OnTae: Hyungs I have something to tell you...

「One-Shot Collection」SHINee One-shots

Foreword: Taemin was bored, mind numbingly bored so when he thought of an idea of what to do he went for it.

Taemin groaned, there was nothing to do as for once their schedules were empty. Normally he won't mind, in fact he would of been escatic but his hyungs where all staying in. Not that was a bad thing, he loved all his hyungs but he couldn't do his dirty plans with all of them there and besides they were all being lazy and not doing anything aside from sleeping, staying in bed and watching bad programs on the television. Boring, there was nothing to do. He grabbed his coat after deciding on going out for a walk in hopes to get a change in view and some fresh air.

"Where are you going?" Key yelled, his umma senses tingling and he turned to look at Taemin suspiciously, Taemin gave a nervous look at the door.

"Out?" He said hopefully, Key stood up and made his way towards Taemin, Taemin swallowed and backed away slowly. Key held out a pair of sunglasses and a thick scarf. Taemin took him looking questionably at Key, Key ruffled his hair.

"To make sure my Taebaby isn't recognized and then by pedo noonas." Key said before pecking him motherly on the forehead. Taemin grinned and put them on.

"Thanks umma." He said cheekily.

"How many times do I have to tell you, don't call me that! Be safe, though." Key said slightly annoyed, Taemin nodded and left.

He had been walking for a while, still incredibly bored until he had reached a chemists and got an idea by looking at the products though the window. He was going to have fun now.


Key's ears perked up as Taemin entered the room, well they would of if he was a cat or something. He looked to see that Taemin was still in one piece and had all his clothes on which was a relief. However he was concerned how Taemin had walked into the room slowly, dragging his feet as he stared dejectedly at the ground.

"Hey, Taebaby what's wrong." Key asked instantly leaping up as Taemin gave a sob, Onew once hearing the sob leap up as well but Minho and Jonghyun merely gave their dongsaeng a concerned look.

"I-I'm pregnant." Taemin stammered looking up with wide, teary eyes, Key choked and Onew suddenly went pale.

"Wha..." Key said in shock, then he narrowed his eyes "This better be  a joke, Lee Taemin." He said dangerously, Taemin pulled out two pregnancy tests, both of which screaming postive. Key stared at them blankly before Onew snatched them staring at them with incredibly wide eyes, Onew all of a sudden did not look so good. Minho and Jonghyun made their way over now and two stared at the tests before doing the same at Taemin's stomach.

"H-How is this possible?" Onew stuttered, then out of the blue Minho spoke up.

"I read about this." He said with a perfectly straight face, everyone turned to him in shock including Taemin.

"Where did you read about this?" Key asked surprised, Minho suddenly went red and looked at the ground.

"In a m-preg fanfic." He admitted, if Minho's before line did not shock them, this one did. They did not know that Minho had read fan fictions yet alone ones.

"What pairing?" Jonghyun asked curiously, getting over the surprise quickly, Minho coughed incredibly embarrassed.

"JongKey." He murmured, Jonghyun gave him an approving smile.

"JongKey forever." He said proudly making Minho look up and then they exchanged a high-five of bro-ness, Key went slightly red at the admittance of both of them liking JongKey.

"Wait... who's the father?" Key asked all of the sudden, Taemin looked at the ground going bright red, "Well who corrupted my baby's innocence, it better have not been a pedo noona!" Onew began having a cough attack and ended up on the floor. Taemin was by the leader in no time.

"Ah! Jinki, you okay?" Taemin asked using his real name rather than his stage name. Minho, Jonghyun and Key gave each other questioning looks.

"I'm fine, how are you though?" Onew asked, Taemin gave a weak smile.

"In need of an award." He said, Onew raised an inquisitive eyebrow. "I'm not actually pregnant, it was just a prank as I was bored." He admitted gaining incredulous looks.

"W-What about the tests?" Key asked, Taemin gave a nervous laugh.

"Black pen through the negatives to make them positive." He admitted, Key frowned.

"But I really wanted to be a grandma!" Key cried disappointedly, but then his face took on a serious look. "Who was the dad though." He asked, Taemin looked at Onew far too long to not be suspicious.

"It's Onew isn't it." Key said , Taemin and Onew gave him a horrified look.

"How did you know! I mean... you sly fox." Onew said, Key suddenly shoved them both into the bedroom.

"Go make me grandchildren!" He yelled.

A/N: I read some m-preg fics lately and this idea was born

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Chapter 10: Aww sneaky Jonghyun and shy Taemin so cute?
Chapter 1: Oh so funny ? I really enjoyed this story
Chapter 2: hahahaha 'go make me grandchildren!'
Chapter 10: Awesome ending!!! Muwahhaahahaha
Chapter 5: Awesome ending! XD
Chapter 5: "I hate the way your lips and the way you swing your hips tease me so!" - Oh my god. That was hell funny :PP
Chapter 17: Omg.All of these were so cute! <33
Chapter 2: "Go and make me grandchildren!" HA!
SadisticSinner #9
Really?! A sequel?! O.O Oh yea! Please make one! I so fell in love with your story xD
luciole #10
#Chapter 4
omfg!!!! So cuuuute!!!