What is love?

Sorry guys^^! Ugh. Why do I never seem to have any time these days ;__; I dont even have time to sleep sob. ;(

Anyway \o/ thank you for the comments I love you all^^! I will be going home soon (my beloved laptop is waiting for me \o/!) so I will be able to reply to comments again ;D


Minho lay there for another thirty minutes, until it dawned on him that Jinki was still in the bathroom. Worrying he got up and walked over to the bathroom, eyes widening as he heard some kind of strange noise, he went to open the door but stopped himself.

“Hyung, are you okay in there?” Minho asked, yawning as he stood there, ear pressed to the door, swallowing when it went silent, “Jinki-hyung?” Minho asked anxiously, rattling the door knob, but it was locked. For a second or two, what Jinki might be doing never even crossed his mind, perhaps because his mind was still clouded with cobwebs of sleep, but it was only when he heard what sounded like a shaky moan, that he in a deep breath and wondered, is Jinki-hyung in there? Oh god, ! That thought went straight down to his , making him gulp slightly.

“I uh, I’m okay,” Jinki finally called out through the door, “I uh have a slight problem,” Minho coughed hearing that, slight problem? Uh no, that’s a monstrous problem, not a slight problem! He swallowed, palms feeling sweaty as the door opened and Jinki stuck his head around the door, cheeks flushed, breathing so heavily that Minho could hear each raspy breath, which made his lower body feel strange.

“Oh, um what’s wrong?” Minho could feel his heart pounding, he tried to stay calm as he stared at Jinki’s flushed face.

“I uh, managed to um,” Minho felt his mouth going dry as he waited, trying to be patient for Jinki to continued, “um cut my leg on um something,” Minho just frowned, but when Jinki swung the door open, he gulped as he stared at the mess in his usually immaculate bathroom. His eyes widened in surprise when he saw a handful of tissues on the bench, with something white and sticky on them.

Minho was even more speechless when he saw something smeared across the mirror, also white, he just stared, not even noticing the way Jinki sat perched on the bath awkwardly, the track pants held up around his leg, as blood dripped down one calf.

“I uh can explain,” Jinki mumbled sheepishly, blinking his eyes and looking embarrassed when Minho turned to look at him, “it’s um not what you think,” he trailed off, which was when Minho noticed how Jinki’s other hand was pressed in front of his crotch, half hiding something from his eyes.

“I was going to borrow your moisturiser,” Jinki blushed, “I get really dry skin in winter, and I knocked it off the bench,” Jinki stopped to wipe at his leg with another tissue, “but then I leapt up to catch it that I um,” Jinki paled, not wanting to elaborate that he managed to whack his groin against the bathroom cabinet, catching the side of his sensitive against the sharp edge making him jerk backwards in pain and half fall on the floor where there was a raised edge which cut his leg. “Fell backwards and um yeah cut my leg.”

“Oh my god,” Minho’s eyes widened when he noticed the blood, bright red against Jinki’s pale skin, “Sorry,” he knelt down in front of Jinki, not even thinking about how awkward that was for both of them. Hands reaching for Jinki’s leg, and he just pulled it away from the other, so that Jinki was seated awkwardly on the bath, his legs pushed apart, and Minho kneeling in between them.

“Ah Jinki-hyung,” Jinki gulped softly, as Minho leaned in closer, hands soft against his skin as he pulled the tissues away and inspected the wound. “I’m sorry, I had no idea,” he murmured, leaning away to reach for some more tissues which he pressed to the wound, sitting there staring at Jinki’s leg, completely oblivious to the fact that Jinki’s which had almost completely gone, was now back again, thanks to where Minho was sitting, and the way his warm breath caressed Jinki’s leg lightly, it was enough to drive anyone insane.

“You should probably get out of those pants, so we can wash the wound.” Minho slipped into athletics mode, so used to dealing with sporting injuries on the field that he didn’t even think. Instead he pushed his hands to Jinki’s waist, and started to tug the pants down, not even noticing how ragged Jinki’s breathing had become, it was only when he realised that Jinki was not cooperating that he looked up into his face.

“Oh god, sorry, um, yeah,” Minho blushed, “sorry hyung, I uh will leave while you take the pants off,” he moved his hands away from Jinki’s waist immediately, feeling embarrassed and awfully , especially when he could see that bulge tenting the front of his pants. “Here is a towel,” Minho tossed a towel at Jinki, “Don’t worry about getting blood on anything, it will wash out and I think we should wash the wound.”


