OnTae: Let me date him in peace!

「One-Shot Collection」SHINee One-shots


Foreword: Onew loves Taemin a lot but there's just one thing which he doesn't like about their relationship. Taemin's three older brothers, who were so fond of Taemin that they have to stalk every date to make sure he was treating Taemin right. It was mainly that Key, seriously you would think that he was his mother than his brother! Sheesh.

Onew smirked at his boyfriend of a month now, the boy was waving wildly across the park. A whole wonderful month of being with the amazing, beautiful person which was Taemin, if perfection had a form it would be Taemin. Never before in all his years that he been happier than with Taemin, he was happier with him than the day he had won a ticket to an all you can eat chicken buffet. Yeah, that was how much he loved him.

"Jinki hyung!" Taemin yelled running straight into Onew's arms. Taemin was the only person outside Onew's family to constantly call him by his birth name but he did not mind at all as he saw it as a sign that Taemin would soon become part of his family (hopefully by marriage to him, kekeke). Onew smiled even brighter and swung the younger, now giggling boy around.

He was just so cute, he could eat him all up. But he wouldn't because unlike chicken (his second love in life, Taemin being the first) Taemin was not edible. But he wouldn't mind having a taste of Taemin's beautiful, unblemished skin and marking it and Taemin as his own. No, he wouldn't mind that at all.

But to do that he had to get rid of their stalkers. Did they honestly think they couldn't see them hiding behind that tree? They were even worst at hiding than Taemin (A/N: Like on the first episode of Hello Baby when he 'ran away' and hid), it was actually difficult NOT to notice their bright, fashionable clothing. There was also the fact that Minho was too tall to hide properly, Jonghyun was getting attacked by ducks for some reason and Key's brightly coloured hair which had been most recently dyed a green colour.

They were appalling at not drawing attention to themselves whilst stalking yet for some insane reason Taemin seemed utterly oblivious to his three older brothers who had clearly followed the boy from his house to his date at the park.

"Taemin, we can company again ." Onew said pecking Taemin on the nose and gesturing towards Key, Minho and Jonghyun who all ducked fruitlessly when Taemin turned, fruitless as it clear where and who they were even when ducking, Taemin groaned and laid his head on Onew's shoulder.

"Why do they always follow us?" Taemin asked annoyed, Onew managed a small smile and ruffled the younger boy's hair.

"They're just very protective." Onew said softly, Taemin sighed sadly.

"Too protective." He said sourly and leaned up to give Onew their first lip to lip kiss but Key popped out of nowhere and ended up between them stealing the kiss from Taemin. He squealed and hugged his younger brother tightly.

"I knew you still loved me the best!" Key yelled nearly deafening his dongsae and he began pulling him away from Onew over to Jonghyun and Minho had given up at trying (and failing) to hide.

"Tonight still on?" Onew yelled waving, Taemin nodded and blushed. Onew grinned, at last they could have a proper date as there was no way they could follow them to the restaurant seeing as they had no car.

Key looked at his younger (minion) brother, Minho, once Onew's car had left the driveway with Taemin in the front seat with him and Jonghyun snuck away in the boot. He was to text them his position when OnTae arrived at where ever they were going. He was then going to watch them and until Minho and Key arrived on this to take over the job, what could possibly go wrong?


"Is it me or is that dinosaur-ish looking woman looking at us..." Onew said nervously looking over at a woman wearing a red flowery dress which seemed to be stuffed with pillows, huge sunglasses even though they were inside a restaurant, not to mention a floppy straw hat over her suspiciously yellow curly hair.

"I don't know, probably not, it just seems like that because of her sunglasses." Taemin said looking closely at the woman, who hurriedly pulled up her newspaper, which was again suspicious after all this was a fancy restaurant rather than a simple cafe which sold doughnuts, coffee and pastries.

"She's quite ugly though." Onew said, Taemin gasped amused.

"Hyung's that, rude." He said, looking away once the woman looked at them apparently over hearing them, she looked annoyed and began to talk on her phone. She had quite muscular arms for a woman, Onew noticed as she lifted her arm causing her sleeve of her dress to drop. He pointed it out to Taemin, who giggled and hid his face behind their menu to avoid the glare he was sure he was getting. Onew smiled and leaned forward, placing his face behind the menu as well. Their faces where about to meet when the menu was pulled up all of a sudden shocking them and causing them to jump back. 

A waiter with blond hair, feline eyes which were familiar for some reason and an very bushy mustache smiled at them.

"Have you decided what you want to eat?" He questioned in an unusual, very thick accent. Taemin looked at Onew who smiled and took Taemin's hand.

"Anything with chicken." Onew said, Taemin giggled and pointed at a random meal in the menu, he didn't care about the food as long as he had Onew with him. The waiter smiled too brightly and nodded before hurrying off. Onew smiled weakly, couldn't they have a proper kiss without being interrupted.

"I feel as if Key cursed me." Taemin sighed looking at the table upset, Onew frowned at Taemin's sad tone, neither noticing the dino lady and the waiter conversing before eavesdropping curiously.

"What? How?" Onew asked, Taemin leant down on the table pouting.

"I can never get a proper kiss, Key has always been scaring away all my boyfirneds and interrupting us. In fact, you're the longest lasting one I had, most leave by the end of the week." Taemin groaned, he did not seem happy, Onew sighed and went over to his boyfriend and hugged him.

"Hey, if he didn't send them running, you may have never been mine, so I'm grateful to him. Also he was only protecting you from creeps and people who would break your heart, so I'm grateful for that too, I would hate to know you've ever been hurt." Onew then pulled Taemin's hand to his mouth and kissed it lovingly. "Besides I don't blame him for not wanting to let you go, I don't but don't think he'll be able to get rid of me as I love you too much." Taemin blushed and weepingly hugged Onew tight.

"Well, I'm glad he did too as now I have someone as loving as you." Taemin said softly, Onew smiled.

"I guess we have to thank him when we next see him, and Jonghyun and Minho." Onew said and brought his hand to Taemin's chin and tilted it upwards and went to kiss him.


Jonghyun's eyes widened under his sunglasses and he went to stop the kiss but Key grabbed hold of his arm, stopping him. Jonghyun turned to him curiously. Key had tears running down his face and he rubbed them off irritated succeeding in taking off his fake mustache.

"No, Taemin found the right one now. We have to let him go." Key said before sobbing, Jonghyun smiled softly and brought his brother to his chest to comfort him. Minho dressed up as an old man looked from the at last kissing OnTae and Key sobbing into Jonghyun's chest. He shrugged and decided to go creep out some young women.

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Chapter 10: Aww sneaky Jonghyun and shy Taemin so cute?
Chapter 1: Oh so funny ? I really enjoyed this story
Chapter 2: hahahaha 'go make me grandchildren!'
Chapter 10: Awesome ending!!! Muwahhaahahaha
Chapter 5: Awesome ending! XD
Chapter 5: "I hate the way your lips and the way you swing your hips tease me so!" - Oh my god. That was hell funny :PP
Chapter 17: Omg.All of these were so cute! <33
Chapter 2: "Go and make me grandchildren!" HA!
SadisticSinner #9
Really?! A sequel?! O.O Oh yea! Please make one! I so fell in love with your story xD
luciole #10
#Chapter 4
omfg!!!! So cuuuute!!!