Chapter Four ; Lotte World

"so it was all just a game to you. . ."

Dara quickened her pace, as she stumbles from time to time from her heels while a raven haired male followed her from behind as she nearly trips from her heels earning a glare from Dara as she gave him a what-are-laughing-at look. Jiyong then pointed her finger at him, as she gapped open before she furrowed her eyebrows angrily. He couldn’t help but have fun teasing Dara. 

“She’s too adorable.” He muttered to himself, as a chuckle escaped his lips. After a few seconds, he widened his brown eyes realizing what she just said. “No! Definitely not! It’s an illusion!”He told himself, slapping his cheeks while Seungri who had been standing beside him was staring at him weirdly.


“WHAT?! I DON’T LIKE HER! SO LEAVE ME ALONE!” Jiyong said angrily, as he began stomping to the others who were ahead leaving the maknae all alone. 

“What is Hyung talking about?” Seungri muttered to herself, confused.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

“CL-roo! CL-roo! I wanna ride that!” Dara pleaded as she pointed at the ferris wheel while she jumped excitedly.

“The ferris wheel?”


“But it feels so awkward for two girls.” ChaeRin said, trying to hook up Jiyong with Dara.

“I’ll come with you.” Someone interrupted them and a chinky-eyed man was walking towards him. 

“Omo! Really, Youngbae?!”

Jiyong who was standing only a few inches away from them was listening intensely to their conversation. A smirk curled her lips as he heard that Dara wants to ride the ferris wheel and he was going to in but Youngbae had taken his position. He couldn’t help but feel jealous at the fact that Dara feels thankful.

“Yah!” Jiyong butted in, pushing Youngbae off Dara as he glares daggers at the capped male. Then, he turned to Dara and gave her a boyish smile, placing an arm around her shoulder. 

“I’ll come with you, baby girl.” He winked.

“I changed my mind.” Dara sneered, glaring at Jiyong as she removed his arm harshly and she began walking away from him.

``Aw. Come on, why don`t you come ride with you?”

She turned around, facing him as Dara furrowed her eyebrows angrily before she said.

“I would rather jump off a building rather than stay in a ride with you!!”

“That hurts my feelings, baby girl.” Jiyong pouted, placing both of his hands across his chest while he shook his head.

“Like I care! And I am not your baby girl! You. . .you weird little alien!” She yelled, before Dara left the idiot all alone and began to search for those friends of hers that left herself and that G-Lizard all alone. 

“Aish! Where did they go?!” She muttered to herself, annoyed.

A smirk curled up Jiyong’s lips as he watched the petite girl frantically look around f or their friends who suddenly disappeared when they were arguing. It was all his plan and his sidekick Chaerin helped him who doesn’t know that it’s only a bet that Jiyong is doing this. He would get massacred by Chaerin knowing that he’s only playing with her adorable Ssantoki unnie. 

“yah! What are you smirking about? You. . .you’re such a .” She sneered, before she started to search for her friends nervously. Suddenly, she trips from her heels but if she removes it. . .Bom will murder Ren-sama. Well, she had threatened Dara before they left. 

“It hurts.” She whined, as tears were welling up. Dara bit her bottom lip, as she looked at her scraped knee and blisters were seen at her feet. Tears began rolling down her cheeks while people that passed by her was staring at the crying girl. Jiyong who has worried eyes ran towards the girl on the ground, as he bent down on the ground while he was looking at the crying girl. “Aish. Why are you crying?” Jiyong sneered, as he noticed the scrap on her knee and blisters on her feet. “Aish. It’s bleeding.” 

“It hurts.”
“Well, duh! Why wouldn’t it hurt?” He rolled his eyes.

She looked up at him, pouting her lips while tears were still rolling down her cheeks. The sight of Dara crying pricked his heart; he didn’t really like the face of a crying girl. It made him vulnerable.

Jiyong found himself, staring at her glossy pink pouting lips. A red color grazed his cheeks, as he balled a fist with both of his hands as Jiyong restrained himself from doing something reckless.

“KISS HER! KISS HER, YOU IDIOT! ALIEN! G-LIZARD! ADFHDFH!!!” Jiyong’s brain yelled loudly, while his heart was thumping loudly that he couldn’t hear the loud noises of the amusement park.

