
What is love?

Sorry D: I forgot to update last night! Dfhkjdfssjfd I remembered at 2am and by then I just wanted to sleep! This part is kind of short sorry ^^;;


Jinki woke up to bright lights and shrill screaming, wincing he rubbed his head, it was ringing slightly and throbbing in agony. He opened his eyes to see a frantic Kibum pushed up right into his face, eyes wide with worry.


“Thank god, you’re awake!” Kibum babbled, sounding so worried and upset, “god I got such a fright when I got the phone call from the hospital!” Kibum raced through the words sounding worked up and upset, “I only just arrived.”


“Uh, what happened?”


“You knocked your head, silly,” Kibum shook his head, “Lucky for you though, Minho brought you to the hospital, he carried you on his back.” Kibum gave Jinki a knowing look, ignoring the horrified expression Jinki had on his face, “Yes, he carried you all the way here, not letting anyone else help and then he sat with you until I got here.”


“Oh,” Jinki went pale, his head still spinning as he tried to process this information, “where is he now?”


“I think he left,” Kibum shrugged, “Not sure.”


“Oh,” Jinki felt dejected hearing that, but then he remembered what he had said at the party making him groan, “God, I’m such an idiot!” Jinki shuddered slightly, feeling thoroughly miserable and dejected, his head throb although if it was from the alcohol or the injury he wasn’t sure.


“Hyung, just relax, don’t stress yourself out right now.” Kibum tried to soothe Jinki, glancing around and wondering if Minho was around or not. “Hyung, I’m just going to get a drink,” Kibum puffed slightly, “I pretty much ran here and I’m feeling thirsty.” He squeezed Jinki’s hand and walked out, it wasn’t exactly the truth but Jinki didn’t need to know that, he just wanted to see if Minho was still around or not.


Kibum left the room, thinking that Minho probably had gone home, there was little chance he would’ve waited for Jinki for the whole night. He nodded his head and almost went right back into Jinki’s room, when a shadow crossed his feet and he looked up to see a tired, shattered looking Minho standing there, with Taemin by his side. Kibum almost rushed to Taemin’s side, but he restrained himself, realising he hadn’t even thanked Minho yet.


“Thank you, Minho,” Kibum smiled, “Thank you for bringing him here, and I’m sorry for being a nuisance to you.” Kibum bowed slightly to show his thanks and sincerity to Minho, he was surprised to see that Minho looked shocked when he lifted his head up. “I was surprised you were still here, but I felt bad for not thanking you properly, last night.”


“Really it was fine, I could hardly leave him there,” Minho pouted, “I was worried and I didn’t want to wait for you to come to the party, it seemed best to call an ambulance.” Kibum nodded his head, eyeing Minho differently, since he had heard that he carried him down to the ambulance.


“Minho-hyung was so worried he called me,” Taemin piped up grinning across at his boyfriend, ignoring the glares Minho sent him. “He couldn’t go away without knowing if Jinki was okay or not.” He nodded his head, slyly smiling, “I think someone might have a little problem,” he nudged Minho in the side, winking at Kibum, but the taller boy misunderstood and he started to pale.


“What, do you mean?” Minho blinked his eyes rapidly, looking down at his pants, Kibum held back a giggle as he realised what Minho thought, and what Taemin really meant. “I don’t have a problem,” He turned to look at Taemin with confusion, his expression darkening as he saw the other boy laughing.


“No, not that sort of problem,” Taemin smirked, “I meant, a crush on a certain hyung.”


Kibum stood back, arms crossed in front of his chest as he watched Minho’s eyes widened and he tried to deny it, but it was obvious that Taemin was right. They all knew it, even if Minho hadn't spoken the words to anyone, it was more obvious than if Kibum had tried to sneak past a security guard in a bright yellow jacket, with flashing lights on his head.


“I suppose you’re too much of a coward to admit your feelings like a real man,” Kibum dryly muttered a moment later, his mouth twitching as he held back a smirk, seeing how Minho gaped like a fish, making Kibum realise even attractive people like Minho could look retarded.


“What, I never said that!” Minho snapped, “I uh just thought he hated me, for being you know, gay.” Minho spoke quietly, “I guess I was mistaken,” he shrugged, looking slightly confused but slightly happy, “Um, Jinki-hyung kind of confessed last night, well sorta. I’m not sure if he remembers it or not.” He trailed off, wondering if he was meant to say that. “I hope he was serious and not just mocking me, for my crush?” Minho mused, until Kibum slapped him lightly on the cheek.


“Oh please,” Kibum rolled his eyes, as Minho cupped his cheek in surprise, “You two are complete idiots.” He rolled his eyes, “Yeah I’m sure he was ing mocking you, never mind that that moron has had a crush on you for years.” He sighed, “Either you guys get together, or I’m going to force Jinki to move far, far away so he never has to look at you again.”


“Ohh, so he was being honest?” Minho looked shell shocked as he stared down at Kibum, the shorter boy, forcefully nodded his head. “Oh,” Minho’s face lit up, and Kibum could’ve sworn that his expression and eyes were brighter than the sun and all the lights in the world combined, “Oh! Can I go and talk to him?”


Kibum didn’t even get a chance to answer before Minho was barrelling into Jinki’s room at a thousand miles an hour. He rolled his eyes and turned to look at Taemin, frowning as he noticed the box he was holding in his hands. He patted a seat, motioning for Taemin to sit, he sat down next to his boyfriend.


“What’s that?” Kibum asked pointing at the shoe box.


“Oh it’s Minho-hyung’s he asked me to bring it, but not open it.” He frowned, “No idea what’s in there, but he said it was for Jinki-hyung.” Taemin grinned, “He wanted to go and get it himself, but I told him to stay here by Jinki-hyung’s side.”


“Gosh, it was just a little knock on the head,” Kibum shrugged, “Jinki has had a lot of accidents,” he sighed, “Wonder why Minho is getting so worked up, and what is in the box? Shall we look?” He smirked, winking at Taemin, but as if Minho had heard him, he reappeared and took the box from under Taemin’s arm.


“Aww no fair,” Kibum pouted, “I’ll ask Jinki-hyung later what was in there,” He grinned, “I’m so glad they both like each other.” He sighed dreamily, “And I feel like its thanks to them that I met you,” he reached across and ruffled Taemin’s hair, “you’re so sweet, and thank you for being understanding with me.”


“Hyung, aww you’re so kind,” Taemin’s eyes watered slightly, he leaned across and kissed Kibum innocently on the lips. He pulled back and smiled and then leaned in again, kissing him firmer, his hands tangling in Kibum’s hair as they deepened the kiss.

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973 streak #1
Chapter 33: Thank you so much for sharing their journey of finding each other in missed opportunities. But all's that ends well.
973 streak #2
Chapter 23: I'm not sure if you are still around. But I just found this fic yesterday!
I really like this fic.
onewxjjong #3
Chapter 33: i read this in one setting~~ good fic!
Chapter 33: glad how everything worked out for both couples :)
Chapter 30: well, Kibum, if you had not been giving Jonghyun a cold sholder he might have talked to you, but now you don't have anyone else to blame except yourself