
who are you?

“You what? ”  He exclaimed.

“Listen Jae, I’ve tried my best to tell you..” he cuts me off.

“So you’ve been lying to me all this while?”

“Sorry Jae… I swear I did not meant this to happen,” I plead.

“So you regret?” he asked me, his eyes piercing mine.

“Of course,” I said slowly.

He laughed. “So you’ve been saying that you regret to what just happen between me and you and if you were given opportunity to twisted the time, so you would have wish that I did lost my memory?”

“What? You are so bipolar Jae. You got me confused. For God sake, do you really want us to quarrel again? I said I’m sorry. No matter what happen, either way you lost your memory or not, if the faith brought us together, I believe no matter how hard it wills, I am sure we will end up being together,” I cried.

Jaejoong embraced me and hug me.

“Hey, I was just kidding. I was just… trying to test you,” he chuckled.

“Te… testtt me? Kidding? Tcccthhh!” I was trying to release his embrace and look at him.

“Just go and kill yourself. You scared me as hell!” I yelled at him.

“Sorry,” he pouted.

“I am going home. I hate you,” I took my bag and walk away.

“Sa Ra-ah, I am sorry. I was just..,”

“Get ready to meet my mom tomorrow,” I said and I left. I heard him saying ‘yes’ as I walked out from his house.

“Jae… tttcch..,” I giggled and shook my head.



‘Kriingg… kringgg…’

“Hello. Sa Ra-ah! ”

It’s mom. Just in time.

“Oh omma!” I said.

“Aigoo, how are you honey? I’ve been missing you,” she said in motherly tone.

“I’m fine. So are you back? From your second honeymoon? I’ve been wondering how many honeymoon did you go? You’re not young okay?” I laughed.

“Yah..! This child. Don’t underestimate me. Sa Ra-ah…,” she called me.


“I heard from Sae Yoon you’re not doing well since the wedding. Care to share with me?”

"Don’t worry about me. I am totally fine,”

“Is it about that Jaejoong guy?”

“Omma, I love him,”

“Sa Ra-ah, I’ve already know your plan,”

“No, this time it’s true. I’m not lying,”

“He’s not worth it. Besides, you never knew his past,”

“Past is past, what most important is today,” I tried to convince.

“I don’t think this should be discussed through telephone,” she sighed.

“It’s true, but..” she cut you off.

“We'll discuss this tomorrow. Actually,the main reason I’m calling you because I want to invite you to our house warming party tomorrow at 8. Make sure you come.  ” she said.

“Okay mom, I will, and sorry. I know you’re always wanted the best for me,”

“That’s okay. I love you Sa ra,”

“Me too, I love you mom. See you tomorrow,” then she hung up.

I laid myself on the couch. I keep thinking how to convince my mother about Jaejoong.

“Why this is so hard?” I said and stared the ceiling.


‘One new message received’

From: Jaejoong

To: Sa Ra

‘Hey, what are you doing?’ - Jaejoong

I replied:

‘Staring at the ceiling,’

Few minutes later, he replied:

‘You must be in a deep thought of..... me. Kekeke!’

I replied:

Wait a second, how do you get my number?’

Then he replied:

‘I remembered your number. Besides, it’s only you I know, remember? You covered almost 90% in my thought. So how can I remember my past? It was your fault.’

I replied:

‘Cheesy. I hate you. Btw, tomorrow I'll be busy, so I guess we won't be able to see my mom. Sorry I have to postpone this. Good night Jae,”

He replied:

‘It's okay. Tell me when you are ready. Love you too!’

I chuckled.

“Sorry Jaejoong-ah. I can’t tell you anything about just now. Just let me discuss this with mom first,”

Then I drifted to sleep.

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Chapter 13: yaa~~ jae jae is sooo adorable.. pls omonim. let jae jae be with ur daughter :3
Chapter 13: updated!
hope her mother can accept jaejoong
Chapter 12: omo! she said that!
shyeaaa #4
Chapter 12: Sorry. I might be updating too tomorrow. Let's pray together. It's been too long guys. I know I am such a bad author. Just hoping you guys would love the update.
Yoomi_9 #5
Seriously, i wanna see jaejoong with apron and taking order and making coffee~
ooh, that's what happen
shyeaaa #7
Thanks and thanks and zillion thanks for reading my ff. It was actually quite , since I always late updating it. But please bear with me. :D *thanks for commented too!
Yoomi_9 #8
Where is Jaejoong?????
Why jaejoong leaves so suddenly
hmm, *curious
Eh? Jaejoong leaves her?