What is love?

Things are winding down... now to towards the end~ and ooops another month passed and I didn't update /fails~



Kibum leaned over the counter, twirling a strand of hair around his finger, nonchalantly standing there watching Jinki explain something to Minho. Kibum knew it was crazy, but he enjoyed watching Jinki explain things, he liked watching Minho’s face, the way his forehead was creased as he thought. The way his eyes widened slightly, grinning when something made sense.
“So, um have you heard from Jjong?” Kibum asked straightening up, and tapping his fingers against the counter. He didn’t care that he was interrupting them, he just wanted to know. His chest ached when he thought of how he had heard nothing from Jonghyun, he had sent him several text messages but there was no reply. Kibum thought it was unnecessarily cruel not to reply, he figured Jonghyun was angry, but it still felt wrong that he had heard nothing.
“Yeah,” Jinki coughed looking guilty, “Sorry Kibummie,” he watched his friends face fall slightly, “he told me was really busy, he had no time to look at his phone.” Jinki nodded his head earnestly, he hated seeing his best friends like this. Everything was starting to make sense to him now, somehow he was starting to see things differently. It felt as if he was seeing the world differently now, thanks to Minho, or perhaps love.
“Okay,” Kibum nodded his head, sighing as he turned away and went to man the counter. It still felt weird to him that Minho and Jinki had bought the café. It was awesome, but also slightly odd, it always gave him a jolt to walk into the office or the kitchen and see Jinki or Minho instead of Jonghyun. He had had weeks to get used to it, but he still wasn’t. Kibum sighed softly, he missed his friend so much, it was insane, and it made him feel like he was slowly losing his mind.
Most of all Kibum felt guilty for the way he had treated Jonghyun, instead of being there to support him like a friend he had blamed him. He had accused him of not trying hard enough to keep the café, in other words he had overreacted again, badly. But this time, it had ended in disaster – his friend had vanished. Kibum’s best friend had cut all contact with him, refusing to talk or see him.
Kibum felt sick as he realised that this time he had overstepped the mark. He had overreacted so majorly that he was unsure if there was a way go back and fix it. He scrubbed at the table so hard, taking all his frustrations out on the poor table. It just hurt so much to think of how he had lost Jonghyun, he never thought it was possible and yet he had done it himself, he had pushed him away. He swallowed and then decided no matter what he was going to apologise to Jonghyun, and gain his forgiveness.
Jonghyun swallowed, eyeing his reflection in the mirror, he winked and nodded his head after a few seconds. He looked amazing; he smirked and combed his fingers through his newly dyed hair, loving the blonde tips at the front. The hair had been a great idea, he was glad that he had gone through with it. He was so insanely busy now that he was studying again, but he loved it. It was great to finally be pursuing his dream, to finally be able to train as a singer and songwriter.
It was incredibly hard and strict but it felt great, somehow he felt freer than he had for a long time. He waved goodbye to another student before heading towards the bus stop. He felt a little nervous; it had been months since he had been to the café but he missed it and wanted to see how it was going. It would be strange to see it with Jinki and Minho managing it now, and Kibum. Kibum, made Jonghyun swallow painfully, it had been so hard to cut contact with him, but he thought it was for the best even if broke his own heart.
Nothing had changed, but he wanted to catch up with his friends. Which was why he was going to the café on a day Kibum was not on a roster to work that day. Jonghyun knew it would be hard to go there and not see Kibum, but he guessed baby steps were good. Jonghyun had no idea if Kibum was still furious at him or not, or if he would be happy to see him, so at the moment he would just catch up with Jinki.
Jonghyun adjusted his hair nervously as he walked down the street towards the café, he froze when out of all the crowds of bustling people he spotted Kibum. Kibum with his head turned to the side, Kibum’s beautiful profile and he was laughing so freely. Jonghyun swallowed and stepped backwards, until he walked into a pole, his eyes transfixed on Kibum.
Luckily Kibum didn’t notice him, but Jonghyun couldn’t go in when he saw Kibum entering the café moments later. It hurt to see him laughing and smiling with some strange but attractive stranger. He leaned against the pole for several minutes until Kibum was long gone he just turned away and walked back to the bus stop. Breathing out softly and feeling slightly sad that he hadn’t been able to talk to Jinki and Minho or Kibum.
