Petrified and Speechless

Bloody Noses and Blue Roses [HIATUS]

Monday evening, I was alone. Of course. MinHwan had to run somewhere else instead of be with me and kick the ert's for me. I could be doing our friendship a favor right now by searching for the bloody guy but instead I was going to be stuck in a small room with someone I despised. Now I had to be brave as my heavy steps were slowly leading me to the clubhouse. I still souldn't imagine what the crazy guy had in store for me. Not after what happened last time. I didn't want that to happen ever again but if he tried to pull something weird on me again, I will smash his face and his balls.


“Are you that excited to receive your punishment?” his voice suddenly rang in my ear. And when I turned into the direction of his voice, I came face to face with the despicable Lee HongGi.


“Yaa,” I cried, backing off from him instinctively. “Why are you suddenly here?”


He chuckled and tried to get closer to me but I quickly widened the space between us. “I'm here because you're supposed to receive the punishment from ME.”


He said it in a matter-of-factly tone that really annoyed me. Of course I knew that, but how did he suddenly appear out of nowhere? That was the real mind bender. It was like he was there all along, only appearing whenever he wanted to present himself. Like how I never knew he even existed in our school before. Or in the music club. I swear I have never even seen him around here. That was really weird. He was weird. Which year was he in anyway?


“Why are you walking so quickly?” he suddenly interrupted my thoughts. Then his hand grabbed my bandaged hand, and he turned me around to face him. “What happened to your hand?”


I couldn't believe he could actually ask me that question without the slightest clue that he was the one who caused it in the first place. Facing the clubhouse again, I waved away his question and walked away from him. “Just shut up.”


“Why are you so cranky?” he walked up next to me, trying to catch my eyes but I refused to look at his annoying face. “Is it that time of the month again?”


“Where's my guitar, anyway?” I changed the topic immediately. “Did you sell it somewhere for a cheap price? Because my guitar is not cheap like the guitars in the storage room.”


“What if I said that I sold it?” he said in a very irritating tone that made me have an urge to smash his face. He saw my expression and chuckled. “I didn't sell it, redface. I have it somewhere in the music club for safe keeping.”


After he said that, my hope of finding it before going through my punishments soared through the sky. I couldn't help but smile to myself as I imagined myself finding my guitar and laughing evilly at the defeated Lee HongGi. But I didn't tell him anything about my thoughts, so I just let out a nonchalant, “Oh.”


“I saw your mischevious smile, redface.” He leaned closer to my face and smirked. “Don't even think of trying to search for it and escaping with it without going through all of your punishments. It's impossible.”


“Why is it impossible??” I asked him trying to distance myself from him, curious because he sounded so confident. Trying to sound confident myself, I recalled my victory over him the week before. “I managed to escape from you once, why not this time around?”


He held his head up high as he laughed out loud. “It's impossible because I hid it somewhere only I know. And is your second question trying to tell me that you like it when I do erted things to you?”


Refusing to be effected by his stupid teasing, I walked on ahead and entered the clubhouse. The second I stepped inside, I heard the soft strumming of a guitar. It was beautiful. I lost myself in the notes as I stood in front of the door, listening to it. Unconciously, I felt myself sway from left to right to the music. It was so haunting, so peaceful. I couldn't help myself from moving along with it. But then, suddenly, I was thrown off my feet and fortunately, I put my hands in front of me just in time to soften my landing. I whirled around to see HongGi holding the door open. Apparently, he opened the door when I was standing right in front of it, so it resulted in pushing me off balance.


“YAA!!!” I screamed at him for being so rude and annoying. The sound of the guitar halted.


“Mwo?” he asked innocently, unaware of what he just did to me.


Before I could shout at him some more, someone came down from the stage and he caught my eyes immediately. “Sunbae?”


JongHun sunbae smiled as he descended the stairs two at a time and then approached me, extending his hand out towards me. I took his hand without hesitation and stood next to him as he greeted HongGi. I brushed dirt off my skirt as I listened to the two talking about the upcoming music festival. Then suddenly, HongGi said in a very annoyed tone, “Can you leave the two of us now, we really need to be alone.”


WTH? What was he trying to make sunbae think about us? My eyes flickered towards the look on sunbae's face, he seemed shocked but was covering it slightly so I wasn't so sure. Was he jealous? I hope so, because I didn't like how HongGi said that we really need to be alone as if implying that we were up to no good. I really really wished I could smash his face into a million pieces but when I saw sunbae smile half-heartedly at me, it made me stiff and cold inside.


“Arasseo (I understand),” was all he said as he took a step away from me and turned around, heading straight towards the door. From where I was standing, the way his shoulders were slumped, I could only guess that he was probably feeling sad and hurt. Or maybe I wanted to believe he felt that way. Because I was.


