Chapter 8

Tomorow, I'll Still Love You

"I'm sorry..." he started. Everyone was anxiously waiting for him to finish his sentence, but he didn't. He just put his head down and opened the file in his hand. He looked over the file and sighed.

"Doctor? How is she?" Mrs. Wu asked, scared of the answer. He looked up from the file and sighed.

"I don't know how to tell you this, but Miss Wu Ying Jie is in a critical condition. Mr. Wu," he said, looking at Mr. Wu, "didn't I tell you to take good care of your daughter?"

"Yes, but I thought that you cured her?" he asked. Mrs. Wu looked at her husband in confusion.

"Lao Gong, what is Doctor He talking about?" asked Mrs. Wu, with curiosity. Everyone else was staring at Mr. Wu. He looked away from his wife and everyone else. He doesn't know what to say to them. It was a secret that he promised not to tell.

'I can't tell them that Gui's had had a heart transplant when she was a newly born. I promised myself to keep this a secret,' he said to himself.

"Wu Jin Feng! WHAT HAPPENED TO MY DAUGHTER?! WHAT DOES DOCTOR HE MEANT BY THAT?!" she shouted. Mr. Wu didn't say anything. Mrs. Wu ran up to her husband and started hitting him. He didn't fight back.

"Auntie Wu, I'm sure she's fine," said Ah Xing, trying to calm down Gui's mother.

"Wu Jin Feng! What's wrong with Gui?!" she shouted once more. Everyone just stood there in silence, trying to figure out what was happening. Mr. Wu turned and faced his wife.

"Pei Jia, listen to me," he said, "Gui, she had a heart transplant when she was a newly born. I had to sign those papers. She needed the transplant! Lao Po, you were unconscious because of Gui, but I never expected to hear that my newly born daughter was born with a heart failure. If I didn't sign those papers, she wouldn't even be alive. So, I decided to sign them, and she got her transplant done. Doctor He told me to take good care of her, and not let anything happen to her, or else the heart transplant would go to waste. That's why, I took really good care of her and never let anything happen to her."

"What?!" she shouted.

"I'm sorry, if I kept this from you all these 24 years. I mean, she was my only daughter! I had asked Ah Ben to take care of her, since he already found out about this situation. I told him to take care of Gui for use. But, who knew that Ah Ben would be gone too. Don't you ever wonder why, Gui and Ah Ben are so close?" he asked her.

"You got my son involved?" she asked.

"Lao Po, I'm sorry. Anyways, I never expected her be like this. I never thought that she would be falling from the roof like this. I knew that she was exceptionally smart and graduated from college at the age of twenty two, but I never knew that she would be like this," he said.

"Does she know?" asked Aaron, causing everyone to turn and stare at him. "Does she know about this?"

Mr. Wu hesitated before answering, "no, she doesn't. I haven't told her yet."

"WU JIN FENG!" Gui's mother shouted, "How dare you keep this from me?! Today, you better not come HOME! To be exact I don't want you home until she gets better!"

"Pei Jia, please don't this to me!" he begged his wife.

"Jin Feng and Pei Jia!" Doctor He shouted, causing them to look at him. "I don't think this is going to help Miss Ying Jie to get better. I don't think that she would want to see her parents separate because of her. Now, I have a question to ask you two."

"What?" asked Mr. Wu, getting up from his knees.

"What exactly happened to Miss Ying Jie to cause her to be like this?" he asked, seriously.

"Actually, I can answer that," said Ah Xing. Everyone turned and stare at her. "It was my fault. Last night, she was in the lobby of Wu Hotel. She was stubborn and didn't want to get up, so Kai Zhang and I left her alone. I don't know what happened since I knocked out, but I heard that Aaron came to check on her. Anyways, so this morning, when I came down, she wasn't there. I thought that something might happened to her so I asked the receptionist where she was. They didn't know, but they said that judging her, she might be on the roof." Ah Xing took a deep breath, and didn't know if she should continued.

"And?" asked Doctor He, when he realized that she was reluctant to continue.

"And...I rushed to the roof. I saw her standing at the edge of the roof and thought that she was going to do something reckless, so I rushed over to her, causing her to fall. I grabbed onto her, but gravity was against me, so I couldn't pull her up. Kai Zhang came to help me, but the result was the same. I guess, she knew that she wasn't going to make it, so she forced us to let go," she explained.

"And?" Doctor He said.

"I don't know what had happened, but when we got down and ran outside, she was laying on top of a mattress. Her mother ran to her, but she fainted," Ah Xing finished.

"I see, well she only have 36 hours to wake up. If she doesn't wake up in 36 hours, then be prepare for the worst," Doctor He said, after hearing the story.

Mrs. Wu couldn't believe this and fainted. "Bring her to a room, and give her some IV." The nurses nodded and helped Mrs. Wu to a room and attached some IVs on her.

Aaron stared at the ER. He couldn't believe it. The love of his life was in danger. Ah Xing was crying and Kai Zhang was holding onto her. Hei Na watched as her brother stood there in a calmly matter. She walked up to him and touched his shoulder. He turned around and gave her a weak smile.