“No!” He yelled, out of nowhere as he suddenly got up on his feet as Jiyong was panting heavily making Dara stare at him weirdly.

“Ah ha, nothing. Just talking to myself.” He said, chuckling nervously while he rubbed the back of her neck. Jiyong bent down to Dara’s level who was staring at him with her adorable big brown eyes. He then turned around , his back facing Dara.

“Get on.”

“I would ra—. .” She was cut off by Jiyong when he said. 

“I know I know. You would rather get a poisonious snake rather than letting me piggyback you! Aish, don’t be stubborn and get on!” He said harshly, making the girl flinch. Dara stepped forward, wrapping her arms around his neck as she rested her head on his shoulder while she could feel her face heat up, and those butterflies fluttering in her stomach. A sweet smile curled up Jiyong’s lips as he quickly stood up and wrapped his hands on each leg. 

“Alley Oop ~” He said cheerfully, as Jiyong started to walk at a slow pace with Dara on his back.

“We’ll go to the store for those scratches of yours.”

“But. . .lotte world.” She pouted.

“Don’t worry. We’ll go back right when we treated those cuts of yours.”

“G-Lizard . . . I mean, Jiyong.” She said softly, while Jiyong was smiling like a freak when Dara was calling his name. He likes how his name with that sweet voice of hers. 


“Sorry. . .” Dara muttered.

“What is it?”

“I said sorry!” She said, a bit louder. 

“What for?”

“You know. . .”

“No, I don’t.”

“For being a stubborn girl earlier.” She pouted, burying her head under his neck. 

“What a cute couple.”

Ah. They’re so cute together.”

Those were comments that people made who saw Jiyong with Dara.

They stopped at the entrance of the convenience store, as he glanced back at the girl on his back as Jiyong noticed her ears were completely red.

“Hey, Dara?”


“Mind opening the door for me since my hands is kind of occupied right now.”

“Ah. Sure.” 
Dara released her arms from his neck, and pushed the glass doors open letting the two of them enter the pharmacy. Jiyong placed the girl on one of the stools, as a smile curled up his lips when he looked down at the girl who was staring at him with a weird expression on her face. 

“Yah! What’s wrong with that expression on your face?”

“Erm. I have to buy bandages.”

“Ah. Right! Oh. . .and buy me some strawberry milk and. . .and chocopie! And. . .” She continued on with a satisfied grin on her face while Jiyong stood there, thinking that how can she be so thin when she eats like she hadn’t eaten for days. 

“Oi! Otaku, we’re here only for your scratches!”

“I am hungry!”

“We’ll eat later!”



“It’s your fault that I have these scratches, you stupid alien Godzilla!”

“It isn’t my fault for you being so clumsy!”

The next thing he knew that the girl’s eyes were b with tears, leaving Jiyong speechless. He saw many girls cry because of him but Dara was different. He didn’t know what to do in that moment and Jiyong wanted to wipe those tears away but he restrained himself from doing so, clenching his fists tightly. If one of those Dara’s friends sees those tears, the Bominator would definitely kill him.

“I am sorry.” He muttered, keeping his head down.

“You should be, you jerk!”

“I’ll buy some chocopie.”

“Really?!” Dara grinned widely, as she was jumping on her seat. Jiyong couldn’t believe that the two things that Chaerin had told him that makes Dara happy. Tam tam and food.

‘Who the hell is Tam tam?’ He thought to himself, getting jealous of that thing called Tam tam. ‘Why couldn’t I be one of those things that makes Dara happy. . .Oh right, she hates me.’ He suddenly got depressed at the fact that Ms. Otaku hates ‘The Great Kwon Jiyong’. He widened his eyes, realizing that he was getting all depressed because of this little thing. ‘Why am I getting all depressed? I don’t like that monster, uncute, otaku. . .adorable, dorky. Yah! What am I thinking? She’s not adorable. Absolutely not! You don’t like her, Kwon Jiyong!” He mentally slapped himself. He was usually teasing Ms. Otaku but something changed so sudden when Dara had changed her appearance. Jiyong became so soft. 

