The Right Time

Death Cannot Separate Our Love...

"Go, GiKwang! Go!" - GiKwang


*Apple's / NaYoung's POV*

*Ting tong* my apartment's bell ring, I bet it's Mira or the apartment people asking for the monthly fee.

"In a minute!" I shout and wash my hand after chopping some white onion.

When I open the door, it reveals Mira who stands right in front of me. She says, "Hey," I greet her back with a a smile and let her go inside the apartment.

"So, you just gone home from the vampires' mansion?" I ask and chuckle.

"Yeah," she answers while removing her jacket from her body and putting down her bag on the sofa.


"Can I?"

"Of course you can!" I laugh and head back to the kitchen.

"What will we have for dinner today?" she asks while washing her hands and stands beside me.

"We will have a soup and a kimchi that I made yesterday."

"Sure you are a great chef, Apple.. I'm a Korean but I don't know how to make a kimchi., though. Let me help you with cutting the vegetables."


Soon after we finish the soup, I fill the two bowl with a warm rice and bring it to the table. Then we eat the soup and the kimchi on the small dining table which can filled by two peoples only. So small, right?

"Apple, can I ask something?" she puts down her chopstick.

"Sure, go ahead," I say and put down my chopstick too.

"Did something bother your mind, Apple?" genius, Mira.. You know it. "I know when something bother your mind, Apple. Your mood is suddenly dropped down like that and made us worried and panic! Even GiKwang oppa were mad at us because we talked too much like a train!" she says without even taking a breath.

"Well, something bother my mind actually." finally I honest to her.

"Can you tell me, please?"

"So, when we finished our breakfast, GiKwang oppa said that he wanted to talked with YoSeob oppa personally. Then," I take a breath first. "I decided to go to the park to catched some fresh air and right at that time, I saw YoSeob and GiKwang oppa were talking there. Actually I was about to went out from there. But then I heard one word that made me wanted to hear their conversation more..." I pause and Mira furrow her eyebrows. "Death..."

"Ooooh," she says in long term then silences are make.

"Okay then, let's continue our dinner!" I say and smile forcely to her. I continue eating but she doesn't, she just keeps looking at me and somehow it makes me uncomfortable.

"Apple, you're such a poker face," I choke and look at her straightly.

"Yeah, you knew it already, Mira."

"You want to cry right now but you can't right?"

"Anni," I shake my head. "Not can't but I don't want to cry in front of my bestie and make her worried."

"Owh, c'mon, Apple," she stands up and sit beside me then pats my back. My tears start flowing unstoppable.

"M-Mira I-I d-don't want t-t-to lose t-the one t-t-that I l-love a-again," I sob and cry at her shoulder, she hugs me  tighter and keeps patting my back.

"Shht, Apple.. You won't lose him, believe me."

I ask her, "How about death?" and it makes her remain silent. I bet she doesn't know what to say.

"Apple, let's not talk about it right now, okay?" she releases the hug. "Now we should continue eating, shall we?" I nod and sweep my tears with the tissue that she gives me.

We finish our dinner and talk about the problems a bit. I say to her that I will ending up the relationship between him and me, but she say that I must think two times before doing it. Because, she says that sooner or later, after breaking him, I will regret it. The clock's short hand pointing to number eleven, it means that it's eleven PM already. I say Mira to go home before her mom panic.

"Are you sure you will be okay if I leave you alone?"

"Mira, I'm not a child anymore.. And now you sound like my eomma!"

"Haha, okay, I will be going now, byee, Apple!"

"Annyeong~!" I say and watch her walking to the lift and go inside it. I close the door and rest my back on the door. "Exhausting day.. I cry for the first time after JungHwa* death," I let out a sigh and go to the bathroom, taking a bath and take a rest.