Kibum frowned when he woke up, he felt as if he was being suffocated in a sauna. He groaned and tried to roll over but something was pinning him down, he opened one eye and almost screamed as dark brown tousled hair met his vision. He swallowed and tried to remember exactly what had happened the night before, who was in his bed, but then he remembered, and it made him want to scream still. Jonghyun apparently got cold and was now in his bed, Kibum exhaled slowly, wondering how on earth he was going to get him off him.

Jonghyun was lying half on top of him, making it completely impossible for Kibum to move, he wanted to pee. He wanted to get up, he didn’t like being crushed under that Neanderthal, Kibum sneered slightly as he heard Jonghyun make a snorting noise in his sleep. He was about to poke him hard in the back, when he could hear him muttering things under his breath, which made Kibum curious to hear what he said.

“Mmm… Kibum,” Kibum’s eyes widened, he frowned surely he had just imagined that Jonghyun had just said his name but moments later he heard, “Ugh Kibum-ah, hmm Kibum…” again, making him wonder what the hell his friend was dreaming about. Kibum swallowed and then realised it could be someone else, after all his name was pretty common, there was nothing to say it was about him.

Kibum was starting to get restless and irritated, he sighed heavily about to start jabbing Jonghyun when the older boy, started to stir. Kibum felt like throwing a party when he finally moved away from him, the weight ceasing to press down on him. He breathed in deeply, ignoring the other boy completely, until Jonghyun leaned over, yawning as he eyed Kibum.

“Morning,” Jonghyun smiled sheepishly, “I uh yeah got cold in the night.” He scratched his head and shrugged.

“It’s barely morning anymore,” Kibum rolled his eyes, “well next time try not to suffocate me.” He frowned, pushing Jonghyun away from his side, the bed was too hot, he felt uncomfortable with Jonghyun being so close. “What happened to you going to Jinki’s bed?”

“Awww, I thought you’d get jealous, so I thought I better come here.” Jonghyun winked, settling down and wrapping his arms loosely around Kibum’s body, “we couldn’t have you getting jealous,” he smirked, “although I suspect Jinki and Minho are probably doing something dirty right now,” He wiggled his eyebrows, “Jinki didn’t come home last night.” Jonghyun stopped talking when Kibum pinched his cheek.

“Owwwwwwww that ing hurts!” Jonghyun grasped his cheek, glaring down at the other boy, “What? I’m just being truthful, anyone would think your jealous of them or something?” He frowned and sat up, pushing the sheets back before he got up. “Jinki has to grow up sometime, stop acting like his mother.” Jonghyun mumbled as he started to walk out of the room, ignoring Kibum completely.

“What the ,” Kibum growled softly to the closed door, “When do I act like his ing mother? , please, seriously what the ?” Kibum frowned, crossing his arms in front of his chest, feeling pissed that Jonghyun had said that to him.

He got up pouting as he went into the kitchen to get a drink, still cursing Jonghyun under his breath, when he heard the sound of a phone ringing. Frowning Kibum followed the noise, blinking when he heard it coming from Jinki’s room, he opened the door, and sighed when he saw his phone sitting on the charger. Typically Jinki had forgotten his phone, he just rolled his eyes and left the room, at least now he knew why the other hadn’t contacted him.


Jinki shuddered slightly hating his body for reacting like that, he gulped as the bathroom door clicked shut. He cursed his stupid body, before he got up and gingerly lowered Minho’s track pants. Shame flooding his face as he saw the way his boxers stuck out, even with the towel wrapped around his hips there was no way to hide that he was hard, rock damn hard. Jinki swallowed and removed the towel, staring down at himself when the door opened and Minho walked in again.

“Oh, sorry,” Minho’s eyes widened as he saw Jinki’s thighs, smooth, and creamy pale, disappearing into his boxers, and the way they bulged at the front. He gulped, watching as Jinki pushed the towel down and sat down on the edge of the bath, hands crossed awkwardly in front of his crotch. “Uh right, we need to wash the wound, do you um want to get in the bath?”

