
My Low-Class Boyfriend
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The day passed by so slowly for Cho Hee. She was more than bored in all of her classes; all she wanted to do was go out the door and go to wherever Myungsoo might be.

But since she and her family were respected, she didn't dare show her lack of interest in her classes.

Once the bell rang, telling the students that it was time to go home, she literally jumped up from her seat and skipped towards her locker.

She slammed her locker shut and sprinted towards the main gates of the school. When she caught a glimpse of her hot boyfriend, she quickly straightened herself up and acted more lady-like.

"Hi oppa," she said with a shy smile.

Myungsoo's eyes literally lit up when he saw his pretty girlfriend, "Hey!"

"I'd just go tell my driver to go home first, okay? I'll be right back!" Cho Hee said.

Myungsoo nodded in agreement.

After a few minutes, Cho Hee went back with a big smile on her face.

"Let's go now, oppa!"


They first went to an abandoned commercial building. Cho Hee was getting creeped out by it, but she didn't show it. But apparently, Myungsoo knew her "too well" and could tell that she was a bit uncomfortable. So he held her hands tightly and pulled her closer to him, which immediately made Cho Hee relaxed.

Soon, they got to a room which had the number "27" on it.

Myungsoo opened the door and it revealed the other Infinite members, lounging on the couch, and some were in the kitchen.

"Oh, L! You didn't tell us you were going to bring your lovely girlfriend here! We could have cleaned up a little, you know," Woohyun rolled his eyes at him.

Myungsoo scoffed, "Yeah, like that would ever happen."

Cho Hee, on the other hand, gla

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I feel his pain D:
So terrible to see his gf with someone else
Aigooo, she should end up with Myungsoo really. >.<
awwwww. Myungsoo D;
Jiyeon, stop it.
M4C4BRE #5
Judgemental people are the worst. -_-
"Cho Hee couldn't bear hearing people insult her beloved girlfriend."

LOL,girlfriend??Isn't it suppose to be boyfriend?? XD
Oh poor Myungsoo T.T
Myungsoo. ><
NOOOOOOOOOOO. Jinyoung in only her best friend. Her boyfriend's Myungsoo, point. No one will change that, except you, timeofmylife03 lol (x
Ew, Jiyeonnnnnnnn/shivers
kyungsquishysoo #10
Awww poor myungsoo D: don't give up myungsoo!!! and jiyeon needs to gtfo -____-