
My Low-Class Boyfriend
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- s e v e n t e e n -

Myungsoo walked over to Jinyoung and Cho Hee who were happily walking towards Jinyoung's car.

"Hey yeobo," Myungsoo greeted Cho Hee, emphasizing on the word 'yeobo'.

The other two stopped walking as Cho Hee's eyes widened, "O-Oppa!"

All the students who were there were now watching them, looking forward to what was going to happen next. A fight? They didn't know, but they for sure hoped to see an interesting scene.

"Oh, L. Hey," Jinyoung said.

Myungsoo looked at him and nodded casually, "Hey."

"Were you going on a date today?" Jinyoung asked.

She didn't tell him? Did she...forget? Myungsoo asked himself, completely disappointed.

Cho Hee gasped, Oh no! What do I do now?!

Myungsoo snapped out of his thoughts as he forced a smile on his face, "No, we're not. I just passed by and thought maybe I should say hi to my girlfriend."

Cho Hee looked at him in surprise, "Oppa, I-"

"Well, I have to go now. I'm hanging out with my gang. Were you going somewhere?"

Jinyoung nodded, "My parents told me to pick her up today. We're going out to eat."

"Ah," Myungsoo nodded. "Okay then, see you around. Bye."

Cho Hee watched her boyfriend walk away from her without even glancing back. She felt guilty for forgetting about their plans for today, but she also felt a bit disappointed since Myungsoo acted as if he didn't care.

"Cho Hee, are you sure he's your boyfriend? He doesn't act like one," Jinyoung shook his head.

Cho Hee just bit her lip as she walked ahead of Jinyou

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I feel his pain D:
So terrible to see his gf with someone else
Aigooo, she should end up with Myungsoo really. >.<
awwwww. Myungsoo D;
Jiyeon, stop it.
M4C4BRE #5
Judgemental people are the worst. -_-
"Cho Hee couldn't bear hearing people insult her beloved girlfriend."

LOL,girlfriend??Isn't it suppose to be boyfriend?? XD
Oh poor Myungsoo T.T
Myungsoo. ><
NOOOOOOOOOOO. Jinyoung in only her best friend. Her boyfriend's Myungsoo, point. No one will change that, except you, timeofmylife03 lol (x
Ew, Jiyeonnnnnnnn/shivers
kyungsquishysoo #10
Awww poor myungsoo D: don't give up myungsoo!!! and jiyeon needs to gtfo -____-