A date with my GIRLFRIEND (DongHae POV)

It's You(너라고)


We were holding hands while we walked down the street after we were thrown out of the dorm.


'Have a nice date or so!', they had told us and when I saw Yoona's sad face I couldn't help but feel guilty. I made her sad by not celebrating this special date.


„Let us go to a nice restaurant.“, I suggested and smiled. Yoona looked a bit pensively but then nodded.


„Alright.“, she agreed and then we went down the street to a small restaurant we used to visit a lot a long time ago.


„Nice to see you two again! Long time no seen!“, the woman on the shelter greeted us and then led us to one of the tables which were a bit separated from the others. It was nice to sit there because others couldn't see us a lot what helped us hanging out undercover.


When we sat down Yoona started to inspect the menue. While she was doing that I observed her a bit and started to lose myself in memories.

I asked myself how it could happen that my best friend became my girlfriend.


It all started 5 months after Jessica started to date Taecyeon. Of course I knew about it and for the last months back then I had been a wreck. Yoona was the only one who was there for me. She never knew I was in love with Jessica – she even didn't know we had been a couple. Jessica and me used to be very cautious and nobody had ever caught us.

It was Kyuhyun who started to tell me that Yoona started to act awkward around me.

He told me she had probably fallen for me and that I should try my best to date her. Yes...it was my fault that it ended up like this now. I asked her out because she appeared more than sad around me...and this only was noticed by me because our maknae had told me about Yoona's maybe-feelings.

Yoona – of course – accepted and then we turned out as a couple.


„I think we should eat some Bulgogi.“


Yoona's voice tore me out of my thoughts and I blinked irritated at her.




She nodded and then ordered the food for us. She was always the caring type...

For a long time I had thought that the guy who became her boyfriend would be a really lucky guy...I'd never expected me to be the one.


Yoona looked puzzled back at me when she realized that I was staring at her.


„What's wrong?“, she asked.


„Nothing.“, I answered and grinned amused. „Don't worry too much, everything's perfectly alright.“

It was cute how insecure she became.


„I can't take you serious if you look like that.“, she said and pouted cutely. Not exactly as cute as Jessica could – but it had its own charm.

It was not premature, it was decent and still a bit hypnotizing. A perfect mixture.


I was teasing her until the food came. Maybe it had been a good idea to come to this place. The strange feeling that was engendered when I started to date Yoona disappeared and I felt like being indigenous to be around her again. It was a big advancement. I should thank the other girls afterwards.


We left the restaurant in the late evening and strolled back to the girls' dormitory. It was a bit cold outside what made me hand Yoona my jacket.


Everything seemed to be perfect. We were a nice couple. A really nice couple – plus I felt good around this one special girl.

Unfortunatelly this wasn't the end of my feelings for Jessica who was entrenched deep in my heart. Yoona wasn't able to oust Jessica yet. I tried my best to abolish my feelings for Jessica but the salvation wasn't in seight anywhere.


Right now everything was still peaceful. Nobody knew that it was only a hollow peace.

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cheekylittlechubba #1
Chapter 20: The ending was a bit shady, in the sense, Donghae and Poona truly love each other - clearly from their letters ^^

The story was good, but personally I was expecting for Donghae to be together with Yoona and Jessica and Taecyeon somehow managed to rekindle their love ^.* It's just me, so don't take to hear ^^

Great job authornim :D :D I really enjoyed this story
Chapter 20: I didn't expect the ending quite... Maybe because I didn't want it? Well, as long as they are happy "/ Well, nice little read, none-the-less ~

- Love,
Strawberry Belle Rockbell
chinnyrose08xanime #3
Chapter 20: can you do an alternate ending
Chapter 20: So donghae love yoona like love for bestfriend or true love?
smurfette #5
Nice story, finally they chose their right partners, right?