
Falling for my Stepmother


Taeyeon didn't know how it all exactly happened but in a blink of an eye, he found himself standing in an engagement party.


I don't even know who's getting engaged..

He felt completely dumbfounded. Earlier this morning, Jessica woke him up and made him wear this white tuxedo. He kept on asking her what was the occassion but she simply neglected him and just mentioned that there was an engagement going to be held and that Taeyeon had to attend it. Taeyeon felt upset that different kinds of people were hiding things from him. He was a secretive type of person himself, but he hated it when other people are the ones hiding secrets from him.

"Yah, you feeling okay?"

Taeyeon felt himself being nudged on the shoulder. He turned his head and saw a familiar tall shikshin standing right behind him.

"Hey Soo. It's a good thing you showed up. This engagement party's killing me." Taeyeon exclaimed with a groan, running a hand through his dark brown hair.

Sooyoung was Taeyeon's bestfriend ever since they've become classmates when they were in kindergarten. Taeyeon was being bullied that time and Sooyoung was the one who rescued him and became his first friend. They went through a lot together, laughed together, cried together, and had some few arguments that two friends cannot avoid. But until now, their friendship is as strong and unbreakable as ever. They were like brothers that are plain inseperable.

"Oh come on, it's not so bad." Sooyoung stated as he looked around, smiling slyly as he noticed some pretty girls passing by them. He bit his lower lip and whistled. "Man, the chics here are so hot. They look so damn y in their outfits. Oh damn look at those butts-"

"Oh shut up will you?" Taeyeon exclaimed in annoyance. "Can't you calm your hormones down?"

"Sorry." Sooyoung remarked as he smiled sheepishly. "Buy hey, why are you being so cranky right now? I mean, can't you be at least happy at your own dad's wedding?"

Taeyeon's body froze. He can't believe what he just heard. It was if his whole world had stopped turning. He looked at Sooyoung with wide eyes and his mouth left ajar.

"What did you just say?" He asked, the shocked expression on his face still there.

Sooyoung leaned back as his eyes also widened. "Oh wait, you didn't know about it? Jessica didn't tell you about this?"

Taeyeon grabbed both of Sooyoung's shoulders and shook him in a violate manner. His blood was beginning to boil.

"Tell me! What did you just said! What was that thing about my father?!" He yelled.

Sooyoung was getting scared of his bestfriend's actions. Sooyoung may be taller and stronger than Taeyeon, but Taeyeon can be pretty scary and violent whenever he's angry.

"H-He's getting married Tae.." Sooyoung said in a quievering voice. "This is your dad's engagement party."

Taeyeon felt like the whole world crashed down on him. Every word that was in Sooyoung's sentence pierced through his chest like a bullet. He couldn't believe his own ears. His father was getting engaged to someone new, and he didn't even Taeyeon about this. He didn't even ask his own son of what he would think of this. Taeyeon was getting tired of his father hiding things from him. He was tired of his father treating him like he was not his son.

"Tell me you're lying." Taeyeon said in a soft voice as he finally lets go of Sooyoung. "Tell me that you're joking. TELL ME!" He demanded. The other guests of the party started to look at Taeyeon oddly but he ignored all of their stares.

Sooyoung sighed as he looked at his friend guiltily. "I-I'm sorry Tae."

Taeyeon gritted his teeth as his hands balled into fists. He quickly walked away. He heard Sooyoung calling his name from behind, but he ignored him. He had some unfinished business to take care of.





After a lot of searching, Taeyeon had found his father in one of the private rooms of the hotel where the engagement party was being held. His father was wearing a black suit, completely ready for his new commitment in life. Taeyeon could only look at his father with distaste, anger starting rush through his veins once again. His father didn't notice him at first, but he saw him through the reflection on the mirror.

"Taeyeon my boy." He greeted, turning around to greet his son with a warm smile. "I'm glad that you finally ca-"

"Tell me why you're doing this." Taeyeon said through gritted teeth, his head facing the ground. "Tell me why you're getting engaged."

His father sighed heavily. He knew that this was coming, and he expected Taeyeon to be acting this way. He tried to take a step closer towards Taeyeon but he quickly moved away from his father. He felt like his own father betrayed him. His father betrayed his mother.


"Don't call me that."

Mr. Kim sighed once more as he rubbed his temples.

"Listen, I didn't mean for this happen. I know this is going to be hard on you but you have to accept that-"

"That you're completely forgetting about mom?" Taeyeon blurted out, cutting off his father in mid-sentence. He was feeling so furious right now that he wanted to break everything inside that room.

"I'm not completely forgetting your mom." Mr. Kim explained. "You know that she is my one and only first love. She is the half of me."

Taeyeon now faced his father with red eyes. "Then why are you getting married to a new woman? And to a woman who is in the same age as me? Dad, can't you get a life?!"

His father lowered his head in shame. Taeyeon could accept that his father was going to have a new married life, but with someone who's only 23 years old? Taeyeon felt disgusted at his father. He couldn't believe his father would be in a relationship with a girl that almost looked like his own daughter.

"I know." Mr. Kim said in shame. "But she's different from all of the women I've met in my life. She's kind and has a big heart. I'm sure that she'll take care of me especially when I get old."

"What about us huh? What about your own children?!" Taeyeon yelled at the top of his lungs. "Do you even think about how your own children will think about this huh? How do you think Seohyun will handle this huh?"

Mr. Kim wanted to hit Taeyeon for talking to him that way, but he let his son do what he wants. He knew that Taeyeon was painfully hurt on the inside and he just wanted his son to let out his emotions in the way he knows how. He hasn't been a very good father to him anyway.

"Seohyun and I already talked about this before. Though it was a bit difficult for her, she tried to understand me." His father stated with a sigh.

"You told her? But you didn't tell me?!" Taeyeon felt like his own father completely betrayed his trust. "How could you! I'm your son!"

"Yes you are!" Mr. Kim yelled back. "That's why I didn't want to tell you. It's because I know that you'll not be able to accept it easily at first!"

Tears started pouring out of Taeyeon's eyes as he felt his heart clenching. As he looked at his father's eyes, he saw concern and sadness inside. But he ignored them. Anger completely overwhelmed his heart and he just wanted to stay away from his father as much as possible.

"You're right dad." Taeyeon said in a hoarse voice. "I won't be able to accept is easily. And I NEVER WILL!" He grabbed a nearby vase and threw it on the ground, causing it to crash into a million pieces. Without another word, Taeyeon left the room, leaving his father in his tears.

"Taeyeon...My son.."





The warm summer breeze brushed against Taeyeon's face as his eyes overlooked the beautiful view of Seoul. The peaceful silence had given him the chance to think about his life. Whenever he had certain problems or issues with his life, he always runs to this place and think about his deep thoughts. He was standing at a rooftop of an abandoned apartment building. He found this place before when he was way back in elementary. This was his secret hiding place and noone not even Sooyoung or Jessica knows about this.

A soft sigh escaped his lips as he closed his eyes.

The crestfallen face of his father suddenly appeared in his mind. Taeyeon's heart began to form in a tight clench as guilt started to overwhelm him. He hated himself for acting like an in front of his dad but he also hated him for betraying his trust. He tightened his grip on the railings, feeling warm tears drop from his eyes. He never felt so angry in his life. He felt like he was alone, left abandoned, with noone to comfort him. He needed someone to fill in his needs and the certain emptiness he feels inside his heart.

He needed his mother slash sister slash frienemy Jessica. He needed his bestfriend Sooyoung. He needed his baby sister Seohyun by his side. He wanted his sweetheart Yuri here to give him a warm and comforting embrace. He needed all the people he loved right now.

"Don't tell me you're going to cry out like a baby until the sun sets."

Hearing that familiar high-pitched voice, Taeyeon felt his chest loosen up. He didn't even need to turn around to see who it was. It was clear who that person is.

"Sunny, what are you doing here?"

The short housemaid smiled, feeling reliefed that Taeyeon finally got to remember her name. She stood beside him, gazing at the view with amazed eyes. She smiled as she inhaled the fresh scent of the summer air, spreading her arms wide.

"You know what, the city of Seoul looks so beautiful up here." She stated.

Taeyeon wiped his tears away from his face and finally gained composure of himself. He felt slightly embarassed that Sunny had caught him in that situation; crying and feeling helpless. Taeyeon had a reputation of being strong willed and having a hard heart. But he already carried a lot of problems and frustrations in his life that he needed to let it all out with tears. And besides, after he cried, his heart felt much better.

"How did you find me in here?" He asked, his voice still a bit hoarse.