Ten minutes later and Jinki found himself perched awkwardly on the edge of the bath, one leg in the bath with Minho sitting next to him, face scrunched up in an expression of concentration. Jinki sat there stiffly, feeling thankful that his had flagged mostly, because he was feeling cold and oh so awkward sitting in his underwear with his crush (it still felt too unreal to say ‘boyfriend’) touching or rather washing his leg.

“Minho, Minho,” Jinki repeated, pouting like a sulky kid when the other boy continued to ignore him, he couldn’t understand what Minho was doing. He had been washing his leg for ten minutes, it was only a teeny tiny little cut, it did not need that kind of attention. Jinki inhaled deeply, his brow furrowing as he studied Minho’s face, unconsciously smiling as he saw how serious his expression was, and how he was really concentrating. Jinki decided he didn’t mind, especially when Minho wrapped his warm hand around the back of his knee cap, it made his skin tingle slightly.

“Hmm, yeah,” Minho finally looked up from Jinki’s leg, smiling as he kept his hand pressed to Jinki’s leg, “oh sorry, are you feeling cold?” Minho bit his lip looking guilty, “Sorry I guess you’re hungry too, ah I just felt bad because you hurt yourself here I wanted to make sure it was okay. And you fell last night too.” Minho swallowed looking guilty, nodding his head before he turned the water off.

“I hit you too,” Jinki reminded Minho, eyes going wide when Minho gently began to dry his leg, he was about to do it himself, but the taller boy wiped his leg for him. Hands rubbing the towel down his wet leg until it was completely dry, Jinki felt at a loss for what to say, he would be lying if he didn’t enjoy Minho doing this and fussing over him. Jinki sat there quietly as Minho put a bandage over his cut, fingers smoothing it down, so it was stuck properly, he was surprised that Minho had such a cute band aid, it had pictures of cartoon ducks and chickens all over it.

“Yeah but you still hurt yourself and cut yourself,” Minho frowned, “I need to be more careful,” he mumbled softly, and Jinki coughed slightly. “What?”

“You mean, I need to be more careful, right?” Jinki asking cocking his head to one side, feeling happy as he sat there with Minho staring at him, “After all I’m the clumsy one, not you.” He shrugged his shoulders, grinning as he saw the way Minho gaped at him, reaching out to touch his wrist, shaking his head.

“Nah, I need to be more careful, you’re not clumsy.” Minho smirked, “Well not to me anyways,” he coughed looking embarrassed, “Umm, I’ll go and cook you breakfast, so you can change.” He stood up and before Jinki could reply, he leaned in and kissed him across the lips, one hand Jinki’s hair lightly. “I’ll be fast, so change quickly, hyung.”

Jinki was left wondering how an incredibly awkward situation had become so relaxed, so normal. He swallowed as he realised he didn’t even feel embarrassed about the bulge or Minho seeing him in his awful boxers. Minho had somehow made him feel relaxed, he traced his fingers over the band aid, smiling as he sat there, before he remembered Minho had told him to hurry.


Jinki wasn’t surprised to arrive home and find Kibum lurking on the balcony, he denied that he was out there waiting for Jinki to return, claiming to be out there to enjoy the fresh air. Jinki scoffed silently, Kibum’s lips were turning blue – a sure sign he had been out there waiting for ages. But he didn’t say anything, even when Kibum raised his eyebrows and practically glared at Minho for putting his arm around Jinki’s waist.

“Uhh, didn’t you guys just have your first date last night?” Kibum asked, raising one eyebrow as he stared at where Minho’s hand was resting innocently around Jinki’s waist. He blinked his eyes, continuing to stare, as he rested one hand on his hip.

“Uhh,” Jinki and Minho turned to see Jonghyun, standing in the doorway, placing his hand on his hips, mimicking Kibum’s pose, “did someone forget to take their chill pill this morning?” He rolled his eyes, ignoring the indignant look Kibum shot him, “or is that rod permanently stuck there?” Jonghyun wiggled his just so Minho and Jinki would catch his drift, both struggling not to laugh as they watched Kibum’s nostrils flare and he looked ready to murder Jonghyun.

“Lighten up, Kibum,” Jonghyun winked across at Minho and Jinki, “I’m sure Jinki is still as pure as driven snow,” He smirked turning to look at the older male, eyes widening slightly as he saw that Jinki was turning beetroot red, and was unable to meet his eyes, “Ohhhh, maybe he isn’t! Maybe he got his cherry popped after all!” Jonghyun cackled, having an awesome time at Kibum and Jinki’s expense, until Minho stepped forward with his mouth set in a straight line.

