Chapter 2

What is love?


“Kibum?” Jonghyun looked slightly amused, as he stood there with his apron on, watching Kibum hide behind the counter. “Um, is something the matter?” He asked rolling up the tea towel, managing to toss flour around, it floated through the air, in a faint white mist. Kibum quickly shook his head as he straightened up, watching as Jonghyun wiped his floury hands on the front of his apron.
“No, um everything is perfect.” Kibum sighed, “Guess who Jinki and I saw today?” He pouted, “I knew we could not hide it from him.” He sighed again, watching how Jonghyun’s eyes widened in surprise, he mouthed the name. Kibum nodded his head, breathing out slowly, slumping back against the counter. “Yep, of course we saw ing Minho.” He rolled his eyes, “Typical, eh?”
“Damn, I was hoping hyung would never run into him.” Jonghyun sighed as he tucked the tea towel in the top of his apron.
“Yep, and he refused to go on that blind date, he said to make you go instead.”
“Damn, how did he know I organised it?” Jonghyun sounded amazed, “It scares me how, he always know when I do things.” Jonghyun shuddered, “We can’t hide anything from him!” He sighed, “Okay, I’ll go with you, or I can try and cancel the blind date?”
“You can try, say we have food poisoning or something?” Kibum shrugged, unsure if that would work, but he figured it was worth a shot after all. Considering he had asked Jonghyun to arrange the blind date to try again at finding someone who liked Jinki. It annoyed him because the girl for this date, actually seemed like someone who would like Jinki.
“Okay, I will, but hey who is looking after the counter,” Jonghyun frowned, “If you’re in here talking to me?” He raised one eyebrow, as Kibum paled, and guiltily he scurried out of the kitchen. Jonghyun chuckled quietly to himself, he was only joking and there was a bell, so it was fine. He just enjoyed reminding the other that they were there to work not gossip.
After he finished cleaning the bench down, he went through to talk to Kibum, but seeing that he was busy making a coffee for a customer he just stood by the counter waiting. The door flew open, causing the bells to jangle madly, as Jinki rushed into the shop, his hair was a complete dishevelled mess, he was breathing heavily too. Jonghyun just stared wondering what all the fuss was about, why he was rushing so much.
“Ah, sorry I’m late!” Jinki panted as he slung his bag down behind the counter, “Changsun-hyung wanted to talk to me after class,” Jinki pouted, “About my tut, and it took longer than I thought.” He breathed out slowly, digging around in his bag to find his apron.
“Um, it’s fine.” Jonghyun blinked, “We’re fine,” he grinned patting the older boy on the shoulder lightly, “I don’t mind, it’s not like you guys have fixed hours really.” He shrugged, “even if you always do stress about being late, you know my uncle is pretty lenient otherwise he would not leave me in charge.”
“I guess,” Jinki frowned slightly, “but it still feels awkward to be late.” He straightened up, brushing his hair down with his fingers before he unfolded the apron, wrapping it around his waist and tying it securely around his waist. “I don’t want to get in a habit of being late, just because I can here. If I get too used to that, when I have another job I might do the same thing, so I think it is better to get used to being on time.”
“Gosh, you’re always so conscientious,” Kibum rolled his eyes, “You need to lighten up sometimes hyung.” Kibum shook his head slowly, wondering why he was still friends with Jinki, considering how different they were. Sometimes it amazed him that they still managed to live together in that tiny shoebox of an apartment, without wanting to throttle each other. Especially since they worked together too, but somehow it only seemed to strengthen their friendship.
Jinki found that he slowly got back into the habit of waking up early again. He figured that at least on the train ride into the campus he could almost fall asleep, especially since Kibum was always there to poke him awake when they arrived at the station. His days were busy but he liked to be busy, at least he was not hanging around in the library with nothing to do – instead he almost always went to the café and worked in his free periods.
Despite the ache in his chest, and the knowledge that Minho was now attending the same university, he found that he enjoyed the first week back. He did hate how he always kept an eye out for Minho, just in case he somehow managed to see him again, he desperately longed to see him again, even he knew it would hurt. He sighed, as he looked through the photo album, flipping to the back where he had a few stolen photos of Minho from various sporting events.