"Ge, are you okay?" she asked him. He didn't answer her, he just nodded. He walked passed her and sat down on an empty chair against the wall. Ah Xing, Kai Zhang, Ya Tou and Hei Na turned and stared at him. They had expected him to overreact but he was just sitting there, relaxed. They stared at each other and then back at him.

"Aaron, it will be better if you punch the wall or do something reckless," said Ya Tou. Aaron just stare at her.

Night had come and gone and it was day time. Gui had been unconscious for a day now. They only had two more days for Gui to wake up. Everyone anxiously waited, but Aaron. He just sat there in a calmly matter. Aaron was looking at the ground, when he caught sight of something. He got up and walked over to the corner of the ER door. Everyone watched as he got up. Confusion roam their feelings.

He picked up the necklace that he had given her when he asked her to date him. He stood up and stared at the door.

"Aaron, please," said his mother.

"Ma, I need to go and cook something for her to eat. She hadn't eaten anything since yesterday. I need to go and make her something. So, when she wakes up, she can eat," he said, walking away from them.

"Aaron," his mother said once more.

"Aaron, please," said his father, grabbing his arm. Aaron didn't even bother to look at his father.

"Aaron," said Mrs. Wu.

"Please, I need to go and cook something for her," he said. They all watched as he left the hospital.

"I'll go and look after him. Just to make sure, he's okay," said Mr. Yan.

"Yes, please," said Mrs. Yan.

Mr. Yan followed Aaron home. Aaron got up and walked straight into the kitchen. He was taking out anything and everything inside the fridge. Mr. Yan watched as his son starts to loose control. Aaron was crying by this time already. He had waited two years for Gui's forgiveness and he finds that because of an accident, she might follow Ah Ben to Heaven.

"Son, please calm down and think carefully," Mr. Yan finally say, when he saw Aaron struggling.

"Ba, she's hungry. I know that she's hungry," he said.

"Son, please," he said, almost pleading with his son.

"Ba, just leave me alone," he said, trying not to shout at his father. Mr. Yan felt tired. He didn't know what had gotten into Aaron, bu the was tired.

"Son," he said in a whisper, "she will be fine." Aaron didn't look up nor say anything else. He just struggled with the knife. He didn't know what he was going to cook for her, but he wanted to make something for her to eat once she's awake.

(Okay, I know that this part in unrealistic, but I just wanted to add this part into my story. So, I apologize if I offended anyone by adding this part.)

Gui saw Ah Ben sitting on her bed in her room. She smiled at the sight of him, but her smile faded into a frown. The sight of him made her happy, but she knew that it was bad news. He saw her and motioned for her to sit next to him.

She walked up to him and saw down. He smiled at her.

"Mei, it's time for us to go," he said.

"Ge, where are we going?" she asked.

"We are going home. To our new home," he said.

"But, Ge, what about Ma and Ba?" she asked.

"It's not their time yet. It's your time to go home with me," he said. He extended his arm and she looked at him. She was reluctant to take his hand.

"Ge, I don't want to go yet," she said. He looked at her and she gave him the puppy eyes. He couldn't refuse her.

"Okay, Mei, I'll give you today to finish anything that you want to do. But, remember, once today is over, you most go with me," he said.

"Ge," she said, but he cut her off.

"Ying Jie, today is all I can give you, but you most finish everything today. Do not leave anything out, or you'll regret it forever," he said. Gui nodded.

"Okay, closed your eyes," another person said. Gui turned around and saw Xiao Rou.

"Xiao Rou?" she asked.

"Hi, Gui. Anyways, closed your eyes and we'll send you back to finish whatever you need to finish," she said. Gui nodded her head and closed her eyes.

In a flash, Gui was at Aaron's house. She saw him crying in the kitchen, with his father standing off to the side. She walked to him, but he couldn't see her. She touched his shoulders, but he didn't look at her.

"Son, please, I'm begging you, please, stop this," Gui heard his father say.

"Ba, she's hungry. She'll be hungry when she wakes up," he said.

'When I wake up?' she asked herself. She watched as Aaron washed the vegetables. She walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. She heard a muffled cry from Aaron. She buried her face into his back.

When Aaron was done what he was doing, he went to his room and took out the necklace he had given her. She followed him and tears rolled down her cheeks.

'Aaron, I'm sorry for hating you all these years. Truth is, I still love you, but I couldn't accept the fact that Xiao Rong had killed Ah Ben,' she said.

Aaron sat on his desk for hours. When it was seven, he went to the bathroom and took a shower. After that, he went to his bed and laid down. Tears rolled down his cheeks, but he was super tired. It was going to be a long day and he hadn't slept at all yesterday. Gui watched as he fell asleep.

She walked over to his desk and tried to pick up a pen, but she couldn't. She sighed and walked over to him. She leaned over his face and touched it lightly.

'Aaron, I have to go now. I love you dearly. Please take care of yourself,' she said. She leaned in and kissed his forehead. She wiped his tears and left.