He headed back to the university dormitory, feeling slightly crushed, but he mused that maybe it was a good thing. He had to write a song about unrequited love or heart break and his mood was absolutely perfect for it right now. He tapped his fingers against the pane of glass in the bus, thinking about lyrics and the music notes, he could hear the song in his head, it was going to be for Kibum. That was what he knew so far, he smiled and shut his eyes letting the music flow through his mind.
“I don’t get why you’re dragging me here,” Kibum sulked slightly, feeling more irritable than usual. His foul mood had been increasing every day that he didn’t hear from Jonghyun. He had given up on ever talking to him, but it was so hard. He would dream that Jonghyun had come around, that Jonghyun was talking to him again. Kibum would wake in such a happy mood, only to realise it was only a dream. Jonghyun was still ignoring him, Jonghyun was still avoiding him. Kibum knew he had no right to feel upset and awful, because it was his fault, but he couldn’t help how he felt.  Kibum was angry at Jonghyun, but he thought that Jonghyun would at least discuss it with him, but instead he cut all contact and ran off.
“Kibum,” Kibum lifted his face to see Jinki staring at him worriedly, his hand tugging on his wrist, “You’ve been gazing into space for ages.”
“Oh, sorry,” Kibum shrugged, eyes narrowed down into a slight glare, “I did say that I didn’t want to come here, I feel like a ing third wheel.” He frowned, glaring across at Jinki and his boyfriend.
“I don’t see why you had to force me to come here?” Kibum rolled his eyes, but then something caught the corner of his eye, he turned to see someone heading towards a side door. Kibum’s heart started to pound heavily in his chest, he gulped as he saw Jonghyun walking away from them. His hair was different but he would recognise him anywhere, dressed in anything.
“Oh.” Kibum mumbled lamely, feeling elated but surprised too, he turned to blink up at Jinki and Minho, “You bastards.”
Jinki grinned sheepishly shrugging his shoulders at Kibum, he wanted to be angry at his friends, but at the same time he just wanted to hug them. It made him happy to see that they knew, that he missed Jonghyun, even if they never mentioned him anymore. Kibum felt so touched (and loved) by his friend. Even if Jinki was sometimes not very talkative, Kibum knew he always listened, that he cared.
Taemin blinked as he watched the boy dance. The way he moved, his limbs flowing so smoothly, Taemin found it utterly mesmerising. He could not tear his eyes away from the boy dancing, it did not matter that it was just in an old gymnasium, in Taemin’s mind he could see that this boy belonged on a stage. He could imagine it now, the audience sitting captivated and mesmerised as this boy alone danced on a stage, lit up with artificial lights.
The boy stopped dancing, hands on hips and Taemin slid further back, he did not want to be caught. After all he was not meant to be here, he had snuck in with Minho’s help before. But this time he did it alone, it wasn’t his fault he could remember the way and the number to get in. But he felt nervous now because he could see the boy, the magnificent dancer was scanning the room carefully as if he was aware that he had an audience.
Taemin breathed in slowly and evenly, crawling backwards behind the seats, hoping that the other boy would miss him in the dimly lit gymnasium. He regretted sneaking in now, because he worried if he got caught then he would never be able to study here when he finished school. After seeing that boy dance, he knew that he had to come here, no matter what, he had to. He had not spent his entire life dancing just to miss out on going to this dancing school.
But he felt bad now realising he could’ve gone with Minho, Jinki and Kibum to see Jonghyun perform. Taemin had felt awkward because he was pretty sure that the performance was more for Kibum than anyone else and it would just hurt too much. Instead he had opted to come here, to this university where his friends all studied. Taemin breathed a sigh of relief as he saw the dancer finally leave, he had not been spotted either.
He pulled his knees up and wrapped his arms around them, sitting there and thinking. He could feel his heart pounding so fast in his chest as he dreamed and hoped that he could come to this university. It was strange in a way, when he thought about it that Jinki had come to this university, considering it was more specialised in arts and not computing. But then again, it seemed weird to Taemin that Jinki studied computer science,  or that he had not gone to a specialised university for it, that instead he had picked the one university with the top sports and dancing program.
Taemin shrugged his shoulders, it didn’t really matter after all he planned to come here too. As soon as he had finished school, he would be enrolling here. He in a deep breath, feeling nervous because he would have to start working on his application soon. It both scared and excited him, there were so many amazing dancers here, Taemin suddenly worried that he was not good enough.
