Misunderstandings and Revelations

I Love You, Mister Stranger


Banner credits to SapphireQueen of Sapphire Dimension Graphic Shop


warning: Long Chapter ahead


“Mister Kwon, why are you raising your hand?” the teacher asked.

“My head’s aching, Sir. May I excuse myself? I’m going to rest at the infirmary,” I explained.

“Is that so? Then, Mister Choi, accompany him. He might faint along the way.”

T.O.P. started to stand up.

“Oh, no. I’m fine. I can walk alone. Besides I don’t want T.O.P. to miss the lessons.”

When I finally escaped, I quickly ran towards her locker.


I think I’ve fallen in love with you.


I smiled at her note. This girl can really be unbelievable at times. How can she even fall for Daddy-Long-Legs when she doesn’t even know who he is? When she doesn’t even know I AM Daddy-Long-Legs. Somehow, I felt nervous how she’ll react when she finds out I’m Daddy-Long-Legs. Will she accept me?  Will she reject me? Will she get mad at me? These were exactly the reasons I backed out many times before when I tried to reveal myself to her. These were exactly the reason why I tried my best to not make it obvious that it was me. I even told T.O.P to meet me outside of the school so I can order him to post those notes while I was away. Though, I felt sorry to burden him. He said he was really scared that I’ll be found out when she caught him and interrogated him. That was also why I asked another student whom I didn’t know personally, Daesung. I was afraid that she will find out that T.O.P was actually my friend and she’ll find out eventually that I asked him to do those things. That’s why I asked someone I really don’t know.

I quickly wrote a note.


How is that even possible? You don’t even know me personally.


I posted it up and headed to the music room to pass time. I already lied to the teacher that I’ll stay at the infirmary. If I go back this soon, he might get suspicious.

When I arrived at the music room, I found her asleep. This girl really, she sleeps anywhere she wants. I started removing my coat so I can wrap it around her when I thought otherwise. She almost got me last night when she caught me without a coat. And I have to make up a story of leaving something behind so I have to come back. Well, in truth, I was just lurking in the school waiting for her to go home. So, I put my coat on again.


When my second class ended, I ran towards the locker and saw a new note.


I don’t care. I’m not after physical appearances. I just know I’m in love with you.


I smiled. She’s so unbelievable. I wrote back.


That’s not true. More than half of the people look into the physical appearances of a person when they love. Therefore, I disagree with you. You’re not in love.



At lunch, I came back.


True. But I’m different. I just know I’m in love.


I wrote back a reply.


But how is that possible? I’m unknown to you. For all you know, when I reveal myself, I’m still a stranger to you.


I posted the note and headed to my next class.

When all of my afternoon classes ended, I went to her locker to check for a reply. What I saw made my jaw drop.


If that’s the case, then, I love you, Mister Stranger.


I can’t really understand this girl. She’s actually serious. She’s actually saying that she fell for me, or rather for Daddy-Long-Legs. She doesn’t even know I’m him.

My mind went blank. I don’t know what to do or what to think. I just stood there in front of her locker, almost forgetting that if I stayed too long, she might find me out. Before that happens, I quickly ran towards the music room expecting to see her sleeping on the piano again. She never failed me. I saw her head leaning on the keys with a small smile on her lips. This made me smile too. Perhaps I was successful with my objective. Maybe too successful even to the extent that I’m making her smile even when asleep. I wanted to see her face light up again with that bright smile of hers that’s why I took the role of Daddy-Long-Legs.

