The reason I broke up (YoonA POV)

It's You(너라고)

I was on my way to the bathrooms when suddenly someone behind me opened the door and grabbed my wrist to turn me around. I gasped and looked up to the person in shock when I realized that it was Taecyeon.


„Hey, Yoong.“, he greeted me and roved all over my face.


My heart started to rush. His voice, his mouth...saying this one nickname of mine.

I relished hearing it so much that I immediately felt bad.


„What's...what's...wrong?“, I asked him still wondering and tried to avoid looking into his eyes.


„We have to talk.“, he answered.


I panted and my heart stopped beating.

He wanted to talk to me?


„About what?“


„About us.“



I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out of it. My voice had disappeared. My thoughts had disappeared. My whole head was bare. There was only Taecyeon in front of me.


„I can't believe I'm doing this right now...“ Taecyeon started to chuckle embittered. „This Donghae-guy really is annoying.“


When he said that everything was gone. Picking on my boyfriend was nothing he was supposed to do. I didn't know where it came from – but there was something in my heart that told me to protect and defend Donghae.


„If you don't want to then just let go of me – and stop picking at my boyfriend!“, I said a bit angrily and freed my wrist out of his hand. Quickly I wanted to pass him by but Taecyeon grabbed my whole arm and almost hit me against the wall. I closed my eyes and winced when I hit the wall. The next moment I could feel Taecyeons hot breath on my cheeks.


„I can't let you go...not again. can't imagine how much I missed you. How much I think about you...and how much it pisses me off to see you and Lee Donghae together.“


Of course I wanted to believe in what he said...but it came so...unexpected and my mind told me to be careful and not to be as naive as before and believing him right now.


„Don't mess with me...Ok Taecyeon.“, I muttered in resignment. „You broke up with me, not the other way round...don't forget that. Plus you have Sica-ah.“


My eyes met his and I was really surprised. Taecyeon kept a straight face.


„You don't have a clue why I broke up with you, right? It was because of him. Because he was always around. Because we had no time for us and because you never told him to go – even when I complained about him to you.“


Was he making fun of me? This was the reason? Taecyeon was simply...jealous of Donghae. He had always been?


„Stop ridiculing...“, I told him and noticed how tears filled my eyes.

Hearing that it was my best friend's fault that I had lost the love of my life made me feel even worse. It couldn't be real. It just couldn't.


„You think I'm not serious?“ Taecyeon shook his head. „I'm totally serious about it. And I still can't stand him – but I can't stand being without you I'll give it a last try. Im Yoona, if you love me – and I won't ever believe you don't...I know you way too much...- and if you love me more than you love Lee Donghae...than choose me over him and leave him. If you choose me – you'll accept to stop being friends with him. If you choose him, I'll give up and you'll never hear of me again.“


I closed my eyes again and tried to hear what my heart was telling me...but I could even hardly hear it bumping. My head was empty, my heart was confused.


Taecyeon let go of me and went off. When he had disappeared I could think again...and the first person I thought of was Jessica. Then I thought of Taecyeon.


I couldn't make this decision. I would take away Jessica's boyfriend. I would break her heart...and I would break Donghae's heart...


...this was nothing I could deal with.

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cheekylittlechubba #1
Chapter 20: The ending was a bit shady, in the sense, Donghae and Poona truly love each other - clearly from their letters ^^

The story was good, but personally I was expecting for Donghae to be together with Yoona and Jessica and Taecyeon somehow managed to rekindle their love ^.* It's just me, so don't take to hear ^^

Great job authornim :D :D I really enjoyed this story
Chapter 20: I didn't expect the ending quite... Maybe because I didn't want it? Well, as long as they are happy "/ Well, nice little read, none-the-less ~

- Love,
Strawberry Belle Rockbell
chinnyrose08xanime #3
Chapter 20: can you do an alternate ending
Chapter 20: So donghae love yoona like love for bestfriend or true love?
smurfette #5
Nice story, finally they chose their right partners, right?