Station Two

All That I Need To Survive + The Station



My gloomy mood disappear as soon as I saw her again. 

But my smile slowly fades away. 

Dara is thinner than the last time I saw her. 

Her hair carelessly tied up in a pony tail, she’s got dark circles around her eyes. 

She look so tired. 

My eyes followed her as she sat beside me. 

I couldn’t move or say a word. 

I just watch her, tuck some loose hair behind her ear. 

Watch her deep sighs. 

And hug herself as she watch the droplets of the rain starts to pour.

For awhile, as we sat side by side at the bus station, we listened to the sound of the rain. 

Minutes ago, I had a lot of things in my mind that I want to say the moment I see her. 

But now, everything just vanished and swept away by her mere presence. 

I want to hug her.

To badly hold her hand.

To take away the sadness in her eyes.

Its my fault.

I hurt her .

The exact date today.

I hope its not yet too late.

Because I badly missed her so much.


I took a deep breath when she whispers my name again.

I miss her voice.

Just hearing her say my name made my heart jump.

I miss her  "I love you" for me.


“Dara, let me explain…….”

“Why do you have to leave me like that?”

I sighed.

How am I gonna answer her?

Should I tell her that I was afraid?

And a coward?

A fool?

“I love you Jiyong with all my heart. I gave my all to you. I never left anything for myself… but what did you do? You just broke my heart….. into pieces….”

Dara’s tears slowly roll down on her cheeks.

I held myself from reaching and dry it with my fingers.

She might not like it.

“Isn’t breaking my heart enough for you?”

“Dara…. Please…. J-just listen to me……”

“Why do you have to take away my life too?”

“Dara, I am so…sorry…….”

“You promised that you’ll only love me. You promised I owned your heart. You told me your not gonna hurt me again. You promised to take care of me forever….. but you broke it Jiyong……. You broke my heart….. and left me into pieces….”

“That was not my intention Dara….. I swear….”

But Dara cried.

Her sobs are like arrows in my heart.

I don’t know how to soothe her.

Unaware , I felt my tears rolled in my cheeks.

Hurting the only person who love you truly is too painful.

And to take away that pain is the hardest thing to do.

I want to make things right.

I want to cure her wound.

To bring back the shine in her eyes.

To see her bright smile again.

“But its too late Jiyong…..”

What she said frightened me.

Did she got married?

Did she found somebody else?

Just the thought of it made me hard to breathe.


I reached for her.

But she move away.

And walk through the cold rain.

“Dara, stop!”

But she continued to walk slowly anyway.

I followed her.

I’ve been waiting for her for so long now.

And I won’t give up this chance.

Not ever.

Then she stop.

I watch her back rises up and down.

Its obvious that she is still crying.

“Jiyong, I am sorry….”

“No! Dara its my fault! I should be the one saying sorry to you…”

“I can’t still forget you……”

“Me too Dara….. me too….!”

“But its too late…….our time is over…..and its so unfair…Jiyong! So unfair!”


“No! its not too late Dara! I am here….. I want you to be mine again…. Forever…!”


Dara scream as the rain continued to pour.

She fell on her knees and cried.

My heart sunk.

I hated watching her cry.

“Dara please…. Stop it now…. Your torturing me …”

“Why Jiyong! Why?!”

She throw something .

It glittered when the light from the lamp post illuminated it.

I recognized it right away.

It’s the ring I gave to her.

“No! Dara!”

I pick it.

And notice what is written in the ring.

**Jiyong and Dara forever** 

Then I noticed something engraved in the stone where the ring fell.

I just realized Dara is kneeling beside it.

*** In Memory of our beloved: Kwon Jiyong****

Everything came back to me like a slide show.

One year ago.

I was standing at the opposite side of the road.

Dara is standing at the bus station.

I saw her first.

Waited for her to notice me.

When she finally saw me, her eyes widened.

I gave her a smile.

And held out a huge sign board.

***Ms. Park, I am sorry! I know I am an idiot. But this idiot love you too much that he can’t live life without you. So will you accept his apology and marry him?***

She was shock.

I cross the road.

And we are standing face to face.

I reach for her hand.

Put the ring on her finger.

It fits perfectly.

I took another ring.

Placed in her palm.

“Put it on to me”

I whispered to her.

She nodded while tears flowing down her cheeks.

But the ring slipped from her grasp.

“Your clumsy as ever, and I love you for that”

I went to pick the ring.


It’s the last thing I remember.

“Jiyong! You should have leave the ring! You shouldn’t have picked it! Its my fault! I am sorry!!!”

I died.

I died that day?



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Chapter 8: its just broke my heart.,.,.,.,.
Banyanya #2
It bring me tears..a lot...sooob
joahnna #3
i did'nt expect that! T_T oh my heart!!
My god TOT the station is really sad...
Sweet story!! :)) I love it! <3
gadisayu #6
sweettt... thank you for share ;)
ApplerJiDee #7
keke when i saw the title i immediately thought about Charice's song.. nice story!! :)
I meant short hehe
Awww so sweet I love it :D u should do more shorg stories ^^