“S-sunbae!” I called after him, but the door closed and he couldn't hear me. Then my legs started to move without me wanting them to, towards the door and then just as I was about to open them, a hand stopped me by grabbing me roughly by the shoulders. I flinched from the pain in my right shoulder, which never went away since the first week of school.


“Where do you think you're going?” he let go of me when he saw my painful expression. Then he took hold of my hand and dragged me to the stage and up the stairs. “We have to do it now!”


When we got to the storage room, he closed the door and reached inside his pocket to take out something. It was a piece of paper. The same piece paper from when I was supposed to receive my first punishment. And I guessed my punishment never changed at all. He was still going to order me to rearrange the instruments in the storage room. I really hated him. The hate grew more after what he did to JongHun sunbae. I will never forgive him for what he did.


I scoffed as he handed me the piece of paper. I snatched it from his fingers and held it up to my face. “I can't believe you're still making me do this …”


“Mwo?” he strained his ears and stood next to me. “I can't hear you, what did you say?”


“I can't believe you're making me do this!!!” I shouted in his ear and he backed away instantly, a hand to his ear. HongGi's face was one of surprise, but he quickly straightened himself. Before his words could leave his mouth, I started shouting again. “You're so irresponsible! I thought you were a leader! Someone who leads, not orders people around!!! Instead of giving me an ordinary punishment like any other responsible leader would, you're making me rearrange all these instruments just to please yourself?!! And I'm a girl too!!! Do you think I can do all that work by myself?!!” I could feel my face turning red from all the shouting, but that didn't stop me from venting out my anger on him. “And you even said that you'd do your best as a leader in you speech?!! You're a selfish guy! How did you become the leader in the first place anyway?!! You're not even a senio – !!!”


He stopped my words and caught me by surprise. It was short and brief, but he did successfully shut me up. I was drained of words from only one action that he did. He pulled his face away from mine and then he his lips. He srunched up his face as he tried to figure something out. Then he clicked his fingers and a smile pulled on his lips.


“Hmmm, tastes like bananas …” He whispered loud enough for me to hear. Then he turned his back to me, leaving the room. But before he closed the door, he turned his head slightly and said, “Carry on, redface.”


The door shut close and I was left alone in the small room. I regained control of my limbs and I quickly put my hands to my cheeks. They were so warm and my hands felt so cold. My heart was beating rapidly against my chest and I could feel tears b in my eyes. I couldn't believe what just happened. I couldn't bring myself to believe that HongGi just did that. I couldn't accept the fact that I just had my first. I couldn't face the truth that Lee HongGi just stole my first. I couldn't believe he just kissed me like that and reminded me that I had bananas for lunch.


Everything was just so unbelievable!







A/N: i hope this chapter makes up for last week! *hoping hopefully* >,<

and sorry for not putting up pics with this chapter and the one before, i couldn't find ones that really matched with the story~ LOL

maybe i'll edit it later with pics! maybe...

comments are much appreciated and new readers are loved as much as my current readers! <3

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atheovia #1
This story is really good but it's so confusing D: Why's Hongki so crazy? Does Jonghun like her or..? And why did the main character have such a big fight with Minhwan for like.. no reason at all? And why is she always crying? e-e;; All the characters are somewhat bipolar it seems D: but I still like it so maybe if you write some more it'll be clearer?
winterflowr #2
I'm so confused...<br />
Minhwan seems so bipolar--and I'm not being biased, but shouldn't he apologize for not telling her about his dating Suzy? Plus, I think he even ditched their usual outing and lied O.o I kinda think it's all his fault<br />
And odd?<br />
Thank you for updating!
FairytalePerfection #3
Aaaaaw, Minhwan. <3
thanks for reading~<br />
bloody guy will be revealed soon! XD
FairytalePerfection #5
Oooooo!!!! Now who could the bloody guy be...
winterflowr #6
Theater activities fun! lol I'm going to watch my school musical tomorrow!<br />
I wanna the poster--put it up next chapter!<br />
FINALLY!!!The bloody nose guy returns! But...his nose didn't bleed...and he was around a girl?? Maybe his phobia is gone?<br />
Minhwan is such a jerk! He sooooo cut class with Suzy!<br />
Poor HongGi...she wasn't listening to him!<br />
Update soon!
winterflowr #7
At least she and HongGi are kinda okey now!<br />
Bring by the mystery guy PLEASE!!<br />
Oh...and you didn't write down any questions for this chappie for me to answer??<br />
<br />
Update soon!
FairytalePerfection #8
Aaaaaaaw. She's so sad.