
My Low-Class Boyfriend
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- s e v e n -

Myungsoo and Cho Hee's date was normal. Walking along the streets, going to some landmarks, window shopping, feeding each other street food and stuff. They were like those normal couples.

But while they were walking, people kept looking at them. Some were looking because of their looks, but most were looking because they recognized them. Two people who didn't really belong together; a gangster, and an heiress.

It made people wonder what were they doing together, holding hands, too.

But as for Myungsoo and Cho Hee, they were too oblivious to even care about their surroundings. They didn't even think about the consequences when Cho Hee's parents find out about them.

But, it didn't really matter at the moment. 

They were enjoying themselves, and that was the best thing for them.

"Oppa, it's getting dark now. Should we get going?" Cho Hee asked. As much as she wanted to stay with Myungsoo, she was still worried for her parents.

Myungsoo nodded, "Yeah, but let's just go there first, then I can take you home." he pointed at the beautiful landmark.

Cho Hee's eyes brightened when she saw where he was pointing at, "Okay!"


They got to the N Seoul Tower, hand in hand.

Going to the N Seoul Tower was typical for couples since it was a very romantic place for dates.

When they reached the top of the tower, they saw couples everywhere, putting locks along the railings.

"When I was younger, I promised myself to bring the first girl who would make me fall in love here," Myungsoo confessed.

Cho Hee's eyes widened, Did he just say he fell in love with me?

Myungsoo chuckled softly at he

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I feel his pain D:
So terrible to see his gf with someone else
Aigooo, she should end up with Myungsoo really. >.<
awwwww. Myungsoo D;
Jiyeon, stop it.
M4C4BRE #5
Judgemental people are the worst. -_-
"Cho Hee couldn't bear hearing people insult her beloved girlfriend."

LOL,girlfriend??Isn't it suppose to be boyfriend?? XD
Oh poor Myungsoo T.T
Myungsoo. ><
NOOOOOOOOOOO. Jinyoung in only her best friend. Her boyfriend's Myungsoo, point. No one will change that, except you, timeofmylife03 lol (x
Ew, Jiyeonnnnnnnn/shivers
kyungsquishysoo #10
Awww poor myungsoo D: don't give up myungsoo!!! and jiyeon needs to gtfo -____-