The raven haired boy glanced back at Dara, who was waiting for him to say something eagerly.

“Yeah. So you stay here while I go buy those things, okay?”

“Yes sir!” Dara saluted him while Jiyong went to grab those things that Dara wants to eat and especially the bandages since that’s the reason why they came to the store. 

Dara who was waiting impatiently for Jiyong but mostly for her food was tapping her left food while her arms crossed across her chest. She pouted, while she puffed up her cheeks. After a few minutes, Jiyong arrived as his hands were handful of treats that Dara wanted.

“Yah! What took you so long?!”

“The girl was flirting with me.” He smirked.

“Disgusting.” She muttered, furrowing her eyebrows as she suddenly had this odd feeling raging inside her.


“Psh. As if.”

He handed Dara the treats as he took the bandage off the package, and he bent down to Dara’s knee level.

“Be still!”

With what Jiyong had said, the girl stayed silent as she started to sip on her strawberry milk quietly.

“Yah! Sandara Park!”

She began choking when she heard Jiyong call her full name. Dara never really liked her name since people usually make fun of her calling her ‘Ssandara’ which is Cheap Dara.

“Don’t call me that!”

“What is it about me that you don’t like?”

“I never liked you.”

“I know that but what is it about me that you don’t like? I mean. . .every girl at school wants me except for you.”

“You really want to know why I don’t like you?”


“You have that stupid side smile on your face all the time, and you play with girls all the time. It makes me sick that you’re such a conceited, stuck up, and self-centered jerk!” She screamed.

“Is there anything that I can do for you to like me? Even as a friend?”

“Just leave me alone.” Dara muttered, as he began to remember those so-called sweet memories when she had liked him but all that was ruined when Dara had found out that he was only using her. A tear escaped her eye, as she quickly wiped it away but Jiyong unfortunately saw it.

After he had finished treating her wounds, he sat down at the direction where Dara is looking. As Jiyong was about to put his hand against her face, Dara pushed his hand away harshly.

“What’s wrong?” He asked worriedly.

“Nothing. Let’s just go back. . .they might be worried.” 

Dara got up on her feet, as she started to walk back to the amusement park with Jiyong following her from behind.

“Yah! Otaku! Whatever it is. . .I am really sorry!” He shouted.

“A simple sorry doesn’t work.” She stopped at her pace, and whispered as a sigh escaped her lips before she continued on walking back to the amusement park.

They walked back in silence, as Dara sat down at one of the benches and an exhausted sigh escaped her lips. Jiyong slowly made her way towards her, and he sat down at the corner of the bench. He couldn’t really stand this awkward silence between them. Jiyong glanced around her surroundings, and there he saw was a clown selling some balloons to kids. A grin curled up his lips, as Jiyong crept away from Dara and ran towards the clown selling balloons.

Dara glanced at the seat where Jiyong was seating, and noticed that he was gone.

“Aish. What a jerk! He’s probably flirting with some right now.” She muttered to herself, pouting. She was about to leave when someone called her.

“Agassi, will you play with me?”

Jiyong was standing a few feet away from her with a balloon in hand, and he was wearing a Mickey Mouse headband.



A smile curled up her lips before Dara began to burst out laughing leaving Jiyong feel embarrassed.

“I’ll just go. . .” He muttered, as he turned around to leave.

“W-Wait . . . Don’t go.” She said between giggles. She stopped laughing, and Dara smiled sincerely as she faced Jiyong. She then took the balloon from his hand, as she tried to hide the fact that she’s beet red.


“No problem. You just have to wear this.” Jiyong said, as he placed a Minnie Mouse headband on top of her head. “Come on!” He said excitedly, taking hold of her hand before he began walking away off but Dara stood still while he stared at their hands knotted together. 

“Uhm. . .” Dara muttered, looking up at Jiyong before she glanced back at their hands.

“Aish. That’s nothing to be worried about. Don’t worry about that! Don’t you want to play?”

“Ah! Aja Aja!” She said, dragging him to where the ferris wheel is. She stood at the back of the line, her hand knotted with his.

“Omo, I am so excited!” She said excitedly, jumping. 

