
What is love?



Jonghyun was sitting up in the attic again, feeling bored because he had not moved for some time. It was a baking hot day, so he found it stifling and hot up in the attic, the heat making him want to lie down and curl up asleep. He sighed dropping the pen down, before he got up carefully planning to walk around to try and wake up when a crashing noise came from below. Jonghyun stopped where he was, wondering if someone had broken into the café.


Jonghyun started to inch across to the trapdoor when it sprang open, and Jinki appeared, wincing and rubbing his head gingerly. He let out a sigh of relief, at least it was only Jinki crashing around downstairs and not a burglar. He grinned as Jinki lifted himself out, rubbing his head, which Jonghyun figured was the crashing sound he had heard, he tried not to laugh or grin at the other boy.


“Ouch,” Jinki pouted as he sat on the floor, his legs dangling down the hole he had just come up. “Of course I hit my head on a beam,” he sighed softly, “Sorry hi Jjong,” he managed to smile across at the other boy. “I hope you don’t mind me coming up here to disturb you?”


“Nope,” Jonghyun grinned, “I’m glad to see you, I haven’t seen you for ages.” He shrugged, “it’s been what a couple of weeks since you last came into the café?” Jonghyun crossed his arms in front of his chest as Jinki nodded his head, it really had been several weeks.


“Hm, yeah it has been.” Jinki chewed his lip, “Sorry Jjong, I feel bad but do you think I could work here sometimes? The other job doesn’t really pay enough on its own,” Jinki blushed slightly, “I was thinking I could just work in the kitchen?” Jinki swallowed, looking so awkward and unsure to Jonghyun, the way he fiddled with his hands.


“Sure,” Jonghyun grinned, “I’ve been helping Kibum in the café, so we do actually need someone else to help in the kitchen. I have employed someone else to help out, but he still needs to be trained.” Jonghyun nodded his head, “And his shifts are at different times,” he shrugged, “so we’d still need someone, you know I’ve missed seeing you on a daily basis.”


“Oh great,” Jinki smiled so brightly, his body relaxing as he sat there, made Jonghyun aware that the older boy was worrying about asking him if he could work there again. “I’ll do my best, and I promise I will be careful and not cause any accidents or anything.” Jinki eagerly nodded his head, making Jonghyun laugh softly.


“Good, you should make the coffee sometimes too, I swear you make the best coffees. People have commented, saying they miss your lattes and cappuccino’s”. Jonghyun grinned as he saw Jinki blushing from hearing that.


“Hm, but there is someone who makes much better coffee,” Jinki pouted, “I overheard someone talking about it, so don’t keep trying to flatter me.” He mumbled, “I’ll be much better off in the kitchen, out of the way from customers.”


“Hyung,” Jonghyun sighed in exasperation, he was starting to see that Jinki was completely unaware of his own charms. He had no idea that his smiling sunny demeanour and bright personality was one of the reasons people kept coming back. He sighed and just gave up on telling Jinki that, his friend had this real complex, a real problem with thinking that no one would ever find him attractive. 




Jinki was exhausted by the time he made it home, he didn’t check to see if Kibum was back yet. Instead he went straight to his room, crashing immediately. He had spent hours at the library studying for a test he had in a few days time, so he was incredibly late home. He sighed happily as he gazed down at his bed, being home at never felt so amazing as it did right then and there. As soon as he tugged his shirt and jeans off, he was in his bed and fast asleep. He slept so soundly that when Kibum returned home he heard nothing at all.


Jinki rolled onto his side happily, smiling as he snuggled further into his blankets. It felt so peaceful and perfect, it was only after he was lying there for some time that Jinki realised something felt weird. He finally opened his eyes, staring in disbelief as he saw the time. Jinki panicked that something had happened to Kibum, he always woke him up and yet Jinki had slept in. He felt so alarmed he got up immediately and rushed through to Kibum’s bedroom.