*Pick a random name for her ex. boyfriend, LOL! Or maybe I should make her past with JungHwa? Hmm~


~ * ~


*GiKwang's POV*

Hmm, morning already? Where is Apple? Usually she is the one who tried to woke me up! I'm also confuse why can I woke up this morning? It's six AM only! Aww, I miss her! I hope her mood is normal already. Should I call her now? Okay I should call her now! I want to hear her cute voice in the morning to made my day! ♥ :D



"Yoboseyo?" Ah, I think I just interrupting her dreamland.

"Jagiya, are you awake now?"

"Yeah and you're the one who wake me up, weird.." she chuckles. "How can you woke up this morning? It's still.. Hmm.. six am, geez!"

"I don't know about that, too.. Why don't you come here, jagiya? I miss you already."

"Sheesh, lying."

"Ya! It's true that I miss you!"

"Okay, whatever, oppa."

"So, will you come today? And how's about your mood?"

"Yes, around eight AM. My mood? Well I'm still in a bad temper for some reason." no! Her mood is not fully recovered! Dx

"Some reason? Can you tell me what is it?"

"Later, 'kay? I have to go to the bathroom now, meet you later."

"Ne! Annyeong!" we hang up the phone at the same time.


Some reason? I'm really really curious about it! So what should I do now? Rolling on the bed, don't know what to do.. (GiKwang is crazy already! :p *punches by GiKwang's oppa fangirls*) eight AM? It's still two more hours! I don't know if I can wait or not! I'm die to boredom already now!

I jump off from my bed and go out from the room, wandering around the mansion.. Enjoying this peaceful atmosphere. Yeah, peaceful, because no one is wake up besides me! Should I make the breakfast for them? No, Kwang, you can't cook... Also you will wait patiently for Apple's breakfast! :3


~ * ~


*Apple's / NaYoung's POV*

I'm confuse now! How can GiKwang oppa woke up at this time? Weird -.- Oh anyway, I have to go to there today.. Yeah, I decided already that I will break up him today, this is the best way... After battling with my mind and heart, finally my mind won! But I'm still confuse how to say this to him. "Oppa, we will break up." or "Oppa, I have to ending up our love story." or "Oppa, we need to break up." GAH! I'M CONFUSE!

Okay, better waking up Mira now...



"Yo... bo... se... yo...?"

"Sleephead, wake up!"

"Bwoh?! Ne~"

"We will go to the vampires' mansion! Pick me up at seven! We need to arrive there right at eight!"

"Ne, Ne.. Chillax girl."

"Keke, sorry if I'm being too harsh.. See ya later!"

"Ne, bye~"


Taking a bath, drinking some milk and watch movie. Suddenly someone knock my door, I look to the clock that hanging on the wall and realize that it is seven AM already. Furiously I take my bag and open the door.

"Ready?" Mira asks.

"Yup!" I say and lock my apartment room before continue walking downstair, hop on to Mira's car and go to the vampires' mansion.


~ * ~


*GiKwang's POV*

*Ting tong* the mansion's bell is ringing! I look to the clock and it is eight AM already. YEAY! IT MUST BE HER!! Quickly I open the door and revealing two girls standing in front; Apple and Mira. Immediately I hug her and make her shock.

"Oppa, release me," she says with her cold tone. I immediately release her, doesn't want to make her mad again. The two of them come in and put their bag on the sofa. As usual, Mira gone off to waking up DooJoon hyung, so she just leave Apple and me behind, alone in the living room. We keep remain silent until she stands up.

"I want to cook something, do you want to come?" she asks, I nod. I don't know why but I'm afraid to do anything to her. I just follow behind her without even teasing (which I always do to her) nor holding her hand or the other else. Finally, I gather my braveness and when she opens the fridge door, I hug her from behind and place my chin on her shoulder.

"Mian, oppa, I'm not feel into it," she puts down my hand and releasing my hug. I pout and just walk to the table when the other hyungs and Mira walking inside the kitchen.

"Hyung, what happen?" DongWoon asks with his puzzle face. I point Apple and rest my chin on the table.

"Hey, Ap-" when JunHyung hyung about to call Apple, Mira close his mouth and shakes her head. Telling that it is a bad idea. JunHyung hyung know what she means and throw away his words.

