
Death Cannot Separate Our Love...

"It's time for me to ending up this love story..." - Apple


*Apple's POV*

Gosh! Why am I not thinking first before doing this? I just realized that the way from the mansion to the town is sooooooo looooong! And all that I can see so far are trees beside me. No one accompany me... Luckily this is afternoon, not dewfall or night! I don't wanna walk again, ever! Maybe I don't even pass half of this long journey! And the worst one is, there is no place for stopping! So I think I'll doing a picnic alone in the road? Hell no! I have to go back to my apartment before dewfall!! Or else I won't go back to my apartment, I bet; lost in all these trees!

Suddenly a cold breeze comes and it makes me have to put both of my hands inside my jacket. Ugh, now I miss GiKwang's oppa warmness.. Even though he is a vampire, knowing him around me always make me warm and comfortable... But back then, he made me remember about something called "death" again and makes me bad mood! I'm sorry, oppa.. I have to clear out of my mind first now. Still a long way? Oh, wait! I see the traffic of "rocky" road! It means I have to walk half more and I will reach the city! YEAY! But I'm really really tired now...

After walking about one hour more, finally I arrive in the city!! YEAY! I never think that I can pass that rocky road from the mansion down to the city! Yeay, I made it! Woot! Okay now I have to find a transportation to ride! Because my legs are shaking badly now, this must be because I walk to long!!

"Taxi!" the taxi stops right in front of me and I hope in to the taxi immediately. "Please go to XYZ Apartment," I say to the driver and he nods. Finally! I can relax my legs, ahhh..


~ * ~


*GiKwang's POV*

Oh no, now I'm really really afraid that something will happen with Apple! Okay, you have to call her, Kwang! You have to!



"Yoboseyo?" after hearing her voice makes me relieve... "Yoboseyo?" she says once again.

"Oh, Apple, are you okay?"

"Huh, yes I'm fine."

"You are not kidnap again, right?"

"What the heck are you talking, oppa?"

"Anni, just forget it.. I.. I..."


"I just worry about you, Apple... What's wrong with you? Please tell me if something distract you."

"Huh," I can hear she sighs. "I'm just in a bad temper, oppa. Nothing else wrong, okay?" "You don't have to worry about me," she adds.

"Okay then, Apple. What are you doing now?"

"In the taxi now and will go back to my apartment soon, taking a bath and eat? I guess..."

"Want me to accompany you?"

"What? Eating? Anni, it's far from there and I think I need some alone moment today."

"Nah, I mean taking a bath, want me to accompany you?" I hold my laugh.

"YA! WHAT ARE YOU SAYING, YOU ERT?!" she shouts at the phone and make me have to make a distance between the phone and my ear.

"Haha, stop it, Apple! You are hurting my ear! Well you know, I'm just joking around as always :p" I spontaneously stick my tongue out.

"Aish, you always tease me!"


"Okay I'm arrive in the apartment already.. Gotta take a bath now, byee~"

"Byee, Apple, saranghae, muah!" I could hear her laughs before she hangs up the phone.


Phew, glad that she is okay.. Bad temper? Hmmm.. I wonder why she gets bad temper easily so suddenly. Weird..



*Apple's / NaYoung's POV*

Wew, such an hardwork to acting that I'm okay.. Okay, you are such a good mask, Apple. Maybe you can laugh at the outside, but inside you are thinking about his and YoSeob's oppa conversation about the death things. I think I can't go to sleep tonight, thinking that things which are keep hangin' on my mind and can't be erase! How am I suppose to do? I think the best way is breaking him up... But am I sure doing this thing? I mean I still love him, I LOVE HIM A LOT AND NONE OF YOU KNOW HOW MUCH I LOVE HIM!

But I just can't keep acting like this, right? I don't want to lose any of my boyfriend again, ever! One more time losing it is more than enough.. MORE THAN! You don't know how it feels when you directly see your boyfriend dying in front of you. I don't want to lose him nor me who can't see him again. No, this is the best way, Apple. You have to face the reality... Human can't live forever, but vampire do. And I think, this is the best way to do... I'm sorry GiKwang oppa, but I have to say good bye to you...


~ * ~




Aww.. Apple will break up with GiKwang oppa soon!

And she is the one who will ending up their love story!

Also, without GiKwang knowing it.

Can readers help Apple and GiKwang so both of them won't break up?! Dx

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sounds interesting :)
anejae #2
Chapter 7: the ending haha cant stop laugh haha but its sweet . Love it
anejae #3
Chapter 2: i keep smiling when read chapter 2 haha
@joy_lovekpop haha xD until now, i don't know to choose either mira and apple turns into vampire / not :p
yeah you right...of course i choose mira turns into vampire too...
@ribbonyty aww, thank you :3 ahaha! then just thinking further more about their life in the future :p<br />
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@joy_lovekpop actually you can choose between she turns into a vampire too / not, haha.. up to you^^ sometimes letting the readers choose their ending is fun too, LOL! aww, thank you :3 and you're welcome :D
yes!!! Finally they don't break up...she turns into vampire...but how about mira and doojoon?? does she doesn't mind bout death that will seperate them?? i like the story anyway..and thanks 4 the happy ending..
ribbonyty #8
great story! and i choose apple to become vampire! hahahaha.... <br />
love it!
@justmeonly don't know.. you choose it, apple become vampire / not, hehe.. I make it end in cliff hanger, right?^^ either GiKwang really bite her or just kiss her neck like before in "My Boyfriend is a Vampire?" :D<br />
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mianhe~ because I will get in hiatus soon around 2 months, so i make it end fast either than losing all my readers and making my readers disappointed.. sorry >___<
kminjii #10
uh? over and apple become vampire? TT TT why you end it so fast? T.T