*SIREN* Punishment Time!

Bloody Noses and Blue Roses [HIATUS]


Things could get worse or they could get better. But one thing was for sure, MinHwan hates me. He loves Suzy. I hate her! But he loves her! UUURRRGGGGHHHHHHHHH!!!!


I still couldn't believe what actually happened. How could I have had a fight with my bestfriend? Sure we have little fights sometimes, like the time when he accidentally broke a string on my guitar, and when I told his omma that he went to the noraebang instead of to the library with me. And sometimes he did make me cry when we were still kids because he was really mean then. Usually we wouldn't talk to each other for a couple of days, but this time it was different.


I haven't seen him since our fight. He didn't come to school. He didn't even come around my house with blue roses.


This was a good time to play a sad song with my guitar. Oh right, the crazy ert still had it.






Wednesday evening, I dragged my feet to the clubhouse. I had no other choice but to go there to get my guitar back. I felt so depressed without it. I needed it so badly. After everything that has happened, only strumming my guitar could help me get through it.


Cautiously, I opened the door to the clubhouse and glanced around before entering. Everyone was busy with practice because the music festival was approaching pretty fast, it was only a month away. And I still haven't decided what I would perform on that day! Remembering that I had more important things to worry about, I walked slowly towards the instruments group, scanning it for any sign of HongGi. But he was nowhere to be seen. So I went up the side stairs of the stage to get to the storage room because I was sure HongGi must've hid my guitar somewhere in there.


I went behind the curtains just so that HongGi wouldn't be able to see me on stage if he were somewhere in the building. But as I struggled to walk behind the big curtains, I bumped into something on the other side. I froze and held my breath. I hope it wasn't a person. I hope it wasn't HongGi! Then I heard a muffled voice asking 'is someone there?' Why did it have to be a person???


Afraid that the person would turn out to be HongGi, I shut my eyes and waited for the person to discover me.


“HyoJin-ssi?” a soft voice said. “What are you doing … here?”


It didn't sound like what HongGi would say. It sounded more like … opening one of my eyes just to get a peek, my eyes widened in surprise. “S-sunbae!” I blushed as JongHoon sunbae chuckled at my reaction. I put one hand to my chest and told him, “You surprised me.”


“Shouldn't I be the one saying that?” he flashed his killer smile. I would've died any other day, but I was too depressed to feel anything except sadness.


But I had to admit he did look extra hot today; with his loosened necktie flung over his left shoulder, and the smell of his perspiration. It was weird but I find the latter to be a very attractive point about guys. It was manly. And handsome. And y. And …


“HyonJin-ssi, gwaenchanha?”


“Gwaenchanha!” I snapped out of my ridiculous daydream and nodded vigurously. What was I thinking? He was someone's boyfriend! I always forget to remind myself that! And my answer came out too loud! I could feel my cheeks beginning to warm up again. Then something odd struck me. “Umm, what are you doing on stage, sunbae?”


“Oh,” he started to say, making way for me to get out from behind the curtains. “I'm practicing the piano. I'm gonna play a piece for the festival.”


“Ahh,” I nodded, noticing that Min-unnie wasn't with the instruments group today.What was up with them? Maybe I have a chance


“I see you took off the bandage,” he pointed to my hand.


“Ne, my hand doesn't hurt anymore, so I took it off,” I explained, looking at my hand. It still had some scratches on it but it felt better. “I gotta go get my guitar now, sunbae. See you around.”


Before I could walk away, his hand held my wrist to stop me. I turned to face him and raised an eyebrow questioningly.


“Are you sure you're okay?” he asked with a concerned face. I smiled half-heartedly at him and nodded twice. “See you.”


I had my back to him again and then I headed to the storage room. I didn't know why I was feeling so awkward with sunbae. Maybe it had to something to do with the hug he gave me after my fight with MinHwan. We never really talked after what happened. He just sent me home and he didn't call me or anything. Wait, he didn't have my number. So how was he supposed to call?


Groaning because of my dumbness, I turned the doorknob of the store room and then entered quietly. I had to be quick, or else HongGi was going to find me snooping around looking for my guitar. I searched the place where he might've hid it, like the small corner at the back of the room or the place where I encountered the bloody guy the second time; where there were boxes piled in front of the guitar shelf. But my precious guitar wasn't there. Just as I was about to look around some more, someone came in. I panicked when I heard the lock click so I crouched down and waited. The silence was dragging for some minutes. But then I heard the evil chuckle just above me.