He did not bother knocking, but just yanked the door open, his eyes widening in disbelief when he saw someone standing there, dressed only in a long shirt. Long slender, milky thighs almost completely revealed to Jinki’s eyes. He gasped, covering his mouth with his hand, and then his eyes, it felt wrong to gaze at the vision of perfection in front of him.


“Hyung,” Taemin grinned, “Are you… embarrassed?”


Jinki peeped between two fingers, watching as Taemin tugged Kibum’s oversized shirt down, glancing warily over at the bed where Kibum was snuggled up in the bedding still. Jinki’s head was reeling, he felt shocked and sick, because Taemin was standing there dressed in only a shirt. Taemin, who was Minho’s boyfriend had cheated on Minho with Kibum. It felt as if the room was spinning for Jinki, his legs shook as he sat down, not even realising that he was half too.


It just felt wrong on so many levels, he felt so angry at Kibum and Taemin, angry for hurting Minho like this. He glared across at Taemin and then down at Kibum, who was just lying there with his eyes shut. Jinki shook his head, getting up before storming out of the room. Leaving a bewildered Taemin and Kibum, but Jinki just felt sick and he paced up and down his room until Kibum came and knocked on the door.


“Hyung, can I come in?” Kibum called softly through the door, he didn’t wait for Jinki to answer but opened the door, stepping into Jinki’s bedroom. “Hyung, I guess you’re upset. We didn’t do anything, Taemin just stayed the night.” Kibum explained, “He came over and we were talking about stuff, and then it just got too late.”


“Don’t lie, I saw the way he was dressed.” Jinki glowered, “He’s only in high school, god you disgust me, and what about Minho?”


“We slept in the same bed, I didn’t even touch him.” Kibum argued back, “And what about Minho? He doesn’t own Taemin, he’s not even going out with Taemin, they’re just friends.” Kibum nodded his head, but Jinki still felt uneasy and awkward. He just felt like Taemin was lying, he had seen Minho and Taemin together, he somehow could not believe it.


“I just can’t believe it,” Jinki sighed, “I mean about Minho and Taemin.” He shook his head slowly, “Kibum, don’t hurt Minho, please.” He practically begged feeling like the most pathetic person ever, but even if Minho would never like him, he just wanted him to be happy.


“Jinki-hyung, you said it yourself!” Kibum frowned, Jinki thought he looked annoyed which made no sense, he was the one who should be annoyed. “You told me how Minho was talking about some barista? And that he obviously cared about him a lot,” He flapped his arm around as he talked, “Well I think from what you said, he probably likes that person. So if he has a crush on someone, he can’t be dating Taemin can he?”


Jinki didn’t want to admit that Kibum’s logic made sense, but it really did. He was just too stubborn to admit it, so he set his mouth in a straight line and didn’t say a word. Instead he busied himself with choosing what clothes he would wear that day, ignoring the way Kibum stood hovering off in the background, hands on hips looking annoyed.


“Fine.” Kibum snapped, “But you know I’m right! Whatever, I’m going out now.”


Jinki turned to see his friend rolling his eyes before he stormed out, making him sigh and feel slightly guilty for upsetting Kibum. He was right, but Jinki found it hard to think that Minho and Taemin were not together since he had thought it for months now. It blew his mind to think that maybe, just maybe Minho had been single all this time, although that seemed inconceivable to him. Jinki sighed again, shaking his head before he got ready for university.


I'm gonna try and update more often - so shorter chapters ^^

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972 streak #1
Chapter 33: Thank you so much for sharing their journey of finding each other in missed opportunities. But all's that ends well.
972 streak #2
Chapter 23: I'm not sure if you are still around. But I just found this fic yesterday!
I really like this fic.
onewxjjong #3
Chapter 33: i read this in one setting~~ good fic!
Chapter 33: glad how everything worked out for both couples :)
Chapter 30: well, Kibum, if you had not been giving Jonghyun a cold sholder he might have talked to you, but now you don't have anyone else to blame except yourself