Sunny's cheeks slightly blushed as she answered, "I kind of followed you when you left the party. I overheard your conversation with your dad."

Taeyeon gave her a look of disbelief. "Did you just eavesdropped on us?"

Her eyes widened as she quickly shook her head. "A-Aniyo, I just happened to overhear you guys talking."

Taeyeon sighed and looked away. He has no idea why Sunny followed him. Maybe she was just trying to do her job as his servant. He was her master after all. Sunny was already with them ever since he was a kid. When he was still a child, Sunny's mother used to work as their maid. But as they grow up and Sunny's mother passed away due to illness, Sunny took over her job.

"Anyways, I know you're wondering why I'm here." Sunny started. "I knew you needed someone to talk to."

"And you thought that person is you?" Taeyeon asked, the tone of his voice still came out a bit harsh. But Sunny ignored his comment.

"Young master, my mother and I have been serving your family through many years. Your father was so good to me and to my mother. He treated us like we were a part of your family."

Taeyeon rubbed his chin with his thumb. "And you're telling me that because..?"

"It's because I want you to give your father a chance. He hasn't been a good father to you lately, but you and I both know that he cares a lot for you. You mean the world to him Taeyeon. You saw how much he suffered when he lost your mother. How much more when he loses his only son which is you? Can you bear to see your own dad suffering in pain and in agony?"

Sunny's words seemed to pierce through his heart, his mind, and his soul. Her words made him understand everything. It was all clear to him. Taeyeon realized that he was being selfish. He never thought of his father's feelings, he always thought of himself. He's always mad at his father not trying to understand him; while Taeyeon doesn't even try to understand him. Guilt began to overwhelm in his heart, he was beginning to feel bad for all of those words he had said to his father. His father was not the only one wrong in here, Taeyeon was too.

"If you don't want to see him living his life in misery, why don't you allow your father to be happy once more by marrying again?"

"I..." Taeyeon was out of words. "I'm a terrible son."

Sunny looked at him with sympathetic eyes. She knew Taeyeon was usually a hard and expresionless type of person, but she knew he had this soft side of him. Without any other word she grabbed Taeyeon's shoulders and engulfed him in a tight but warm embrace. Taeyeon was surprised at the sudden action, but he let his arms wrap themselves around her waist. That's what he needed right now; comfort. And Sunny was the one who was able to give it to him.

Their hug wasn't romantic or anything, it was simply a hug between two friends. A hug that took off the burden in Taeyeon's heart.

"Sunny.." Taeyeon called out.

"Yes, young master?"


"No problem sir. And I also thank you."

"For what?"

"For finally remembering my name."






Taeyeon came back home, tired as usual. After that long heart-to-heart talk with Sunny, he went directly to a bar and drunk himself to death. He wanted to drink his guilt and problems away. He wanted to forget every mistake that he had made in his life.

He arrived at their mansion, slightly stumbling as he walked. He was drunk, but not too much. His vision was a bit blurred but his mind was still functioning properly. All he wanted to do right now was to see his father and apologize for his wrongdoings. His body landed on the living room couch with a thump and he felt his brain going overboard. His breath stinked because of alcohol. He felt so lifeless and numb. He felt like dying already.

"Kim Taeyeon."

Taeyeon's eyes quickly shot open once he heard that voice. He slowly sat up and found a tall man standing a few inches away from him. His vision wasn't clear, but he could tell it was his father that was standing in front of him.

"A-Appa?" He called out.

He then felt a hand touch his forehead. "Aish, have you been drinking again? You stubborn little kid." He heard his father grumble. "What the heck am I going to do with you son?"

Taeyeon tried hard to get up, even though he slightly stumbled. Once he got up on his feet, he opened his arms and hugged Mr. Kim. His father was startled at his sudden action, but he let them stay that way. This was the first time in years that they actually shared an embrace.

"Father..Jeosongheyo." Taeyeon muttered. "I'm very sorry. I'm a bad son."

"No, you're not." His father said, feeling his tears coming out as he rubbed Taeyeon's back. "You're my son."

"I don't deserve to be called your son. I'm a bastard." Taeyeon mumbled, his body feeling restless.

"Stop it." His father said firmly.

"Jeosongheyo appa.." Taeyeon said in a weak voice.

"Don't worry son. I forgive you."




