Appa's will

love me while you dance


"Appa, don't say things like that. You're not going anywhere without me", Min Young sobbed. Her father wiped the tears with his weak hand.


            "Will you promise or not, Min Young- ah?" he repeated the unanswered question. Min Young nodded.


            "What do you want me to do, Appa? I'll do anything for you, as long as you stay with me", she replied. She looked at her father in his sad eyes. Clearly, death is coming near him. "Will you, Appa? Stay with me".


            Her father shot her a weak smile. "I'll eternally be with you, Min Young- ah…", he let out a serious cough. "The only thing I'm asking you is to look inside my black coat. There's a key to my drawer in my studies. There is a beige envelope there. Take it, read it and do everything that it says in there… Promise me, Min Young- ah, my daughter… And I promise you I'll be eternally with you…", with those words, Min Young's father closed his eyes forever.


            "Appa?! Appa!! APPPPPAAAAA!!!" Min Young held her father's hand, placing them on her chest. "You lied, Appa! You said you'll stay with me forever?!! YOU LIED!!" Min Young cried. Her maids came in, gasping at the scenery they were seeing. Min Young turned her head towards them. "Appa is gone forever…", she sobbed. One of her maids came closer and patted Min Young's shoulder.


           "Miss, we know how you feel. Cry as much as you want. We will get your grandmother", she said, disappearing through the doors. The other maids followed her lead and went outside. Min Young took a soft glance towards her still father.


            "Why did you lied, Appa?" she sobbed. Before she knew it, she fell asleep next to her father's cold body.


            The next morning she woke up, feeling weird. "What happened?" she mumbled. She saw her hands holding her fathers. "Appa…" she had no more tears to cry. She simply sat there, staring at her father's calm face.


            That afternoon, the funeral took place. All of the guests who came cried, except for Min Young. She had enough crying last night. After seeing nothing of her father's coffin, she walked towards the black car, which is waiting for her. She went in and wind down the window.


            After taking a last quick glance of her father's headstone, she instructed the driver to drive her home. When she reached the white mansion, she went straight to her father's room. She thought about it all along from the funeral. She opened her father's walk- in closet and peered inside. Well, since her father is a big fan of black, she has to search a whole dozen of black coats. She checked all the pockets, and finally in the fifth coat, a silver key dropped.


            She picked it up, not aware to clean her mess and ran straight to her father's study. She went to his drawer and tried opening it. Bingo! She scattered all other white papers, searching for a beige envelope. Finally, she found it, at the most back of the drawer. She tore open the envelope and started reading.


"WHAT THE---- MARRY???!!!" she squealed. "APPPAAAAA!!!!"



She fell on the floor. "Marry?? You got to be kidding, Appa! Yeah, you hear me, right? Anneyo! I'm not marrying this guy. How can you do this to me, Appa?" she stood up and walked downstairs, searching for her Halmoni.


            "Halmoni? Are you here?" she peered into her grandmother's sewing room. Nope, not there. She wandered around the big mansion, finally spotting her grandmother in front of the pool. 'She's not going for suicide, is she? I mean her son just died', she thought and ran towards her grandmother.


            "Halmoni, what are you doing here? You're not committing suicide, right?" she asked, clearly worried. Her grandmother shot her a glare.


            "Of course I am not going to kill myself! I have reasons to live. What do they even taught you at Seoul University? An old woman like me killing herself! What rubbish", she blabbered.


            "Anyway, Halmoni, do you know about the marriage thing? Cause I have NO idea…", Min Young shook her head. "And who am I marrying?"


            Her grandmother turned her wheelchair around, motioning Min Young to push her around the well- kept garden.

            "Yes, I knew about it, Min Young. Your father and I planned this on you. We figured that you are old enough  to get married", said her grandmother. Min Young widened her eyes.


            "Old? I'm only 19, Halmoni! How can I marry at this young age?" she asked. She eyed a white pigeon drinking from the fountain. She had a soft spot for those kind of birds somehow…


            "Of course you are young if it's compared to me! You are old to a three year old!" her grandmother huffed. Min Young pouted.


            "But Halmoni, I'm not ready for any marriage, yet. I want to focus on my studies", she pouted. Her grandmother eyed her.


            "Get married, then focus on your studies, dear. We picked the guy because your father and his father promised each other to wed you and his son. I've met him before. He's famous, oh yes. And very polite to elderly people. Unlike you", she mocked. Min Young furrowed her brows. How come Halmoni likes a stranger better than her?


            "Skip the polite part, Halmoni. But I'm still not ready! What will my friends say if they heard I got married and---" she whined.


            "They will be jealous", her grandmother cut off.


            "Huh? Why would they be jealous? I mean, I'm marrying at 19. Isn't that supposed to be old movies stuff?" she wondered.


            "Yes, they will laugh before they know your future husband. But once they knew, they will said that you are the most luckiest person in the universe", answered her grandmother. Min Young eyed her suspiciously.


            "Lucky? Whole universe? Okay, Halmoni. Tell me who is this guy and what's so great about him", teased Min Young. She puckered up a smile.



Fishie's note: So, how's the chapter?? anyway, i'm excited to write the next chapter!!! Unfortunately ;_; i'm getting sleepy... i'll continue tomorrow!! PINKY PWOMISE!!

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blazensaddles #1
Aw :( kyu doesn't like her.... Hae~ u falling for her :)
what she loves him that much?!?1!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Kyu doesn't like Minyoung... <br />
She's gonna be so hurt...<br />
Fishy!! Heal her wounds!!! (:
ineen_donghae #4
@yukeez: yeah, thanks a lot.. it got all scrambled up since i used Sooyoung's pic as Min Young... thanks 4 da support..
So Donghae is Minyoung's fiance? <br />
Oh, and I spotted a mistake in Chapter one (: <br />
""Min Young- ah, I know I can't live any longer… I'm afraid I have to leave you and Halmoni soon… Sooyoung- ah… Will you do just what I say?" asked her father. Tears filled her eyes.” She's Minyoung right? Not Sooyoung? ((:<br />
Update soon!