She was now back in her room with Ah Ben and Xiao Rou.

"Mei, are you ready?" he asked her.

"Yes, let's go," she said. Ah Ben and Xiao Rou just smiled at her. "Ge, let's go."

"Mei, I have something to tell you. You can't go with us, because your heart belongs with Aaron. Look," he said, Gui turned and now they were in Aaron's room. He was still holding on the necklace.

"Ge?" she asked.

"Gui, you can't leave, because Aaron still love you dearly. This was all a test to show how much you two love each other. Look at what he's holding unto," said Ah Ben.

Gui turned and saw Aaron holding onto the necklace he had given her. She touched her neck, and it was gone. A smile slowly crept upon her face. Ah Ben and Xiao Rou signaled her to go to back. Now, they were in the hospital, where her body lies. She laid on her body and disappeared.


Everyone was anxiously waiting for Gui's signal. It was the final night and the next morning, her parents would have to sign the papers to take her off the emergency treatment. The doctors were in the room, trying to get her heartbeat back up.

Beep, beep, beep. Everyone looked up at the screen.

"Doctor, we're losing her!" shouted a nurse.

"Electrocute her," he said.

"It's not working!" another one said.

"Try again! We must save her," he shouted. They tired again but failed.

As dawn was creeping, everyone starts to get anxious and impatient. Aaron had woken up from the weirdest dream. He check his alarm clock. It read 3:30. He got dressed and drove to the hospital. He wanted to be there when her parents takes her off from emergency treatment. Two minutes later, Aaron had arrived to a bunch of tired, anxious people sitting by the ER. He walked up to them and waited with them.

Time went by so slow when you're waiting for bad news. Aaron checked his watch and it read 9:20. It has been hours and the doctor still hadn't come out yet. Mr. Wu and Mr. Yan was pacing the room, while their wives waited by the door. Ah Xing, Kai Zhang, Hei Na and Ya Tou were sitting down. Jiro stood by the side. Aaron stood in front of the door watching for the doctor. He prayed silently to himself, hoping that she will wake up.

Finally at noon, the doctor came out with a sad expression. Everyone knew that they must be mentally prepared for what comes next. He looked down, for he was afraid to face them. It was a critical moment for them. Everyone was now crowding around him, waiting for an answer.

"I'm sorry, but you can visit her. Mr and Mrs. Wu, you two may come to my office after you see her and sign those papers," he said, without looking up. Everyone rushed inside and cried. Gui laid there not moving. Aaron eyed the system, but there wasn't a heartbeat left in her. He pushed himself to Gui's side.

He held unto her hand and whispered something to her. Mr and Mrs Wu left the room and went into Doctor He's office. He was explaining to them the contents of the papers and everything. When they were about to sign the papers, a nurse ran into the office.

"Doctor, a miracle has happened! Her heartbeat is responding and she's moving her fingers!" she shouted. They all rushed to the ER and he pushed himself towards Gui. He looked at the screen and saw that she had recovered her heartbeat. He smiled crawled over his face. Even though her eyes were closed, her fingers were moving, which showed a sign of life in her.

"She is stable now. We will move her into a room. But, she is not exactly up yet. She just happened to stabilized her heartbeat. We will give her some more time," he said. He wrote down something and nodded for the nurses to bring her to a room. Everyone followed and bowed when the nurses left.

Aaron was by her side, never leaving her. He was worried that if he left, her heartbeat would stop. Gui was still in a coma, but she was moving her fingers. Everyone come and go. Mr and Mrs. Yan brought clothes for Aaron to change everyday.

Three weeks later, she finally opened her eyes. She tried to get up, but instead she woke up Aaron. She gave him a weak smile and was glad that he was by her side.

"Gui, you're awake?!" he shouted. Ah Xing and Ya Tou woke up from the couch and ran to Aaron's side.

"She's awake!" shouted Ah Xing.

"I'll go and get the doctor!" shouted Ya Tou, running out the door. On her way out, she bumped into the parents.

"Ya Tou, what happened?" asked Mrs. Wu.

"It's Gui," she said, running.

"Gui?!" asked Mr. Wu. "What happened to her?"

"Go and find out!" she shouted, before turning the corner. The parents rushed to Gui's room, to find Aaron happily talking to her. She saw them and waved to them.

"Hello, Ba, Ma, Auntie and Uncle," she said, smiling.

"Gui, you're awake," her mother said, running to her side. She pulled Gui into a hug. Everyone was relieve that she was awake. It was a tough time for them, but their patience and hard work paid off. Doctor He came in and saw a happy Gui. He quickly gave her a check up and left the room. Happiness and relieved filled the room. Yes, it was a long, hard, tough time for them, but they were able to pull out of it.

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Dailycommenter 98 streak #1
As I am trying to find an old story on here but I cannot remember the title so I am going through all the story links I found this sounds interesting and has a nice description
Spectacular! Please update for Aaron's sake? ^^
love the swtotry
update soon
dana2083 #10
Love the story