He was sad, and Jinki knew he was practically a stalker, or a creep, for stealing these photos of Minho. Never mind that Kibum had helped him to collect some over the years that Jinki was no longer at school. He looked down at them, frowning and then slamming the book shut, he really was pathetic. At times he hated himself for still liking that stupid guy, for never getting over him. Even when he heard all the rumours about what a playboy he was, or how he was always going out with different girls and guys, he still had this ridiculous hope that maybe, he had a chance.
Muttering to himself Jinki stood up, shoving the photo album back into the space, he was delusional. Clearly he was, how else could he keep deluding himself for years, that Minho could and would like him back. There was no chance in hell. No one ever likes you more than a friend, a snide voice whispered in his brain, so why would he, why would the great, gorgeous Choi Minho even look at you? There is no way he would ever like you, you crazy idiot.
The sound of the doorbell shook Jinki out of his depressive thoughts, he ran to get it, wondering why Kibum was ringing the door bell. He was about to tell him off for forgetting his key, when he gaped seeing Changsun standing there grinning at him.
“Hey,” Changsun casually stood there, a bottle of alcohol in one hand, “thought you seemed a bit stressed about that tutorial, thought I might as well come over and talk about it with you.” He paused, studying Jinki’s face, “If that’s okay, I can always come back another time if it doesn’t suit?”
“No, come in!” Jinki smiled, he was actually glad to see someone, since he was home alone and he found it lonely. Kibum was out on a date with someone, Jinki had tuned out earlier when Kibum had started going on and on about it. “Thanks hyung, I was worrying about it, so I’m really glad to see you.”
Kibum was surprised when he got home from his date, to see Changsun and Jinki sitting side by side on the couch. Neither noticed at him at first, he gaped as he stared, realising that he should try and get them together. He had never noticed before how Changsun looked at Jinki, the way his body was angled towards the other boy, he was starting to suspect that Jinki’s hyung quite possibly had a crush on him. He was grinning like a Cheshire cat, when Jinki finally looked up and saw him standing there watching.
“Kibum!” Jinki half slurred, it was obvious he had had a fair amount to drink, “How was the date?” He grinned happily across at his roommate.
“It was okay,” Kibum shrugged, “Hi Changsun-hyung, how are you?” Kibum bowed his head in respect to the older boy, who just nodded his head and smiled up at him.
“I’m good, Kibum-ah, really good.” He grinned, “I guess it is getting pretty late, I probably should go.” He looked over across at Jinki, his eyes blinking slowly. Kibum watched feeling interested, Changsun was a very handsome man, he was sure Jinki could get over Minho with him. Kibum had to try, but he realised he needed to act very subtly and not let Jinki suspect a thing.
“Oh don’t leave on my account,” Kibum immediately replied, “I’ll just go to bed, you guys keep working on whatever it was that you were working on.” He nodded his head, walking out of the living room, he felt bad for interrupting but he also felt happy. Changsun he was sure was the best person to make Jinki forget Minho, he respected and looked up to him a lot. Plus he doted on Jinki, Kibum was practically squealing as he imagined them going out, they were so perfect for each other.
“Thanks hyung, you really helped!” Kibum heard Jinki mutter to Changsun, when he peeked around the door he saw the two hugging. He had to cover his mouth with his hand to stop himself from excitedly cheering. He might not have to do anything, if they kept getting close and hanging around like this. He wondered if Jinki was just in love with the idea of liking Minho, and not actually liking him anymore. He shrugged , deciding to tell Jonghyun about it in the morning.
Jinki rolled his eyes as he heard Kibum telling Jonghyun in a loud voice how he had come home to see Jinki and Changsun. He breathed in deeply, shaking his head slightly, thinking that Kibum was completely hopeless, when a shadow crossing the counter startled him, he was surprised to turn and see the same young man from earlier in the week standing there with a grin across his face. He looked so smiley and happy, that Jinki felt taken back, since he was usually the one who smiled a lot. But here was a young guy whose smile and happiness seemed to outshine Jinki’s, or Jinki thought it did.
