a pink torchlight?
emma13 #10
Chapter 6: Just found your''s cute by the way.. ^.^

Oh and please,don't take it to long for next chapts kkkkkk just can't wait >.~