He got up slowly planning to leave, but instead he found himself slipping right out on the middle of the gymnasium. in a deep breath, he glanced up at the ceiling, metres above him. He studied the little lights, noticing how ineffective they were, but that didn’t matter. He breathed in deeply, glancing around the room noticing that the sky had darkened outside now. He figured everyone had gone home now, it would be okay to dance now. Taemin felt so inspired after seeing that dancer move, he bit his lip and then just started to dance. It didn’t matter that there was no music, he could hear that in his head, the beat flowing through his blood and limbs. Taemin got so engrossed in his dancing that he did not notice the door opening, a slim figure slipping in the door, standing there and watching Taemin dance.
Kibum felt nervous as they stood up, his palms were sweaty and shaking slightly. The performance had been utterly amazing. Kibum breathed in deeply trying to calm his heart down, he could feel Jinki’s hand on shoulder, squeezing it lightly. Kibum didn’t want to move, his head was spinning, but he could sense the growing impatience with him just standing there – the way the person behind him was glaring at him and muttering. He bowed his head and followed Jinki slowly out of the aisle.
“Come on,” Minho grinned back at them both, “Come on, Jjong’s waiting.”
“You ing bastards,” Kibum mumbled more to himself than anyone else, simply because he hated the way that they had set him up. He realised now that he should’ve seen it coming, after all Jinki had been acting suspicious for days, and the way he kept beaming across at Kibum in the past few days said a lot. Kibum felt like he was slipping, how he had not realised sooner that something was up, he did not know.
Kibum could feel his heart beating in his throat, he could feel the thrum of a thousand butterflies in his stomach as they stopped outside the dressing room door. Minho and Jinki gently nudging him forward, indicating that he should open the door, Kibum couldn’t help but think it shouldn’t be this hard. It really shouldn’t be, after all they were best friends. They had been best friends, nothing should be able to rock or destroy their friendship, just because they had not talked for months did not mean that anything should have changed.
Kibum nodded his head firmly, breathing in deeply before he lifted his fist to knock on the door. Before his hand even connected with the wood of the door, he saw Jonghyun. He could see his hair, shining brightly, all golden as he stood next to him. Kibum inhaled loudly, turning to the side to where he could see Jonghyun standing there. Kibum opened his mouth, knowing he had to say something, he had to apologise or do something. But no words came out, he felt his heart racing and so panicked by this situation.
Before Kibum could find words to say, Jonghyun just smiled and pulled him into a hug. Arms wrapped around Kibum’s skinny torso, enveloping him firmly against Jonghyun. Almost instantly, Kibum felt his fears and insecurities melt away, the simple act of a hug completely reviving their friendship. When Jonghyun pulled away moments later, he was laughing softly, looking happy.
“Ah you came, Kibummie,” Jonghyun smiled, “I’m so sorry, I missed you so much.” Jonghyun looked slightly nervous, but his words made Kibum feel ten times better.
“I’m sorry too,” Kibum mumbled, “I am really sorry for overreacting about the café, you know I could never hate you.” Kibum wanted to ask Minho and Jinki to leave them alone, he felt awkward with them standing there watching. He turned his head to see if they were there, he blinked in surprise when he realised they had left them alone.
“It’s okay, our friendship is unbreakable it doesn’t matter that we haven’t talked for weeks or months,” Jonghyun winked, Kibum wanted to protest and ask him what he meant, but the more he thought about it, it made sense.
“I guess,” Kibum curtly nodded his head, “I guess so. Anyway, you were amazing, really amazing.” Kibum shyly looked across at his friend, he wanted to hug him again, but wasn’t sure about it. As if Jonghyun read his mind he reached forward and hugged him tightly. Kibum shut his eyes, smiling slightly as he pressed his hands firmly against Jonghyun’s back.
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973 streak #1
Chapter 33: Thank you so much for sharing their journey of finding each other in missed opportunities. But all's that ends well.
973 streak #2
Chapter 23: I'm not sure if you are still around. But I just found this fic yesterday!
I really like this fic.
onewxjjong #3
Chapter 33: i read this in one setting~~ good fic!
Chapter 33: glad how everything worked out for both couples :)
Chapter 30: well, Kibum, if you had not been giving Jonghyun a cold sholder he might have talked to you, but now you don't have anyone else to blame except yourself