I don't lie, Halmoni...

love me while you dance


"Can you help? It's the only way I'll forgive you", she cooed.


          "F--F--Fine.. O--Ok--Okay then. I'll… I'll help you", he stammered. He took a small stick and break them into pieces. "How?"




          Donghae rolled his eyes. "How do you want me to help?" Min Young shot him a playful grin.


          "Help me with my dance practice. I know you're very good at it, so I considered you'll help me", she pleaded.


          "And how is this going to get Kyu's attention smart ?" asked Donghae. Seriously, what does dancing has to do with that?


          "There's this competition at my uni. A dance competition. I'd like to audition so Kyu oppa notice me better. And hey, tell me everything that he likes. I don't want to end up doing things he dislikes", Min Young breathed. She looked at Donghae with hopeful eyes.


          Donghae gave her his You're- Out- Of- Your- Mind stares. "Yeah, I heard 'bout the competition. Okay, I'll help. In fact---"


          "Thanks, Donghae!" Min Young ran off towards a black car and went inside.


          "Sheesh… talk about selfish. What kind of fiancée ran off from her fiancée like that?!" he grunted and kicked a pebble. The thought of him helping Min Young to get to Kyuhyun still disturbed him. "What am I thinking??!! A fiancée shouldn't help his fiancée to get other people to notice her!! Aisshhh… I'm so jumbled up  right now. I've got to take a bath", he said, walking towards the condominium.



          "Aisshhh!! I forgot to take a picture of him!" Min Young slapped her forehead. She totally forgot about that! She was all depressed with that guy, it totally slipped off her mind! "What will Halmoni say? I can't go into the house if I don't have the picture! Could you drive a little slower, please? Oh, please stop in front of that newsstand!" she ordered the driver.


          The driver pulled over next to the newsstand. Min Young wind down her window. She smiled at the lady who practically owned the stand. "Hello, do you have any magazine about celebrities? May I borrow it for a moment?"


          "Of course, dear. Wait for a moment", the lady walked towards a jumble of magazine and pulled out one. "Here you go". Min Young took the magazine and started searching the magazine for a picture of Donghae. 'AHA! Found it!' she quickly snapped the picture of her future husband and handed the magazine back to the lady.


          "Kamsahamnida, Ahjumma", she said. The lady nodded and Min Young wind up her window. She turned towards her driver. "You must NOT tell Halmoni", she warned. The aged driver chuckled.


          "Arasso, Miss Park", he answered. Min Young smiled. Now, she can come home. Hopefully. The black vehicle stopped at the front porch. The driver opened the door for Min Young. She stepped out nervously, eyes scanning for her grandmother. Not around. She let out a sigh of relief. She knocked on the door. The door cracked open, and her grandmother was there, sitting on her wheelchair.


          "Aisshhh…" she mumbled, barely heard by her grandmother.

          "So? The picture?" that's the first thing she asked. She really wanted to make sure her granddaughter met her grandson- in- law. Min Young handed her grandmother her phone. Her grandmother looked at the picture intensely. "Why aren't you taking pictures with him?"


          "I---Um… don't feel comfortable near him. Actually, tomorrow I'm seeing him again", she answered.


          Her grandmother grinned. "Starting to take interest in him, huh?"


          "Anneyo! HE was the one who wanted to see me. Chincha! I don't lie, Halmoni", convinced Min Young. Her grandmother nodded thoughtfully.


          "As long you are youngsters are getting along, that's fine with me. I got to go and pee…", she wheeled out and went towards her room. Min Young sighed in relief. 'Just a small white lie', she thought.


          She went into her room and took her bath. She ate dinner with Halmoni and went to bed, with Donghae and Kyuhyun's face in her dreams.

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blazensaddles #1
Aw :( kyu doesn't like her.... Hae~ u falling for her :)
what she loves him that much?!?1!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Kyu doesn't like Minyoung... <br />
She's gonna be so hurt...<br />
Fishy!! Heal her wounds!!! (:
ineen_donghae #4
@yukeez: yeah, thanks a lot.. it got all scrambled up since i used Sooyoung's pic as Min Young... thanks 4 da support..
So Donghae is Minyoung's fiance? <br />
Oh, and I spotted a mistake in Chapter one (: <br />
""Min Young- ah, I know I can't live any longer… I'm afraid I have to leave you and Halmoni soon… Sooyoung- ah… Will you do just what I say?" asked her father. Tears filled her eyes.” She's Minyoung right? Not Sooyoung? ((:<br />
Update soon!