As time passed by, Dara and Jiyong had finally reached the cabin. Jiyong took a deep breath before he stepped inside nervously following her inside. He sat down right across Dara who was waiting for the ride to start. He glanced around his surroundings nervously as he felt the ride started to move.

“Omo omo! It’s starting!” She said excitedly, jumping on her seat while Jiyong stayed still while he stared at the ground. 

‘Take a deep breath; it will be all over soon . . . hopefully.’ He thought to himself, inhaling.

Dara glanced at her companion who is seated right across from her and a grin curled up her lips.


“What?!” He asked, not looking up.

“You’re scared of heights, aren’t you?” Dara grinned sheepishly.

“Ah ha, As if!” He said confidently, looking out the window as he clenched his fists. Jiyong doesn’t really want to act like some coward and make Dara make fun of him for the rest of his life. 

Out of nowhere, Dara started laughing leaving Jiyong with a perplexed expression.

“Yah! Why are you laughing?”

“You. . .you’re so cute.”

“H-Huh?” He uttered, blushing beet red as he coughed awkwardly and looked back down at the ground to hide his blushing face.

“O-Of course I am cute. That’s why girls like me.”

“Aish! You’re so conceited!”

A sincere smile curled up his lips, as he felt different with Dara. Most of the girls that he had dated only wanted him for his looks and never had any decent conversation with a girl or at least a normal date. Jiyong never thought that it would be fun being alone with Ms. Otaku. Little did he know, Dara was also having fun with the so-called ‘G-Lizard’.

“And what’s with that Ren-sama of yours?”

“Yah! Don’t you insult Ren-sama!”

The ride continued on of the two kept arguing and Jiyong had completely forgotten his fear of heights. The two exited the cabin and there they saw their group of friends eating ice cream. Dara was about to approach but Jiyong grabbed her wrist.

“Yah! Let me go!”

“Wait, I have something for you.”

“I don’t want it.”

“Aish, just accept it!”


Jiyong rustled through his pocket, and he took out a pink star cell phone charm. He handed it to Dara while Jiyong ignored eye contact with her as a grin curled up her lips when she saw the pink star charm.

“It’s so cute!” She squealed, taking it from his hand as she looked at it with an amazed expression. “Thanks G-Liz. . .I mean, Jiyong.”

“You’re welcome.”

“I have something for you too.” 



She said, as she took out an apple cell phone charm and handed it to Jiyong embarrassingly.

[ Jiyong’s charm : http://www.strapya-w...-169051_MED.jpg ]

“I’ll keep it since it’ll be such a waste.” He said, taking it and stuffed it in his pocket as he tried to hide his grin that he’s happy that he got a gift from Dara.

“Ssantoki! We have to go!” Bom yelled loudly, waving at the two ‘lovebirds’.

“I am coming!” Dara yelled back before she faced Jiyong and a grin curled up her lips.

“I’ll see you at school.” She said, as she placed a peck at Jiyong’s cheek before she ran off to her friends leaving him frozen in his spot

‘Maybe he’s not that bad after all.’

She thought to herself, clueless that it’s all a bet.

He placed a hand on his cheek, as a sheepish grin curled up his lips as he could still feel Dara’s soft lips against his cheek. He began to wonder to dreamland, wondering how it would feel her lips against his. 


That deep voice brought him back to reality, as Jiyong glanced to his side and noticed that his hyung Seunghyun grinning at him.

“All that was acting, right?”

“Of course, it was.”

He grinned widely, but there was still horrible gut feeling inside him but he only thought that he ate something bad this morning.

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larrylou #1
sad you never updated
great job!
ilabya32 #3
Eleenluvu #4
Chapter 4: please update soon
Halimalikesrice #5
Ohhhhh please update sooooon! <3
gene0821 #6
please update...hehehe! jiyong fell in love with dara
omooo.. i really want to know what's gonna happen next!! Pretty pretty please..update soon!! I was waiting for the update.. months ago. LOL.. anway, great fanfic!
uwaaa~! so good!!! pls update soon!!! :)
laura15kp #9
omg I LOVE it please update soon ^^
update sooooon