“Well well, pink this time!”


“YAA!” I screamed as I got up and retreated from him. HongGi was laughing then, so maniacally that I wish my fist was in his face that very moment.


“Oh, redface,” he sighed when he stopped laughing. “Why do you always try to please me?”


I really wanted to punch his face. But instead I held it in, and trying not to think about the 'bananas' incident, I walked away from him. I hope he wouldn't bring it up too, so I should get away from him as quickly as possible.


“Yaa,” he called, but I headed straight for the door. “Aren't you gonna thank me?”


Thank him? “For what?” I asked, a hand already on the doorknob.


“I saved you from falling the other day, remember?”


I rolled my eyes and unlocked the door.


“Did you have bananas for lunch today?”


Letting go of the knob, I tried hard not to explode into anger so I just stomped my feet once to rid off the anger. Then I heard him chuckle, delighted with what he did. I faced him and wanted to tell him to get stuffed, but then decided not to. So I just stuck out my tongue at him. But that made him more happy. He was so hateful!


I wasn't going to entertain the notion. I opened the door and started to leave but he had more to say. “Weren't you looking for something? This, maybe?”


I whirled around and saw my guitar in his hands. My baby! I quickly ran inside but he then hid it behind him.


“Aren't you forgetting something?” he raised his eyebrows and waited for me to answer.


“Mwo.” I said, putting a hand on my hips, too tired to argue.


“Your punishment!” he laughed, and then strummed my guitar like crazy. He was so gonna get it. “You need to do it before you deserve to get your guitar back!”


“Fine.” I heaved out a sigh and held out my hand to him.


“Mwo?” he blurted, blinking at me like he couldn't believe it. “You're gonna do it?”


“Ne, I'll do it. If I rearrange everything in this room, you'll give me my guitar back, right?”


He hesitated for a while and then nodded.


“You won't do anything erted to me again, right?” I asked, just to make sure. “All I have to do –”


“Do you want me to?” he smirked and winked at me.


“ANI!” I said sternly and threatened to punch him. He pretended to be scared and then laughed by his stupid self. “So I'll do it.” I gestured out my hand to him again.


Then he high-fived me. What an idiot!


“Give me the paper from before,” I couldn't help but chuckle. “Babo-ya.”


“Oh,” was all he could say as he searched his pockets. He was obviously embarrassed when he handed me the crumpled paper without a word. After that, he left with my guitar.


Then I started to carry out my miserable punishment. I just had to rearrange everything, it wasn't that difficult. Besides, at least I forgot about the fight I had with my bestfriend.










A/N: hello again! i hope you guys are doing well!^^

but it seems like i'm not. i don't think you guys even bother to read this (author's note), right?

because none of you replied to my questions. i am sad. TT,TT

maybe it's because i'm a bad writer. am i? TT,TT

i hope you guys take just a bit of your time to answer my questions. it's just some simple questions. TT,TT

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atheovia #1
This story is really good but it's so confusing D: Why's Hongki so crazy? Does Jonghun like her or..? And why did the main character have such a big fight with Minhwan for like.. no reason at all? And why is she always crying? e-e;; All the characters are somewhat bipolar it seems D: but I still like it so maybe if you write some more it'll be clearer?
winterflowr #2
I'm so confused...<br />
Minhwan seems so bipolar--and I'm not being biased, but shouldn't he apologize for not telling her about his dating Suzy? Plus, I think he even ditched their usual outing and lied O.o I kinda think it's all his fault<br />
And Jonghyun...is odd?<br />
Thank you for updating!
FairytalePerfection #3
Aaaaaw, Minhwan. <3
thanks for reading~<br />
bloody guy will be revealed soon! XD
FairytalePerfection #5
Oooooo!!!! Now who could the bloody guy be...
winterflowr #6
Theater activities fun! lol I'm going to watch my school musical tomorrow!<br />
I wanna the poster--put it up next chapter!<br />
FINALLY!!!The bloody nose guy returns! But...his nose didn't bleed...and he was around a girl?? Maybe his phobia is gone?<br />
Minhwan is such a jerk! He sooooo cut class with Suzy!<br />
Poor HongGi...she wasn't listening to him!<br />
Update soon!
winterflowr #7
At least she and HongGi are kinda okey now!<br />
Bring by the mystery guy PLEASE!!<br />
Oh...and you didn't write down any questions for this chappie for me to answer??<br />
<br />
Update soon!
FairytalePerfection #8
Aaaaaaaw. She's so sad.