I'll audition

love me while you dance



Min Young stood up. She was getting bored by her grandmother's story about true love. She never believed that. True love? That's just ancient. Nobody believes it, aside from her grandmother. The love Min Young's been searching is never found. So, it was never believed by Min Young. True love never exists in Min Young's life. It never did. Min Young took her coat and went outside. The cold breeze of January hit her smooth face. Min Young closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She walked along the sidewalk until she reached the road's end. She always loved the view of the scenery of the place. She can see the whole of Seoul. The lights, the cool breeze, fascinated Min Young. How does it feel to have a true love? If true love exists, why'd her parents divorced? True love is absolutely a lie to her! A myth, that has never been true from the start.

            Romeo and Juliet? They're just obsessed about their love, Min Young thought. Sonny and Cher? No, that's not it. How about the Great Taj Mahal? Min Young thought for a while. It does seemed like a symbol of love. But it doesn't make any sense. Why does 'obsessed with love' is known as 'true love'? She didn't really get that point. She stared at the stars above her. They seemed so beautiful. Min Young smiled. The stars always made her feel alright. They always calmed her down. Suddenly, the song 'U' by Super Junior hit her ears. She took out her cellphone from her pocket. Her best friend's name, Tae Ra appeared on the screen. Min Young smiled and pressed the 'Answer' button.

            "Hello?" she said. They talked for a while about the homework their teacher gave. Then, Tae Ra bragged about the dance competition that's going to be held at her school. Tae Ra urged Min Young to enter the competition. "No, Tae Ra, I don't want to. I need to focus on my studies. No, no".


            "But this could be your big opportunity to get Kyu oppa's attention. I know you really liked him, Min Young. Go for the competition", Tae Ra answered. Kyu is the Student Body President in Seoul University. His full name is Cho Kyu-Hyun. He has been the most wanted boy in Seoul University, not to mention he is a part of the boy band, Super Junior! "Min Young, are you still there?"


            "Oh, yes. Um... you really think Kyu oppa is going to notice me?" Min Young wondered. Before, Kyuhyun never notice anybody. He'd bury his head in some books, and books, and some more books.


            "Think about it, Min Young. Mo Ran with Ji Seuk and Jae Ni with Jung Hwa. They are happy couples. You can be like them too, if you auditioned", Tae Ra started to give hopes to Min Young. Min Young smiled.


            "You really think so?" she took a deep breath. "Fine. I'll audition", Min Young smiled. She heard Tae Ra's laugh of victory from the phone line. "Tae Ra, I better get going. It's almost midnight. Bye". She cut off the call. By this time, she regretted her words, her promise. "Urgh!! That Hwa Tae Ra! Well, it's an advantage she's my best friend in the whole wide world. If she's not, she'd be strangled by now". Min Young sighed and turned her heels, heading for home. Once she got in the house, she locked the door. "Halmoni, I'm home".


            Then, her grandmother came into the hallway in her usual wheelchair. "I see that. Your father wants to talk to you about something. He's in his room, I guess", she wheeled out and went to the living room. Min Young gave another big sigh and walked towards the huge mansion's marble stairs. She knocked on a well- polished door and walked in. "Appa, you want to see me?"


            A weak figure lied on the bed, looking helplessly at her. "Min Young- ah, come here. Sit next to me", her father patted the empty space on the bed. Min Young walked towards the bed and sat on the spot next to her father's hands. She held them tightly, not planning to let them go.


            "What is it, Appa?"


            "Min Young- ah, I know I can't live any longer… I'm afraid I have to leave you and Halmoni soon… Min Young- ah… Will you do just what I say?" asked her father. Tears filled her eyes.



Fishie's note: I know, I know, boring start huh?? Well, i'm still working on it... REAL HARD!! Fishie FIGHTING!! :) Hope all the readers enjoyed it -_-'... anyways, on to the next one !!

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blazensaddles #1
Aw :( kyu doesn't like her.... Hae~ u falling for her :)
what she loves him that much?!?1!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
Kyu doesn't like Minyoung... <br />
She's gonna be so hurt...<br />
Fishy!! Heal her wounds!!! (:
ineen_donghae #4
@yukeez: yeah, thanks a lot.. it got all scrambled up since i used Sooyoung's pic as Min Young... thanks 4 da support..
So Donghae is Minyoung's fiance? <br />
Oh, and I spotted a mistake in Chapter one (: <br />
""Min Young- ah, I know I can't live any longer… I'm afraid I have to leave you and Halmoni soon… Sooyoung- ah… Will you do just what I say?" asked her father. Tears filled her eyes.” She's Minyoung right? Not Sooyoung? ((:<br />
Update soon!