We all remain silent, even when we are eating the breakfast! Apple face seems like.. No expression. I don't know what happen to her! I give a what-happen-to-her? glance to Mira, she shrugs mean she doesn't have any idea. Soon when all of us finish the breakfast, she takes all the plates and wash it by herself. Mira offers herself to help her, but she says, "It's okay," and give a slight smile to her. Mira come back to the table, hopeless.

When she finishes all the dishes, she passes Mira and says something to her. Mira nods and she goes out from the kitchen without saying anything to me nor to the other boys.

"What did she said?" DooJoon hyung asks.

"She said that she will go to the park to catch some air."

"Actually, what happen to her?" HyunSeung asks and no one can answer his question.

"Maybe she remembered again about his past bf's death?" suddenly Mira stops cleaning the table after hearing YoSeob's hyung words.

"Mira, what happen?" DongWoon speaks.

She sighs before saying, "Okay guys I will tell you what happen," all of us sit on the chair again and preparing ourself to hear what will Mira say.

"Yesterday she heardYoSeob's oppa and GiKwang's oppa conversation."

"What were you guys saying?" DooJoon hyung asks to both of us.

"GiKwang asked me what he had to do since Apple is a human and she will die sooner or later."

"And she heard about the death thing, which make her remembered about her past bf who died in front of her eyes," her words makes DongWoon gasp. "And she is thinking about the future between the two of you, oppa."

"Since she knew what you are talking already, I suggest you better go to her right now and talk about this thing clearly with her."

"Yeah, you should talk about it," JunHyung hyung agree.

"We will always support you!" YoSeob hyung, DongWoon and HyunSeung hyung says in syncs.

I stand up and about to go to the park when suddenly Mira says, "Don't make her hurt again for the second time, oppa," she smiles, pats my back and push me lightly to make me continuing my steps to the park.

"GOOD LUCK!" they say in sync, I smile and take my body to the park. Come on, Kwang! You can do it!

When I reach the park, I see her there, sitting on the bench and sighing heavily. Did our conversation torturing her this much? I walk slowly to her direction and sit beside her. She looks me with a puzzle expression. Before she could speak, I open my mouth first.

"Apple, we need to talk personally now," I say and look her. "I knew already that you heard my conversation," she widen her eyes.

"Mira...," she mumbles and it is loud enough for me to hear it.

"Don't blame her, let's go to my room and talk about this," she stands up, I take her hand and bring her to my room.


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Next chapter is the last chapter guys!

So prepare for it, haha!

I guess this chapter is too long! 0_o

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sounds interesting :)
anejae #2
Chapter 7: the ending haha cant stop laugh haha but its sweet . Love it
anejae #3
Chapter 2: i keep smiling when read chapter 2 haha
@joy_lovekpop haha xD until now, i don't know to choose either mira and apple turns into vampire / not :p
yeah you right...of course i choose mira turns into vampire too...
@ribbonyty aww, thank you :3 ahaha! then just thinking further more about their life in the future :p<br />
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@joy_lovekpop actually you can choose between she turns into a vampire too / not, haha.. up to you^^ sometimes letting the readers choose their ending is fun too, LOL! aww, thank you :3 and you're welcome :D
yes!!! Finally they don't break up...she turns into vampire...but how about mira and doojoon?? does she doesn't mind bout death that will seperate them?? i like the story anyway..and thanks 4 the happy ending..
ribbonyty #8
great story! and i choose apple to become vampire! hahahaha.... <br />
love it!
@justmeonly don't know.. you choose it, apple become vampire / not, hehe.. I make it end in cliff hanger, right?^^ either GiKwang really bite her or just kiss her neck like before in "My Boyfriend is a Vampire?" :D<br />
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mianhe~ because I will get in hiatus soon around 2 months, so i make it end fast either than losing all my readers and making my readers disappointed.. sorry >___<
kminjii #10
uh? over and apple become vampire? TT TT why you end it so fast? T.T