“You look unhappy about something?” The young looking guy said, cocking his head to one side, looking slightly amused. Jinki blushed slightly, feeling guilty for probably muttering away to himself, and being lost in his own world when this guy was waiting patiently.
“I’m so sorry,” Jinki apologised, “I was completely distracted by my friend’s conversation,” he sighed, “Anyway sorry, what was it that you wanted?” Jinki blinked his eyes rapidly, wishing that Kibum would shut up, he could still hear his voice so clearly.
“Oh but Jjong, it’s perfect! Jinki-hyung and Changsun would be perfect together! They’d make the cutest couple, ever!”  Jinki tapped his fingers against the counter, feeling irritated when he realised how loud Kibum was talking, it was embarrassing, he was wearing a name badge after all. He could see the young smiling guy glancing across as if reading his name.
“A latte, thanks, oh with trim milk.” The young guy replied, but Jinki did not hear him speak at all because of how he was getting lost in his own thoughts.
“Oh, sorry, was that a trim latte?” Jinki blinked, apologetically, “Sorry I’m distracted today.” He bowed his head down low, to apologise for his bad service. It was disgusting how he was acting, like it was his first day on the job. The other boy just smiled, as he saw how upset the barista was, he thought it was cute how he kept apologising.
“Yes, Jinki-ssi,” Jinki almost choked, his fingers pausing on the till, as he heard the boy call his name, feeling embarrassed because he was sure he could hear Kibum’s conversation too. It did not take much to add two and two together, he was going to kill Kibum later. Jinki nodded his head quickly, wondering what would be the most painful way to kill him.
“Okay, I’ll make it right away.” Jinki turned away from the till, cheeks flaming as he started to grind the coffee beans, his mind was a mess, everything had flown out of his head. He was concentrating so hard on avoiding the boy and hiding himself, because he was embarrassed that he didn’t hear the sound of the door being opened. It was just awful, hearing Kibum discuss him like that, especially when customers were right there and they could hear every single word.
“Jjong,” Kibum whined from the other room, “You haven’t seen him, seriously, if he can get over him they would be perfect,” Jinki winced, pausing in the middle of making the coffee, relieved that at least Kibum had not mentioned Minho’s name. “Seriously, Changsun-hyung is the only person who can help Jinki-hyung get over him, really.”
“Oh,” Jinki paled, and with a beating heart he turned back to the counter somehow he was starting to feel incredibly nervous, “did you want that takeaway or to have here?” Jinki stared so intensely at the boy, he never even noticed that there were other customers heading over to the counter, “Sorry.” Jinki apologised for what felt like the millionth time.
“It’s fine,” the boy shrugged, “Takeaway would be good. I guess it is distracting to hear your friends discussing you like that. I’m Taemin by the way,” He offered with a soft smile, Jinki smiled back before he turned back to finish making his latte. Jinki was fiddling with that, trying to block out Kibum’s voice as he put the plastic lid on. He turned to hand the coffee over, and to charge Taemin for his latte, but he froze, partly from Kibum’s words.
“Well, we have to get Jinki-hyung a boyfriend soon, I’m sick of seeing him mope over that jerk. I’m sick of him being lonely and depressed.”
Taemin smiled across at Jinki sympathetically, but it was the taller figure behind him that drew all of Jinki’s attention. He wanted to stare, he wanted to never tear his eyes away, but hearing Kibum’s loud, almost mocking voice talking about him, made him wince and feel so mortified. He dropped his gaze immediately, hearing the sound of shattering glass as he saw Minho’s arms loosely wrapped around Taemin’s waist, the way he was draped over him.
“Um,” Jinki’s hands shook as he handed the coffee over, “Here is the um trim latte,” He kept his eyes glued to the counter, blindly sticking his hand out with the coffee. Ice slipped down his spine as warm fingers brushed his, and he told himself it was Taemin, it had to be, he ordered the coffee not Minho. Everything had slipped out of his mind, it felt as if the room was rotating around them, making Jinki feel dizzy and slightly sick.
“Thanks, so much.”