Back then, I didn’t know what to do to her. When she asked me to stay by her side, I didn’t know why I didn’t refuse when in fact, I could have. Perhaps she was too pathetic with how she couldn’t get over that jerk that I pitied her right away. The only thing that came into my mind was to secretly send her encouraging notes, to communicate with her through them. Then I was surprised how she regarded me as Santa Claus or Daddy-Long-Legs. I admit, I laughed so hard upon reading that particular note. Seriously?! Santa Claus?! Daddy-Long-Legs?! This girl may appear lady-like to everyone with the way she acts and speaks, but her mind is that of a child. When she regarded me as those, I decided to go with the flow. Sometimes, I would write on the notes things like encouraging quotes for her to live on, sometimes, I would pick out some lines from poems or songs, sometimes I would even throw some jokes I heard somewhere, sometimes, I would even give her lollipops or candies. I’m proud to say that I didn’t fail to make her smile. I was glad I succeeded.


I woke up on another day with a smile on my face. It became a habit of mine to wake up this early so I would be able to beat Dara to school so I would have all the time for the whole morning to post some notes.

I quickly grabbed the note she last wrote to me and read it.


If that’s the case, then, I love you Mister Stranger.


Automatically, my lips lifted to a smile. Maybe it’s time, I thought. But I’m still scared. I don’t want to reveal myself just yet. Maybe I will just go with the flow. I’m sure she doesn’t mind. Maybe the right time hasn’t come yet. I’m sure it will.

Along the way to school, I decided to buy a rose to send along with the note.

When I arrived to school, I was toying with the rose on my fingers while humming to the tune of Give Me a Smile. On my other hand was the note she gave me. I don’t know. It makes me smile. It looked like as if she’s now the one who’s making me smile.

The moment I arrived to the lockers area, I stopped on my tracks. Since the day I started acting as Daddy-Long-Legs, besides making her smile, I have another objective in mind – to not let her get back together with that jerk who broke her fragile heart. Right now, though, I finally felt my first failure since the first day of being Daddy-Long-Legs. Unconsciously, my hand crushed everything I have on them. My vision started getting dark at the sight in front of me.

“Kwon Jiyong!” she called, finally noticing me. The moment she noticed the expression on my face, she stared back and forth to me and to the one she was just talking to – Youngbae. I must admit, I don’t like the smug expression Youngbae has on his face while staring back at me. “Oh, Jiyong, it’s not what you think.”

But before she could even explain, I already ran away. My feet brought me to the music room though – the last place I wanted to go to. Realizing this, I turned away to go to another place when Dara appeared on the doorway, blocking my way.

“Let me pass,” I ordered.

“Hear me out first,” she said.

“I’m not hearing anyone out,” I insisted.

“Listen to me!” she shouted. “It’s not what you think.”

“What? That you and Youngbae are now going out again? Well, it looks like it. I thought-“

“I told you, it’s not what you think!” she cut me off.

“Then how do you explain that?!” I demanded.

“He apologized to me yesterday and I accepted.”

My hands balled into tight fists, crushing the rose and the note. “How can you accept his apology right away? I thought you moved on already!”

“Exactly! I’ve moved on already! So, there’s no other reason to not accept his apology, we’re just friends.”

“Friends?!” I scoffed. “Does he feel that way to you too?”

“What?” her brows furrowed.

“You two are friends already eh? How about me then? Did you once think of me? Have you thought for once how I would feel seeing you two together? The efforts I gave to get back to him, so I can avenge you. What am I to you then?!”

“You’re my friend too, Jiyong! And I didn’t-“

“I’m your friend too, eh?” I cut her off. “Prove it then.”

“What?” she looked clueless.

“What’s Youngbae's favorite color?”
“What?” she asked but thought for a while then answered hesitantly. “It’s red.”

“How about mine then?”

She bit down on her lip and turned silent. “Those things don’t measure our friendship, Jiyong!”

I groaned. “See, you don’t even know. For all I know, I’m still a stranger to you. You don’t consider me as your friend. You don’t see me as one!”

But she seemed not listening to me anymore. “Why are you asking me those silly questions?! Those things don’t make sense, Jiyong! Why are you even acting this way?!”

