Chapter One: Arguments

"so it was all just a game to you. . ."

7:30 AM

‘Where is it? Where’s my Ren-sama shirt?!’

The petite brunette haired girl panicked as she rummaged through her cabinet and drawers, looking for her favourite shirt which has her favourite anime character in it
. . . Ren-sama. Dara is your typical nerd since she had the glasses, hand-me-down clothing from her older cousins and did I forget to mention that she’s also an otaku. 

“Unnie! Bom Unniee!” Dara screamed, leaving the three girls sitting in the living room shuddering at her voice.

“Uh. Unnie.” The youngest muttered, glancing over to the long haired girl who sat at the end of the couch. “Dara-unnie is calling.”

Bom slowly nodded her head, as she then got up on her feet, before mumbling. “Wish me luck.” 

“Hwaiting!” The two other girls said, pumping their fists into the air.

- - - - - - - - - -

Bom poked her head in the room, and a nervous grin curled up her lips.

“What is it, my cute little Ssantoki?”

“Where is my Ren-sama shirt?”

“Ahh. What now?”

“My Ren-sama shirt, Unnie.”

“Ahh. About that. The dog ate it?”

“. . . Unnie, we don’t have a dog.”

“The dog died while eating your shirt. Very tragic.”

“Yah! I know you hid it! Where is it?” She said, glaring at her roommate while she held onto a comb as her ‘weapon’.

“Okay okay! I threw it away!” Bom admitted.

“What? Why?” Dara asked, as she was in the verge of tears.

“Aishh. Dara, don’t cry now.”

“B-But. Ren-sama.”

“Yah! Dara, that Ren-sama guy is ruining your life. Look at you!” She exclaimed loudly, surprising the shorter female as Bom grabbed the other’s cheeks and started pinching her cheeks. 

The oldest of the two who are in the living room let out a sigh, closing her eyes.

“Here we go again.”

Chae Rin sighed as the other two were still arguing about Dara’s appearance. 

There were four boys sitting in the living room while the youngest of all of them placed his hands right against his ears since they could hear the bickering from next door.


A blonde haired male exited his room, with an annoyed expression.

“Are that mountain girl (Dara) and that dangerous woman still arguing?” Jiyong asked, as the four other boys nodded their head.

9:30 AM
University of Seoul

Dara walked through the halls, with a grin on her face as she felt proud of herself since she won their battle with Bom this time. While the other three girls were walking behind the girl, as they comforted the oldest of them.

“Bom-unnie, you tried your best.”

“. . .Yeah.”

“Yah! Mountain girl! Are you trying to wake up everyone in the building?!”

Dara’s eyebrow twitched as she heard that horrid voice calling that despicable name that he had given her.

“Yah! Don’t call me that. . .you. . .you lizard!”

“I am not a lizard! I am a dragon! G-dragon!”

“What a lame name. G-dragon. Psh. It should be G-lizard. Keke.” Dara giggled to herself while the blonde was fuming with anger.

“Who cares what you think, Ssandara (Cheap Dara)?”

“I am not cheap!”

“Really? Why are you wearing these cheap clothing anyways?” He smirked while Dara was glaring at him, hoping that he would melt with her imaginary laser vision. 

“Ara. What’s this?” Jiyong asked, as he grabbed the comic book that Dara was clinging on. 

“Yah! Don’t touch that! You are not permitted to touch that.” She said, snatching the book from his hands. 

“Ahh. It’s one of your manga collection, I bet.” He said, giving her his one-sided smile. “It’s too sad that you can’t use that pretty face of yours. Guys would be chasing after you.” Jiyong said, placing a finger on her chin as he winked at Dara leaving the girl shuddering before walking away from the four ladies.

Chae Rin stood right next to the girl who was left dumbfounded by the boy known as ‘Lizard’ to Dara. 

“You know. Dara-unnie, he’s right. You have such a pretty face, you know.” Her friend sighed, leaving Dara pouting. 

“I don’t care what he thinks.” 

Dara said, as she walked away from her three friends and to her class. 

“Aish. Wasn’t Dara-unnie like crushing on Jiyong-oppa? What happened?” Chae Rin muttered, as Minji nodded with agreement with Chae Rin. Then the two glanced over to one of the Park sisters. 

“Bom-unnie, are you hiding something from us? You know, about Dara Unnie?” Chae Rin said, as she grinned mischievously. 

“Ah hah. About that. . .Dara finally realized that she’s not the type of girl that he would well. Date.”


A grin curled up Dara’s lips as her brown chestnut eyes were fixated at the blonde haired male who sat at the front of the room.

“Isn’t he dreamy?” Dara sighed, with a content smile on her face.

“Yah! Dara, you shouldn’t like that kind of guy. You know he is a pl—“

“I don’t care. He’s the first guy that actually acknowledged me.” She smiled, resting her chin on the palm of her hand as she let out a sigh. 

Febraury 14, 2009

Dara walked through the wide hallway, while she held onto a small box of chocolate. She had decided to confess her feelings to Jiyong and it was the perfect time since its Valentine’s Day.
“Kwon Jiyong, I like you.” She repeated those three words in her head, as a pink color grazed upon her cheeks. Dara stopped in front of the classroom, as she was about to open the door. 

She heard two voices, and she could only recognize one. Kwon Jiyong.

“Yo, G. What’s with that Dara girl? Don’t tell me you’re interested in her?” 

When Dara heard her name, she cringed as she held onto the box tightly while she waited for Jiyong to say something.

“Are you kidding me? She’s nowhere near my type. Come on, she would do anything for me and all I need to do is use my charms.”

Dara bit down her bottom lip, as she held back the tears as she heard what Jiyong had said about her. 

‘I won’t let you take advantage of me again.’ She thought to herself, as she walked away from the classroom.

End of Flashback

“Aish. Jiyong oppa is so mean! Dara Unnie doesn’t deserve to be hurt by that arrogant butthead!” Minji screamed, as she bit the sleeves of her shirt. 

“Minji! You’re too young to say the ‘b’ word!” Chae Rin yelled.

“Let’s just hope that it wouldn’t happen again.” Bom sighed.

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larrylou #1
sad you never updated
great job!
ilabya32 #3
Eleenluvu #4
Chapter 4: please update soon
Halimalikesrice #5
Ohhhhh please update sooooon! <3
gene0821 #6
please update...hehehe! jiyong fell in love with dara
omooo.. i really want to know what's gonna happen next!! Pretty pretty please..update soon!! I was waiting for the update.. months ago. LOL.. anway, great fanfic!
uwaaa~! so good!!! pls update soon!!! :)
laura15kp #9
omg I LOVE it please update soon ^^
update sooooon