Jinki swallowed, that was Minho’s voice, he risked a glance up to see that Minho was now holding the coffee, he felt his knees shake. God he wished the ground would just open up and swallow him deep into the earth’s bowels, anything to get him away from here. It was bad enough to spot Minho hugging someone, he frowned, and realised that day he had been hugging Taemin. It was so obvious now to Jinki that he was going out with Taemin, he felt a pang in his chest, and suddenly Kibum’s crazy idea sounded okay.
“Jinki-ssi, I need to pay,” Taemin piped up, Jinki thought he was going to be sick as he felt Minho’s gaze on him, and he heard Minho whisper to Taemin, “Is he alright? He looks sick?” Jinki felt sick, but hearing that it was obvious made him feel ten times worse. “I think,” Taemin cocked his head to one side, “his friends are upsetting him, by talking loudly about him.”
“Um, it’s $4.40,” Jinki mumbled, he could feel his cheeks heating up, and he dared not look up, he felt too embarrassed, what was he meant to say. Yes I’m embarrassed because I’m friends are talking about what a sad life I lead, and about my pathetic crush, and he’s standing right in front of me right now. This is so damn tragic.
Jinki took the money, trying to ignore how his fingers shook, he managed to jam the drawer in the till. Making a huge noise when he struggled to open it, he was too embarrassed to look up and see if Minho was watching. Although he figured it didn’t matter, it was not important, Minho was going out with that gorgeous guy. He sighed as he looked up, and saw them sitting at a table by the window, under a large tree, its branches reaching out to the heavens, making the sunlight stream in the window lightly dappled.
Seeing them sitting there made Jinki crouch down behind the counter and scurry into the kitchen like a cockroach, he didn’t care if he was interrupting the others or not. He could not be out there anymore, at least not at the moment. He crouched down on the floor, breathing heavily, ignoring the strange looks Jonghyun, Kibum and the chef sent him. It was better than being out there, better than making an idiot of himself and seeing Minho and his boyfriend together.
“I um, want to work in here today.” Jinki whispered, feeling his eyes water, but he was grateful when Kibum disappeared out, letting him stay in hiding in the kitchen. Jonghyun looked surprised, but somehow sympathetic when Jinki shuffled over to wash the dishes, doing his best not to get in the way. He had tried to help the chef in the past, but had driven him completely insane with his clumsiness and how he always seemed to get in the way.
Jinki tried to focus on the dishes, on watching the sink fill with soapy suds rather than think about who was sitting out there, who was sitting at his favourite table. He couldn’t decide if he should be happy or sad that Minho had picked his favourite table. But then he realised what did it matter, it did not matter at all because it didn’t mean they had a chance or they were compatible. It just meant that Minho had liked the way the sun shone in on that table, how it was lit up with light, but not too overpowering thanks to the leaves. It meant nothing, it was just a table that he had chosen to sit at.
“Jinki-hyung, you’re meant to be washing the dishes, not just staring at them.”
Jinki jumped, half turning and blinking in surprise when he saw Jonghyun leaning in close, he realised he was so distracted with his thoughts he had just been standing with his hands in the water. He quickly nodded his head, feeling ashamed and slightly guilty that he had let Minho affect his work. Sticking the edge of his tongue out, he quickly started to wash the dishes ferociously, scrubbing away at them as if he was trying to scrape the pattern clean off them.
Jonghyun sighed in the background as he watched his friend, realising that once again Jinki was lost in his own world. Jinki concentrated so hard on the dishes, he forgot about Minho, he forgot everything, so when he had soap spraying everywhere, he was unaware, that his shirt and apron were half damp, bubbles across his shirt, and even some on his hair and face.
^^;;; posting more~ D: sorry this is fkjhgkdf idk? XD
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973 streak #1
Chapter 33: Thank you so much for sharing their journey of finding each other in missed opportunities. But all's that ends well.
973 streak #2
Chapter 23: I'm not sure if you are still around. But I just found this fic yesterday!
I really like this fic.
onewxjjong #3
Chapter 33: i read this in one setting~~ good fic!
Chapter 33: glad how everything worked out for both couples :)
Chapter 30: well, Kibum, if you had not been giving Jonghyun a cold sholder he might have talked to you, but now you don't have anyone else to blame except yourself