“Because I’m jealous!” I burst out. “I’m jealous of how you were talking to him just a while ago with that bright smile of yours, how you laughed at his jokes, how you-“

“Why are you even jealous?!” she cut me off again. “You’re the one-“
“BECAUSE I LOVE YOU, DARA!” I burst out again. I wasn’t intending to say it but she demanded for an answer, and my mouth just kept on talking. I guess I was too angry.

Her brows furrowed again. “What?”

I punched the door in anger. “I love you! I’m jealous of him because I love you,” I said and exhaled several times before I added in a softer tone. “There, I said it. Now let me pass.”

She didn’t move an inch when I passed by her. All I know is how my heart was beating wildly inside my chest as I finally told her my feelings, but at the same time, how it was silently breaking inside.




I wasn't actually intending to see him hurting like this. But my stupid and reckless actions caused this. I shouldn't have done that. I shouldn't be this stupid in the first place...

For a while, I stood there where he left me. I never noticed hot tears already rolling down my cheeks. I was too shocked to react a while back. My mind was too preoccupied when he burst out and told me he loved me. After those words, the world went blank. I didn’t know if he was actually still talking or he kept silent. All I know was in my mind, those three words kept on echoing. But why was I crying?

“I…” I stammered. “…love you, too.”

I blinked and decided to look for him. When I took a step forward, I felt something on my feet. It was a crumpled paper. I picked it up and it had blood spots on them. Nevertheless, I was able to read the writing.


If that’s the case, then, I love you, Mister Stranger.


It was the note I wrote him yesterday. He was bringing it with him the whole time. And yet, here I was, hurting him further.


As expected, no notes came the whole day. Perhaps he didn’t care if I would find out he’s Daddy-Long-Legs anymore. I guess he was too angry to even write to me.

The next day, though, I was surprised to see a note on my locker. I picked it up.


You seemed alone. Are you okay?


My heart skipped a beat. Isn’t he angry at me anymore? As if on cue, he arrived and put some things in his locker. I was about to approach him when he quickly turned away.

“Jiyong!” I called. I ran towards him expecting him to turn to me and greet me a good morning. Perhaps he was just pretending that he didn’t see me. Perhaps he wanted me to run after him. But when I caught his wrist, he stopped and stared at my hand on his wrist.

“Leave me alone,” he said plainly.

Maybe it was the coldness of his voice that made me let go of his wrist. For a while, I was surprised to see this side of Jiyong.

I went back to my locker and wrote a reply.


I am.


I didn’t know what else to write back, but just the idea of him writing again makes me giddy. Even though he avoids me today, at least he’s still writing.

I went back to my locker during lunch and saw a new note.


How can I help?


I smiled at how he still wanted to help even though he knows very well that he’s the only reason why I’m alone. But, whatever, I want to grab the opportunity today.

I wrote back a reply.


I’ll be staying the whole afternoon at the music room. But if you find me there sleeping, please… don’t leave. Please stay!


I smiled down at the note. I hope he gives me even this one chance to meet him.


Soft piano music. There it goes again. Give me a smile. But instead of waking up, my eyes kept close. But my ears were still open, listening to Jiyong playing the piano.

When I finally heard him finish the piece, I was about to open my eyes finally. But I felt his presence towering over me.

Soft lips. Soft, warm lips. He is kissing me. I loved how his lips felt against mine. It gave me this warm tingling sensation all over my system.

The moment my lips parted so I could kiss him back, he leaned away. Finally, I opened my eyes.

As expected, Jiyong was towering over me. A smile was on his face. He lifted one of his hands and showed me the latest note I wrote him.

“I stayed,” he softly said.


We were cleaning the music room again when I felt Jiyong’s arms circle on my waist and pulled me close to his body. He kissed the side of my neck and leaned on one of my ears.

“Happy 100th day,” he whispered.

I leaned away and looked at him curiously. “We’re barely together for a month, how is it the 100th day already?”

His brows creased. “It’s the 100th day since I started writing you as Daddy-Long-Legs.”

I nodded as if finally realizing it.

“You forgot,” he turned away.

