Chapter 1

Approved Love

It was 7:15 am, a beautiful Thursday morning in Seoul, Korea and a little scene was happening inside a small corner restaurant called "New Evolution."

"What?!" Sandara slammed the plate of pancakes in front of Minji.

"Well thanks for such a great customer service. I'll definitely tip you later." Minji said sarcastically as she pour syrup onto her pancakes.

Sandara crossed her arms, "Break up with him. Now."

"I do not see the reason to."

"Reason? Oh I'll give you some reasons. One. He is twice your age. You're only 16 Minji ah! Two. He got a family for god's sake! How can you do this to his family and especially to yourself?! And don't get me started on the third one. He's your freakin-"

"We are in love."

"Oh god. Bom ah! I feel my blood pressure rising!" Sandara screamed as she started fanning herself

"What?!" Bom walked over, "What happened?"

"She and him happened."

"Aigooo." Bom started rubbing Sandara's back.

Minji sighed, "Thanks for the breakfast. I'm going to school now." Minji picked up her book bag and left the restaurant.

"She didn't even finished the pancakes!" Now it was Bom's turn to have her blood pressure rising.

"Arghhh!" Sandara screamed causing the customers from the other tables to look at the waitress and the manager.


Minji really do not want to listen to anyone today. She already got stood up by him last night. She knew her friends disapproved her relationship with him since the day she told them about it. But she is grateful they still stay by her side and continue to be her friends. Afterall, the relationship she have with him is a really...bad one. But no matter what they said, the thought of leaving him never crossed her mind. She have no plans to break up with him, because she is in love with him. And he is in love with her. At least, that's what he told her.

Minji made her way to her classroom and sat down at the last seat next to the window. She don't really have much friends in the school. The students hardly approached her and she never made an effort to approach other students either. She was not interested in doing so. They think she is too cool and too gloomy while she think they are too fake and really got nothing to do, but to gossip about each other behind their backs or who is hot and who is not.

The only friends she had were Luna and Ji Eun. They are not fake like those other students and are cool to talk to.

"Gooood morning!" Luna jumped to the seat in front of Minji while Ji Eun waved as she sat in the seat next to Minji.

"Hey." Minji forced a smile.

"What happened?" Luna frowned.

"Nothing. Just tired. Slept really late last night."

"Bet you were up doing math homework! 'Cause I was up doing math homework!"

Minji laughed, "No. I actually finished the math homework during math class yesterday."

"Pshhh." Luna turned around as Ji Eun giggled.


The classroom quickly settled down after they heard the bell rang. The homeroom teacher walked in a few seconds later.

"Good morning Uhm sunsengnim." The entire class greeted

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ezkimoism1 #1
Chapter 6: Hooray for update :D
Chapter 6: Haha gosh I love Jiyoung
Chapter 5: Go Seungri!!!! Go Taemin go get her!! Jiyong better not kill Taemin!!
Chapter 5: ah I love your Seungri. He seems so much like himself. ;u;

GO SEUNGRI! GO TAEMIN! GO MAKNAES! i just love everyone's character here.
Chapter 4: Seungri-you so awesome!!! Yes here come Taemin!
blackvipwalker #6
Chapter 4: I just finished reading all four chapters...great story but can you made some name for the teacher AKA boy freind beacuse i cant stop thinkinng about a lot of kpop people and the thought aint pretty...any way i am subscribing
Chapter 4: Omo, did her teacher made this hole thing up??
Or it was taemin laughing outside??
Update soon! I gotta know...
Chapter 3: omg Seungri. XD
Chapter 3: KYAAA! I am so subscribing to this! I need a taeminzy fic pronto to fill my boredom! kyaaa!!!
xxvanilla-ice #10
Chapter 2: I like the storyline, seems interesting. update soon! c: