
My Low-Class Boyfriend
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- f o u r -

3rd Person's POV

The day Myungsoo has been waiting for has come.

March 14. White Day. The day Myungsoo decided to confess his feelings for Cho Hee, a girl who he hasn't even talked to before.

He and his friends decided to skip school for the day to prepare for Myungsoo's White Day confession.

"Hyung! *Kamsahamnida! If it weren't for you, we would have been mobbed by our fangirls!" Sungjong hugged Myungsoo.

Sungyeol, who was the *choding of the gang, joined Sungjong in hugging Myungsoo, "*Neh! I love you, L! Really!"

Myungsoo just pushed them away, annoyed, yet amused by their childish act.

"*Aish, but now we don't have chocolates anymore!" Woohyun crossed his arms.

Myungsoo just rolled his eyes at them, "Whatever, my confession is much more important. Let's go now, guys!"

The others followed him with excited smiles on their faces.


Meanwhile at Cho Hee's school, girls were bored as ever. Who wouldn't be bored anyway? I mean, they're going to an all girls school, and it's White Day!

They'd still have to wait until after school to see their boyfriends(if they have any), or get confessions.

Nevertheless, since their school is rich, decorations were all over the place.

"Cho Hee! Do you think you'd get confessions this year, too?" Cho Hee's friend, Eunji, asked.

Cho Hee immediately thought of Myungsoo, hoping that he'd confess to her, but she quickly shook it off, thinking he doesn't even know her, nor have they shared a conversation before.

She just shrugged, "*Molla. I don't really care."

Eunji rolled her eyes, "As expected. You never care."

Cho Hee smiled at her, "Yup!"


Myungsoo and his gang got to Cho Hee's school after preparing everything they need.

Sunggyu and Hoya first went to the Principal's Office to ask if what they're going to do is okay with her. The Principal, Mrs. Baek, doesn't really have a say since she, too, was scared of their gang so she immediately said yes.

Dongwoo and Woohyun were in charge of getting Cho Hee's schedule from the Attendance Office. And just like the Principal, the workers didn't have any say, so they just gave her schedule to them.

Sungyeol, Sungjong, and Myungsoo were just waiting for the others to return.

Sunggyu and Hoya got back first, "She said yes!"

Myungsoo smirked, "Great."

Dongwoo and Woohyun then returned with Cho Hee's schedule, "Got it!"

They high-f

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I feel his pain D:
So terrible to see his gf with someone else
Aigooo, she should end up with Myungsoo really. >.<
awwwww. Myungsoo D;
Jiyeon, stop it.
M4C4BRE #5
Judgemental people are the worst. -_-
"Cho Hee couldn't bear hearing people insult her beloved girlfriend."

LOL,girlfriend??Isn't it suppose to be boyfriend?? XD
Oh poor Myungsoo T.T
Myungsoo. ><
NOOOOOOOOOOO. Jinyoung in only her best friend. Her boyfriend's Myungsoo, point. No one will change that, except you, timeofmylife03 lol (x
Ew, Jiyeonnnnnnnn/shivers
kyungsquishysoo #10
Awww poor myungsoo D: don't give up myungsoo!!! and jiyeon needs to gtfo -____-