I hugged him from behind and peeked through him by his right shoulder. “I didn’t. I was messing with you,” I giggled.

He turned to me and hugged me tight. “I’m showing you something.”

He went towards his bag and showed me a scrapbook.

“What’s this?” I asked.

“Maybe it’s a story book,” he sarcastically said, imitating my sarcastic tone I used to have, and then turned his tone to a serious one. “I compiled everything you wrote me.”

I opened the book and saw every note I wrote to him, amazed how many I already sent him. I laughed as I read my first ever note. I sounded rude.

When I finished scanning, I stared at him and smiled.

“For a guy, you sure are creative,” I said.

“Who says only girls can be creative?” he demanded.

“Wait here,” I told him and went out.

“Where are you going?” he asked but I was already out.

I arrived at my locker and grabbed my own scrapbook I just made last night. I was surprised how we had the same idea of compiling all of the notes we sent to each other. But I must admit, the amount of notes I wrote him can’t compare to how much he wrote to me. I even got tired doing this last night that I wanted to quit doing it halfway but I was inspired to continue knowing that today will mark the 100th day of him writing to me.

I started walking away from my locker while smiling to myself. I was already thinking of how he will react to this. Oh, how exciting!

My smile faltered, however, when I arrived at the music room. I stopped by the doorway and I gaped. I felt all of my system trembling and I wanted to break down.

Jiyong… there he was, his back leaning by the piano, his lips being crushed by Jina’s.

My hand trembled and the book fell. Hearing this, both of their eyes turned to me and Jiyong quickly and forcefully pushed Jina away.

“Dara!” he called.

But it was too late, I was already running fast. I don’t want to see his face right now. How could he? He knew exactly how I was hurt before. How could he repeat history? Now that I think about it, this is twice as much the hurt I felt than before. No, perhaps thrice.

I bumped into someone. I looked up and saw Youngbae. He was smiling at me, as if not noticing the tears on my cheeks.

“Hey! Why were you running?” he asked.

I didn’t answer.

He trapped me to the wall and neared his face. My whole body was trembling but it was as if he didn’t notice it.

He stopped just inches from my face. “Why are you crying?” he asked, finally noticing. “Listen, this is about Jina. I wasn’t actually cheating at you that time when you found me kissing her,” he said and paused.

No! He’s misunderstanding why I was crying. I wasn’t crying because of him. I moved on already. I’m crying because of Jiyong, dammit! But I can’t seem to find my voice. It’s like it’s trapped inside my throat.

He continued. “But she was seducing me, and because I’m a man too, I fell for it. But Jina and I are over now, because I found out that she was actually using every guy here in our school, to steal money from them and the like.”


Unnie's Note: I'm sorry that this chapter is too long. i got carried away while writing it. Kekeke. By the way, no more teasers. it's ending soon. :D

let me hear your thoughts, comment below. thank you^^

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ANNOUNCEMENT: [badump, bdump] someone requested for a special chapter... therefore... [hmmm] i'll make a sequel. :D


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Chapter 14: Awwww what a cute story kkkkk love it Thank you and the sequel cant wait to read it
jiyongmk #2
Love this story! Fluff and feel good and cute! Thanks for the sequel authornim unnie :)
jessicabyun #3
Chapter 12: Cute!! Haha
jojettykoh #4
Chapter 13: Love ur story
Chapter 13: this storyy is so so cutee , love this , one of the best! Thank you , Author ! off to the sequeal !!
chelseachoi12 #6
Chapter 14: The story is so cute!!I really like it! Okay gonna read the sequel of this.^__^
alwaysdreamygirl #7
Chapter 12: Sweeeeeet ~
phEnxx #8
Chapter 13: omo I'm blushing ;-) and I love it...lol
phEnxx #9
Chapter 8: how sweet...I wish I had Daddy-Long-Legs too...lol :-)
hehe . i remembr when were having a test in math there are peoblems that i cant answer so i just write I LOVE KPOP my teacher even scold me because of that ..