OnKey: Even more than chicken?

「One-Shot Collection」SHINee One-shots

Foreword: Onew likes Key... a lot. But does he like him more than chicken? Key isn't too sure.

Key snuggled into Onew's side as they watched television, of all of his fellow SHINee members, Key always decided to lean on Onew rather than Taemin, Jonghyun or Minho. Why? Because Key loves him of course. And Onew was just so snuggly and adorable, once you hug him you'd know. But you can't hug him as he's Key's all Key's! 

But actually he wasn't just Key's and that was the problem. Onew's heart also belonged to something else and Key was afraid that some day that thing would steal Onew away from him completely, it's greasy paws (or should it be wings?) were constantly  tugging at Onew, seductively tempting him with it's tanned skin as it lay so elegantly on the bed sheet without shame about who ever saw its sized s, trying to lead Onew away from Key forever. That thing was...

Chicken. What did you expect a person? Yeah right, as if Onew would ever leave Key for another person, Key was clearly one of the most talented and beautiful people out there, you would be a fool to leave him especially considering he could cook chicken so amazingly.

Gr... chicken. Have you ever been jealous of a bird? A dead, cooked bird of all things. Key has, is, probably will be for the rest of his life. But seriously that certain dead, cooked bird kept stealing his boyfriend away from him so how could he not be jealous! Onew couldn't keep his hands off it! He had more skinship with chicken and he did Key and he was not actually joking. He often found himself competing against it for Onew's attention but losing.

He even dressed up in tight, tight shorts and an equally tight shirt which showed off his entire shoulder and Onew still did not notice him over the freaking chicken! Yes, he was developing an inferiority complex to that thing, but could you really blame him once you heard Onew moan chicken in his sleep whilst having a dirty dream. Seriously? Who did that?

Key did not notice it but he was soon crying, it was getting too much for him, it was like Onew was cheating on him but worst because he was getting cheated on with a dead animal. Wasn't he even good enough to be cheated on with a human?

"Sh, I trying to watch this." Onew said, dismissing Key's sobs because he was so freaking interested in a chicken documentary, it was at last too much for Key. He had enough of being second best to a piece of meat. He stood up crying and ran out the door. Minho, Taemin and Jonghyun all looked at him worriedly and Jonghyun went to follow him but Minho held him back saying that he needed time alone. Onew didn't he was too captured watching his beloved chicken.

Key ran out into the streets not even looking to where he was going, it did not matter anyway. Besides how could he see through his tears even if he tried to look? All of a sudden he heard a screech of tyres, a jolting pain went through his body and it was went dreadfully black.


Beep. Beep. Beep. There was that sound when he woke up, it was annoying and repeative but for some reason he felt glad that it was continuing, it felt as if something bad would happen if it stopped. He looked around, everything was slightly blurry at first and it was all very white. Was this heaven? Did he die?

The room came into focus and an anxious familar face popped up, making his heart sink. It was Minho, not Onew... where was Onew? Did he honestly not care that much? Minho was crying, the tears did not seem likely to ever stop.

"Key, Key, Key, I thought you were dead, I'm so sorry, I should of let Jonghyun go after you." Minho sobbed as he blamed himself for what happened even though it was not his fault. Key wrapped his arms brotherly around Minho to comfort him even though his body felt as if he had been trampled by a stampede of angry cows.

"It's okay, it's no one's fault but my own, I should of known better than to run into the road." Key said, Minho laughed weakily.

"Tell that to Onew, he's been beating himself up worst than me, he even hasn't touched chicken ever since we heard the news. He won't eat, he won't sleep." He said, Key's eyes widened, Onew had stopped eating chicken? Was he really more important than chicken to him?

"I want to see him." Key said, Minho nodded and left to return with Onew less than a minute later, it looked as if they had ran all the way, Minho nodded at Key and left sensing they needed to be left alone.

"Key! I'm so sorry, I should have noticed you were upset!" Onew said crying far worst than Minho had, Key felt close to tears at the sight of him. "I'm so glad you're okay!" He said flinging his arms around Key who at last began to cry.

"You really do love me then..." Key said, tears streaming like a waterfall of sorrows, Onew frowned.

"Of course, you pabo, I'll always love you, you're the most important thing in the universe." He said cupping Key's cheeks.

"Even more than chicken?"

"I would never eat chicken again as long as you're safe." Onew said sincerely.

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Chapter 10: Aww sneaky Jonghyun and shy Taemin so cute?
Chapter 1: Oh so funny ? I really enjoyed this story
Chapter 2: hahahaha 'go make me grandchildren!'
Chapter 10: Awesome ending!!! Muwahhaahahaha
Chapter 5: Awesome ending! XD
Chapter 5: "I hate the way your lips and the way you swing your hips tease me so!" - Oh my god. That was hell funny :PP
Chapter 17: Omg.All of these were so cute! <33
Chapter 2: "Go and make me grandchildren!" HA!
SadisticSinner #9
Really?! A sequel?! O.O Oh yea! Please make one! I so fell in love with your story xD
luciole #10
#Chapter 4
omfg!!!! So cuuuute!!!