Station One

All That I Need To Survive + The Station

How long has it been ?

Its been a year I think. 

I keep asking myself. 

Why the pain is still there?

The tears that I saw when I told you it is over..

Is still painted in my mind. 

I was selfish that time. 

I was scared of the world to know what we have. 

Too scared, 

Tthat I have to break your heart in the same station where I am now. 

Waiting for your bus to come... 

Bus 365..... 

Hoping one of the passengers is you... 

And I’ll be able to get you back. 

To tell you what I feel for you. 

To make you understand why I hurt you.

But the day always ends up without you.

Where are you?

Don’t you know I really miss you?

That one night ,

When I broke your heart was not me.

Everything that had been said was a lie.

A lot of things was going on in my life that I am forced to let you go.

I want to soothe you.

Hug you.

To tell you that everything will be fine ...

But I don’t have the strength to do that.

I was weak and afraid.

And I am tired of it.

A year without you is hell.

I could no longer go on without you.

And so I am here , 

........always waiting for you.

Just waiting for your bright smile.

My heart never stop beating for you.

Being apart is not a reason for me to forget you.

My love continues to burn in my heart.

And the one year break is enough.

I never realize how precious you are to me.

I still have to hurt you before everything makes sense to me.. .

That its only you.....

I wanted in my life...

My selfishness blinded me.

Now sitting here at the bus station.

Just waiting for you.

With your bright eyes and warm hug. 

Just like the old days.

I want those times again when we don’t think the world around us.

Just you and me enjoying each other. 

Standing here,

It feels like everything just happened yesterday.

But only...... 

.....your not here beside me.

So I pray to meet you again.

To see you.

Dreaming that everything will be the same.

Let’s forget the past.

And let me heal the wound in your heart ...

And take away the scar.

I won’t let you leave in the dark again.

Promise only happiness and love.



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Chapter 8: its just broke my heart.,.,.,.,.
Banyanya #2
It bring me tears..a lot...sooob
joahnna #3
i did'nt expect that! T_T oh my heart!!
My god TOT the station is really sad...
Sweet story!! :)) I love it! <3
gadisayu #6
sweettt... thank you for share ;)
ApplerJiDee #7
keke when i saw the title i immediately thought about Charice's song.. nice story!! :)
I meant short hehe
Awww so sweet I love it :D u should do more shorg stories ^^