Can you help me?

love me while you dance


          Leeteuk came in, followed by Yesung, Sungmin and the rest of Super Junior Happy. Leeteuk instantly notice Min Young's present.


          "Well, you guys aren't interested to introduce us to the beautiful guest?" Leeteuk chimed. 'Beautiful?' Min Young blushed. She quickly stood up and bowed respectfully.


          "Annyeong~ I'm Park Min Young. Nice to meet you", her heart pound. She can't believe she's meeting Super Junior!


          'What's this? At first she was all blushing when the first time we met, a minute after that she glared at me. This time playing sweet with hyungs?! Oh, this is on…', Donghae thought. His face tighten, his teeth clenched tight. Sungmin tapped him on the shoulder.


          "Yah, you okay?" he asked. Donghae pretended to relax. He gave Sungmin a fake smile.


          "Yeah, sure". Sungmin grinned.


         "So, who's the girl? She looks nice. And she didn't pounce on any of us-- yet", Sungmin commented. Donghae turned towards Sungmin. 'Nice my . She's a real pain!' Donghae sighed and went forward.


          He cleared his throat. "Dear Super Junior members, I would like to introduce Park Min Young, my fiancée", all, except Heechul and Kyuhyun gasped.


          "Really?! Yah, Lee Donghae! You're not making this up, do you?" asked Shindong.


          Donghae shook his head.


          "How come you have a fiancée before I even have a girlfriend?" asked Kangin suspiciously. He looked at Donghae. Donghae nudged Min Young beside him.


          "Err… Long story short, it's an arranged marriage", she said. All the members nodded.


          "So, you're not going to live with us anymore?" asked Yesung. He eyed Donghae.


          "I'm still living here. We're NOT getting married tomorrow, hyung", whined Donghae. He glanced towards Min Young. "As much as I concerned, she's just a spoiled brat".


          The next thing they knew, Min Young was running out the door. She ran down the stairs, not caring to take the elevator. She sat on a bench in the park next to the condominium. She sobbed. 'Why did he hated me so much?' she stopped crying and looked at a dandelion blooming in front of her and realized something. 'Wait, why am I crying? I didn't even like him! I like Kyu oppa…'. Suddenly, someone touched her shoulder. She jolted up immediately and hit the person hard on the arm.


          "OOWWW!!! What was that for??!!" she heard a familiar voice. She glance at the person and realized it was Donghae.


          "What do you want?! Haven't you had enough of me yet?! Cause I had enough of seeing that face of yours!" she strode of towards a nearby tree. Donghae followed, holding his arm.


          "I just want to apologize", he mumbled.

          "For what?! I don't even like you", she answered coldly. Donghae lift his left brow.


          "Really? so who do you like most in the Super Junior?" he asked. A sly smile crept across his face.


          "Kyu oppa", Min Young answered. Donghae looked surprised.


          "That game freak? You've got to have better taste than that", he mocked.


          "At least he has better attitude than you", she spat. Donghae kept quiet. Min Young took a glance towards his future hubby. He looked hurt. Somehow, his face looked so innocent and pure. He looked almost nice. Min Young stared at the face for a moment. She grinned. "You jealous?"


          Donghae came to his senses. "Wha-- Me?? Jealous?? Ch'yeah right. Why would I'd be jealous?"


          "I don't know. So, can you help me?" asked Min Young.


          "Since when did we have an agreement of me helping you?" asked Donghae.


          "Since you made me cry and you begged me for forgiveness", she grinned. Donghae was stunned by her smile.


          'She's so beau--- wait, what am I saying?? I hate her! She hates me! It's too obvious!' he yelled in his thoughts. He sighed. "Fine. What is it?"


          "Help me to get Kyu oppa's attention", she said. The words banged Donghae's ears. He gulped. 

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blazensaddles #1
Aw :( kyu doesn't like her.... Hae~ u falling for her :)
what she loves him that much?!?1!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Kyu doesn't like Minyoung... <br />
She's gonna be so hurt...<br />
Fishy!! Heal her wounds!!! (:
ineen_donghae #4
@yukeez: yeah, thanks a lot.. it got all scrambled up since i used Sooyoung's pic as Min Young... thanks 4 da support..
So Donghae is Minyoung's fiance? <br />
Oh, and I spotted a mistake in Chapter one (: <br />
""Min Young- ah, I know I can't live any longer… I'm afraid I have to leave you and Halmoni soon… Sooyoung- ah… Will you do just what I say?" asked her father. Tears filled her eyes.” She's Minyoung right? Not Sooyoung? ((:<br />
Update soon!