“Hey, I’d prefer it if you didn’t imply that Jinki-hyung was a girl,” Minho’s tone was deadly serious, “or make such rude comments in front of him-us.” Minho raised his eyebrows, “Jinki, deserves so much more respect than that.” He put his arm around Jinki’s waist again, Kibum just gaped up at him, “And don’t belittle your friends like that either.” He added a moment later, making Kibum look smugly across at Jonghyun. Jinki’s heart fluttered in his chest, he smiled warmly across at Minho, feeling touched that he had stood up for him like that.

“Anyway, what we get up to is our business, not anyone else’s.” Minho grinned softly, “so yeah, mind your own business.” He shrugged, wrapping his other arm around Jinki to hug him lightly, smiling down at him warmly, Jinki shyly looked up at Minho. Jinki was speechless, his brain seemed to be turning into this puddle of goo, unable to process or think up even simple words to say.

“Okay,” Kibum sighed, “you guys should come in, get out of the cold.” Kibum shivered slightly, making Jinki feel guilty even if it wasn’t his fault that Kibum had stood out in the cold for so long. Jinki blinked when he saw Jonghyun take Kibum’s arm, leading back into the apartment.

“I’d love to stay, but I have to go,” Minho sighed, “Sorry hyung, I’ve got training practice,” he hugged Jinki lightly, pulling back to kiss him chastely on the lips. He wrapped his arms around Jinki’s head, smiling before he kissed Jinki again, making his head spin as their lips moved together gently. When Minho pulled away, he felt weak and dizzy, wishing that Minho didn’t have to go.

Ten minutes later and Jinki really wished Minho hadn’t left, because on his own he was powerless to ignore Kibum and Jonghyun. The pair of them dug out every little detail of his date, arguing and trying to ask questions, scrapping over Jinki like vultures fighting over a carcass. He tried to keep some details out but Kibum and Jonghyun were so skilled at extracting information that Jinki felt exhausted after it.

He flopped back on the couch, making puffing noises as he breathed so that he vaguely resembled a beached whale, stranded on the beach unable to get back into the ocean. He groaned when he felt Kibum touching his leg, jerking up like a spring when he hit him right on the cut.

“Gosh hyung, could you be any more embarrassing?” Kibum sighed, shaking his head slightly, “I mean, can’t you, you know…” Kibum shook his head, “No I guess it’s impossible to control ourselves, but yeah couldn’t you have made it less obvious?”

“How,” Jinki moaned, “I mean how? I tried to sneak away before he woke, but of course I walked into a cabinet,” Jinki sighed, “he probably thinks I’m a freak, a clumsy moron. I’m always hurting myself in front of him.” Jinki breathed out heavily, “he probably said he had training because he didn’t want to be around me, I can’t say I blame him.”

“Hyung,” Kibum whined, “don’t even say that, you ing know that he likes you.” He frowned looking pissed off, “it’s obvious he adores you.”

“But does he really?” Jinki whispered, “He’s probably in love with an illusion of me or something.”

“Oh yeah of course,” Kibum rolled his eyes, “Because you’re such an unlovable person. Snap out of it hyung, everyone adores you, and Minho mostly definitely likes you. So don’t say such things okay?”

“Okay, if you say so,” Jinki pouted, not in the mood to argue. When he was with Minho he felt fine, but once he was alone he could feel all his insecurities rising up. It was hard for him to imagine it was real, because it just seemed completely surreal that Minho liked him. Sometimes he wondered if he was just suspended in an elaborate dream, that he would soon wake up from.

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972 streak #1
Chapter 33: Thank you so much for sharing their journey of finding each other in missed opportunities. But all's that ends well.
972 streak #2
Chapter 23: I'm not sure if you are still around. But I just found this fic yesterday!
I really like this fic.
onewxjjong #3
Chapter 33: i read this in one setting~~ good fic!
Chapter 33: glad how everything worked out for both couples :)
Chapter 30: well, Kibum, if you had not been giving Jonghyun a cold sholder he might have talked to you, but now you don't have anyone else to blame except yourself