Taeyeon made his way successfully up the stairs. He was feeling all ty and that, he wanted to take a warm shower before going to bed. His skin were all sweaty, he was experiencing a major headache, and he fel like vomiting. Taeyeon liked to drink but he hated the result of being drunk. He stumbled as he made his way towards his room.

He opened the door and didn't bother to switch on the lights. He just wanted to collapse on the bed and drift off to sleep. The alcohol was taking over his whole body. When he felt himself reach the bed, he quickly plopped himself on it.

Sigh, finally. My comfy bed.

He was about to spread his arms wide when he felt his hand hit something. It was rather soft and smooth. He tried to touch it again and furrowed his eyebrows as he tried to figure out what it was. All of a sudden, he heard a soft groan coming from beside him.


What the hell was that?!

Taeyeon touched that soft thing again and there came out another groan. It was then that he felt a hand land on his face.

The ?! Who is this person lying on my bed!

But before he could react, he felt a body shifting beside him. An arm wrapped itself securely around his waist. Taeyeon began to feel uncomfortable, he was definitely sure that this was a girl. He gasped when he realized that what he was touching was that person's thigh. He felt like a total erted maniac. He wanted to get out of there as soon as possible, but the girl's arm was preventing him to get up. He was too afraid to move since he thought he might wake her up.

"Hmmm...Jagiya.." He heard the girl mutter.

Taeyeon felt himself shiver at the girl's husky voice. She sounded as if she was or something. Taeyeon felt himself hardening but this wasn't the perfect time to be . A stranger was in his room, on his bed! Then he remembered something. He remembered that he had a lampshade resting on the side table besides his bed. He tried to reach for it and he did. He turned the lamp on and the entire room was enlightened.

He gasped once he saw a girl lying next to him, her arm wrapped around his waist.

Who the hell is this woman?! Oh damn,she's hot! She's wearing a see through nightgown?! Ugh, stop it you ing hormones!

He thought that maybe this was his father's fiance. He had to move away from her before his father might see them in this situation and take it the wrong way. He couldn't have another fight with his dad after just fixing up things with him. Taeyeon moved a bit, causing the girl to jerk in her position. Then the thing that Taeyeon was afraid would happen, happened. The girl was slowly waking up. Taeyeon bit his lower lip, beads of sweat forming on his forehead. This girl is going to wake up any soon and Taeyeon was still lying beside her.

Think of something Kim Taeyeon! Quick!

But it was too late. The girl's eyes soon fluttered open, as she let out a soft yawn. She was wearing a small smile on her face but the smile dissappeared once she saw Taeyeon's face.

"Uh...Hi?" That was all Taeyeon could think off. The erted grin on his face didn't help at all.

"AAAAAAAHHHH!" The girl screamed, almost breaking off Taeyeon's eardrums. She immediately pushed Taeyeon away, grabbing some pillows and throwing them at his direction.

"W-Wait! Stop!" Taeyeon yelled. "Let me explain!"

The girl didn't listen. "Explain what you erted maniac! Get away from me! Who are you?!"

"Wait! Just let me explain!" A pillow managed to hit Taeyeon on the face. "Calm down!"

"How can I calm down?" The girl charged towards him and began hitting him with her fists. "Byuntae!" She yelled.

Then the door suddenly swinged open, revealing a shock-striken Mr. Kim at the doorway.




Aish, what a great life Kim Taeyeon.








a/n: So? How's the fic so far guys? Haha sorry for all the drama, but the next chapter's going to be exciting since Fany Fany Tippani is here! :DD Anyways, I loved the last part in here. :D Hope you guys enjoy! I'll update soon! ^^

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When I'm in the midst of finishing my fic, I'll be posting a new TaeNy fic of mine! W/ also YulSic!


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ilovemushroomfany #1
Chapter 10: CONTINUE
dayanataeny #2
Chapter 10: whyyy?! continue juseyoooo T.T
Chapter 10: Hope you still update ^^
Chapter 10: update pleaseee
sj_fan93 #5
it must be fun!
Chapter 10: Update please author........
Chapter 10: ayyyayayayayaya~~~
UPDATE author-ssi!
i've been waiting for agesssssss
LeoDarkKnight #8
Chapter 9: author where are you? come out, update this fic pls
zerolight89 #9
Chapter 10: do update this fic..huhu
LooLL,i wnt this fic:-(